A Case of Incompatibility

Rei let his back hit the backrest of the bench. Sighing, he leaned his head back to stare at the empty sky above. He is in a parking lot near the club they went to. He felt so tired. Maybe it is because of what happened. After all the commotion inside the club earlier and like he had foreseen, Sen dragged their group to join Rei and their table. Sen just won't let him go and begged him to point where their table is located so he had no other choice.

Since it is Sen, they already expect that their peaceful evening will be filled with him, bothering Shiori. But this time, he is not only bothering the blonde Omega but also Yasuko while shouting, "Let me in your club!" and leaning closer to her. The dark brown-haired Beta just stares at him like he is crazy and looking so done with him. Either thinking of throwing the blonde outside or maybe punching him in his guts. Rei didn't know what she is planning but he hopes the blonde Alpha will still be alive after. Meanwhile, Shiori was trying to push him away from Yasuko and scold him. As if it was that easy to join Yasuko's Karate Team in the first place...

Before the scene gets messy because of Sen's blood (God, bless his soul), Rei prays for him before deciding to leave the club and be alone for a while. The exact reason why he is currently in the parking lot. He closed his eyes as he tries to focus on the rustling leaves. The wind hitting them creates a relaxing atmosphere for the red-haired. What a nice quiet night. Alone with just his thoughts...

"Here you are."

A monotonous voice coming from beside him made Rei snap his head up, startled before turning his head to look at the person who spoke. He blinked, staring and watching Yasuko sigh before sitting beside him. She crossed her arms and let her back hit the backrest. She was staring at the cars in front of them before speaking, "I was looking everywhere for you."

"Why are you here outside? Shouldn't you be with Shiori?" Rei raised a brow, looking in the same direction as his friend.

"And listen to Sen's voice?" Yasuko can't help but scrunch her face, "Tsk. No way. That bastard was too loud. I rather listen to the brat's voice."

Rei shook his head as he laugh, "Brat? You always call him that but you can handle him well. And, you love him."

"I'm 'trying' to handle him, but he's a pain in the ass..." Yasuko sighed, giving him a side glance.

Rei was shocked when he first learned about Yasuko's younger brother. He's in elementary school and looks a lot like her but nothing like her. At all. He didn't think that Yasuko will be the middle child with the way she handle herself. She is someone you will think of as the first child. She is responsible and serious about her goals. She is also a workaholic and tends to be harsh to herself just to achieve it. Just to make her parents proud. Even though, she is the second one to inherit their 'business' as she calls it.

"Then?" Rei tilted his head, "Don't let me you already punched Sen?"

Yasuko didn't answer which caused Rei to nervously look at her until she loudly sighed, "I want to. But with the way he is acting? It will be more troublesome."

"Y-Yeah. He looks like the stubborn type." Rei muttered to himself, internally sighing in relief. Thank goodness, they don't have to clean up a dead body...

Yasuko clicked her tongue before closing her eyes, "Tsk. I hate guys like him."

"Eh? Really?" Rei raised a brow, grinning as he returned his attention to the dark brown haired beside him.

'This is getting interesting.' he thought to himself when he noticed how Yasuko frown. It's the first time he saw her being bothered about something other than their school works and their household. Is Sen that much of a bother? For Yasuko, yes. Other than her younger brother, it was the first time she talk with someone so stubborn that she can't help but feel irritated. She doesn't want to be around him and wants to go home for today. Just for the sake of her peaceful mind.

As if someone heard Yasuko's wish, the two were stopped in their thoughts when a loud groan of frustration can be heard coming closer in their direction. They turned their head in the direction of the noise and saw Shiori who's pouting with two bags in one hand and her bag on her shoulder. She is walking with Kyou who has one of his hands in his pocket as he uses the other to scratch the back of his neck in annoyance, looking in the other direction to avoid the blonde who's still muttering on her breath.

"Why do you have to bring him here anyway?" Shiori groaned, rolling her eyes. "He ruined our girls' night!"

Kyou shook his head as he sighed, "How many times do I have to tell you that I was dragged here? I don't want to come."

"Hmph!" Shiori turned her head to the side, pouting but stopped when she noticed the two staring at them,  "Ah! There you two are!"

Rei watched as his friend run towards them, his gaze stopping at the black-haired Alpha following behind her. He understands that Shiori is looking for them but why is Kyou there? Won't his friends look for him when he leaves? Shiori stopped in front of the two, placing the two bags between them and leaning closer with both of her fists on her waist.

She pouted before whining, "I was looking everywhere! Why did you leave me inside?"

"Sorry. I just want to take some breather." Rei smiled brightly, trying to act innocent before Yasuko squint her eyes as if suspicious about him.

She then turned her head towards Yasuko who immediately looked in the other direction, avoiding their gaze. "I want to calm myself down."

Shiori crossed her arms again, turning her head towards Kyou who's standing beside her. Rei and Yasuko also looked at Kyou who just turned his head towards them. The three of them blinked which creeped out the Alpha with the way Shiori is also glaring at him. What the hell is wrong with the three of them?

"What?" Kyou raised a brow, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You have to take responsibility." Shiori flat out said, squinting her eyes.

"Responsibility? About what?" Kyou asked, confused.

"Since you brought Sen and ruined our girl's night," Shiori forced a smile, "You have no choice but to take us home."

Kyou blinked, "And why would I do that?"

"It's because I told you so." Shiori gave him a wide smile and tilted her head to the side, trying to act cute in front of him before turning around, scanning each car parked in the lot. "You brought your car, no?"

"Wait. I didn't agree to take---"

"It's this one, right?" Shiori asked, pointing at a glossy black Ferrari before walking closer to it.

Kyou placed his hand on his forehead and starts massaging it, feeling a headache forming. He had been friends with Shiori for a long time now but he didn't know how to handle her when she gets too stubborn. She is the most stubborn person there is. He didn't even know why Sen likes her. Is it because they are completely alike? But... Can two stubborn people work out? He just knows that the outlook isn't as good. I will be a case of incompatibility.

"It is definitely this one," Shiori muttered to herself, cupping her hands beside her cheek and leaning against the car window to look at the inside.


"Then open it and let's go!" The blonde-haired Beta then turned her head towards them and waved her hand, motioning to the two. "Rei! Yako! I will sit in the front~"

The two casually walked past Kyou, who had no choice but to follow them as he groaned under his breath, "Ugh. She never changed..."