Half Empty

'Ugh. So noisy.' The red-haired Omega mentally groaned to himself. He had his back laid comfortably on the backrest of a particular Alpha's car seat as he had his eyes closed, trying to rest for a bit while they are on the way home. They all decided to drop him first in his apartment since Shiori said: "Just to make sure." To make sure of what exactly? Rei didn't know. He, therefore, decided to rest but the two at the front won't let him since they kept bickering at each other. The worst is that they keep bickering for the whole ride since they sat in Kyou's car. 'It's been an hour already. Give me a break.'

"Why are you so stingy? I just want to listen to some music!" Shiori scowled at Kyou, slapping the Alpha's hand which was used to turn the music off for the nth time.

Kyou sighed, running a hand through his hair, "I'm not being stingy, Shio. I just want to focus on driving."

"But I'm getting sleepy," Shiori whined, lazily squinting her eyes and looking so done.

"Then sleep. No one is forcing you to stay up. Besides, we are almost there." Kyou placed both of his hands on the steering wheel, sitting up straight.

Shiori sighed, crossing her arms and looking outside the window. "But I don't want to sleep. I won't get any sleep later if I sleep now."

"Then just shut up. Why are you so confusing, Woman..." The black-haired Alpha mumbled to himself, scowling at his friend's attitude and focusing on the road in front of him.

Shiori looked in Kyou's direction, raising a brow at him then it turned quiet for a minute. 'Oh, please continue being quiet for a while' Rei closed his eyes tightly as he wished for them to be quiet much longer. But to his disappointment, he heard Shiori's cheerful voice which made him mentally groan. She was trying to find a chance to open the stereo and waited for a little until Kyou drop his guard down.

"Chance!" The blonde Beta immediately leaned forward to reach out for the switch, her cheerful voice echoed in the car. "Let me play some music then~"

"I told you..." Kyou slapped her hand, "No."

Shiori snatched her hand away, her other hand grabbing onto her other wrist as she pouted, "Ow! Kyou, you idiot!"

"Shiori..." A solemn voice came from the person sitting beside Rei who mumbled to herself before sighing.

Rei slowly opened his eyes, totally giving up on his rest, and thought: 'Fuck rest.' He looked at the person beside him and saw their dark brown-haired friend shaking her head. It was Yasuko, whose peaceful night was also ruined by the Shiori and Kyou. She was busy relaxing, looking at her side of the window when her attention was directed to the commotion in front of the car. She just then decided to watch them bickering. Because it's interesting...

Yasuko knew how stubborn Shiori is and she must admit, it's kind of irritating. But being the middle child herself and having to raise her little brother, she was used to kids. Yes, she compared Shiori to a kid. She's cute but also so stubborn. She's a little spoiled but she knew what she wants so that's considered a bonus. There was also another kid in her mind but she rather not talk about it. For Rei and Yasuko, it's a wonder how Kyou and Shiori were friends. They are always shouting at each other. But judging from the way they talk, it seems like they are really close. How nice...

Kyou put the handbrake, turning the engine off before looking at Shiori. "We're here."

"Oh! We're already here?" Shiori starts looking around before peaking at the back seat, "You two can go. I'll just stay here."

"Okay. I'll be back." Yasuko mumbled, opening the car door to her right before stepping out.

She starts walking away from the car and looked at her back, expecting her red-haired friend already following her from behind but raising a brow when she found out that Rei hasn't even gotten out of the car. Back inside the car, Rei was awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. He was looking everywhere which made the blonde Beta tilt her head to the side and take a glance at Kyou who had his arms crossed.

She turned her attention back to her friend before asking, "Is there something wrong, Rei?"

"Ah. N-No." Rei faked a smile and laugh, "Nothing."

"Are you sure?" Shiori asked, moving her whole body to kneel on the seat she was in and to lean closer to her friend.

Rei turned his gaze to Kyou who was already looking at him, brow frowning and raising a brow at him when their eyes met. He immediately shifted his gaze outside to look at the building where he and Haruo are staying. His face and eyes slowly turned lifeless. Is he ready to go inside and face him? No. The question should be: What will he do when he faced him? Will he shout at him? Kick him? Or break up with him? Ha! As if he can do that...

After what happened last night, Rei didn't know what to do. All of his dreams for the both of them felt... Pointless. Like he was stuck in a bottomless pit and feeling alone. He felt hopeless. Setting aside the fact of whether Haruo was cheating or not, the silence he received that night made him question everything. He didn't know what to think or what to believe anymore. Will he believe the things he saw or the way Haruo acted when he confronted him about it? Maybe hold on to the blind faith he had because of those passionate nights they both spent together? Will he still hang on to Haruo even if it hurts? What the hell is this situation... He wants to get away from it. He wants to run away. Anyone... Please get him out of it...

"Rei?" Shiori starts waving her hand in front of the Omega, "Earth to Rei?"

Rei blinked, immediately turning his head to look at Shiori before faking a laugh. "Oh! I'm sorry. I was---"

"It will be fine! Yako and I are here if you need us. Oh!" Shiori grins, pointing at the person to her right. "And Kyou, of course."

"Why are you dragging me onto whatever you both are thinking?" Kyou grimaced, the side of his mouth curling up in disgust.

Shiori glared at him. "Shut up, Stupid Kyou."

"Shi..." Rei mumbled, his heart-melting at what his friend just said. His shoulders and head dropped down as he relaxed his jaw, releasing his lower lip which he didn't realize he was biting before slowly smirking. His smirk then turned into a chuckle. He is such an idiot. What is he thinking looking for someone else when he had them? Ahh. Curse this habit of seeing the glass half empty...

"So," Shiori smiled widely, gesturing a phone and putting it near her ear. "Give me a call when something happens, okay?"