Her Omega

In contrast to how much they are bickering with each other, Kyou and Shiori were then inside the car and just minding their own business. Surprisingly, they are not speaking or bickering with each other. People may think that they are tired of speaking too much but a little time of quietness is nice, right? Shiori was busy looking outside of her side of the window and immersing in her own thoughts while Kyou has his eyes closed, trying to take a nap. That's right. It's nice to have comfortable silence.

The black-haired Alpha slowly opened his eyes, giving a side glance to Shiori who now has her phone in her hand before opening his mouth, "Say..."

"What?" Shiori raised a brow at him, glaring at him behind her phone as a shield. "If you will scold me about something then stop."

"Seriously?" Kyou sighed, massaging his temple and looking outside the window. Why does he have to be friends with a kid?

"I'm kidding." Shiori cheekily grins, chuckling at his reaction and placing her phone in her bag before she faced him, "What is it?"

Kyou sighed, turning his head around to look at the Omega. "Well, I'm just wondering..."

"About?" Shiori raised a brow at him, tilting her head to the side.

"If you hate Sen or not?" Kyou seriously asked, looking into her eyes to see if she will honestly answer him.

Shiori blinked, dumbfounded at his question before huffing, "Ha! What are you talking about? I don't hate him."

Kyou's mouth dropped at what he heard, analyzing Shiori's face. If there are any hints of a lie in her words or if she is just joking. Maybe a small smile should do but the blonde Omega's face remained stoic as she stared directly at him. The Alpha blinked. Wait. What? Did he hear it correctly? She didn't hate Sen?

"He's a good guy." The Omega turned her gaze back to the window in front of them, looking from afar and deep in her thoughts. "Childish but a good guy, nonetheless."

'You're both childish.' is what he want to say back to her but he decided not to. Those kinds of statements should be kept inside his head instead of saying to Shiori who he didn't know how will react. She will whether glare at him or give him a sarcastic remark. Even punch him or slap him on his shoulder. Maybe even all of it. He then took a deep breath and follow Shiori's gaze, analyzing the building where Rei and Yasuko have gone to.

"Then why are you avoiding him?" he asked, still fixated on the building and analyzing each apartment's layout.

"Umm... I don't know!" Shiori shrugged, both of her hands raising up to her shoulders with her palm facing up before sighing and glancing at Kyou. "Why are we even talking about this kind of topic?"

Kyou then turned his gaze towards Shiori, looking so done. "Just curious. It's like you are always running away."

"Ah!" Shiori huffed, "Running away? Running away from what exactly?"

"I don't know. It's just that..." Kyou shrugged, shifting his gaze to the side to avoid Shiori's intense glare.

"What?" Shiori squinted her eyes, raising a brow at the Alpha.

Kyou took a glance at her, sighing as he faces her, "Look. Every time someone took an interest in you, you always shove them away."

"Shove them away?" Shiori's eyes widened, sitting up straight and looking giving off a confused look. "What do you mean 'shove them away'?"

"It is either you will avoid them or you will stop talking with them. Completely." Kyou slightly leaned his head forward to give emphasis on the last word.

Shiori huffed in annoyance and shifted her head to the side as she pouted, "No, I don't."

"See. You're avoiding it, Shio. Do you have trust issues or something?" Kyou asked, raising a brow at her.

"I am..." Shiori tilted her head, thinking about it for a while before glaring at her best friend, "Not!"

"Then have a date with Sen." Kyou sighed, crossing his arms and letting his backrest comfortably on his seat before closing his eyes.

The black-haired Alpha felt the car bounce a little when Shiori shifted her position to face him as she gapes in shock. "What?! No way! And why are you helping him anyway?! Aren't I your best friend?!"

"It's just a little date. Why are you so against it?" Kyou sighed, opening his eyes and tilting his head to the side to stare at the Omega.

Shiori avoided his gaze to look outside the window, sitting comfortably. When she had her back on the backrest of her seat, she starts to think of how to answer that question. It's not like she didn't want to date Sen. Like she said, he is a good guy. With his efforts? A nice catch even. But having someone to confess to you that he or she likes you especially if it's a friend? She didn't know how to react. It was the same back then.

She remembers it clearly. How children sounded laughing as they play in the little playground and how the leaves rustle as the wind hit them, how the warm afternoon wind hit her cheeks and made her blonde hair sway. Her friend called her to talk and weirdly, her friend decided to meet up in the park where they frequently played. The blonde Omega didn't bother to remove the hair strand brushing on her nose which is kinda funny how it made her look dumb with the way she gapes in shock at what she just heard.

"W-What did you say?" Shiori stuttered to her dark-blue-haired friend who was standing in front of her smiling but her sad, lonely eyes say otherwise.

"Be my Omega, Shio."

Shiori stopped when she felt Maple Syrup scent surrounding her, her legs feeling weak as her friend stares at her. She didn't know how to react to that so she did the thing she was used to doing. She ran away. To where? Her home. A stupid move, she admits but she didn't know how to react. Her face felt hot all of a sudden and her heartfelt like its gonna burst any moment. Her legs felt weak and she sat on the floor when she went home.

It didn't feel weird hearing it from an Alpha girl like she imagined, unlike male Alphas. It even felt warm... Maybe she's embarrassed. Right! Embarrassed. How could she confess to her like that? They are a bunch of 12-year-olds! But no, she learned that it triggered her heat and she was sick for 3 days. She didn't know what it was or why she went into heat. But it will be fine, right?

Little did she know, she will immediately regret that she ran because she heard from her Mom that her friend already moved abroad. Just when she is already well and ready to face her. She didn't even get to tell her what's inside her mind. What will she say? That she will be her Omega? She didn't know. She just knew that she needs to talk to her, to see her. But it's too late.

That was the last time Shiori visited that park. Though, she didn't know what she felt back then she felt sad. She felt alone and disappointed. It was like what happened in the park is all just a dream. She expected her friend to be always be there but she didn't. She left her. It was in her teenage years that she learn what she felt back then, her friend's pheromone that triggered her heat.

Kotone Konya's pheromone.

  1. Omega's heat (or Rut in Alpha) usually lasts from 3-5 days. Sometimes, it can reach up to a week but it depends on the author but I will follow the 3-5 days.
  2. I don't know when Omega starts their heat but let's just assume that it starts at the average age of 11-12 years old since it is around that age people starts puberty.