The First Step of Revenge!


Qin Feng stared at his empty space in front of him and whispered!

Suddenly, across from him, there was a person who appeared, looking exactly the same as him!

This person was condensed out of the air by Qin Feng.

"Left Hand."

His heart beating wildly, and Qin Feng whispered.

The left hand of the copy was raised.

"Right Hand."

Then the right hand was lifted this time.

Qin Feng couldn't believe it. This was the great power of the heavens and the earth, and he actually learned it so quickly.

This was truly magical power.

Magical spells, although connected, have some essential differences. As long as someone was a cultivator, they could acquire spells. But the avatar was the absolute sublimation of magic. To create an avatar, the lowest level a cultivator could be was Dalojin Xian.

It was known from the memory of Sun Wu Kong's Inheritance that even in the same year, Sun Wu Kong, who was born with a world-level talent, spent a full thirty-three days to comprehend the essence of the heaven and the earth.

To become proficient with the use of the avatar spell, Sun Wu Kong took nearly a month.

This was Sun Wu Kong. If you compared it to a person with ordinary talent, even if you gave him the method of uniting the miraculous powers, he would probably not understand it for decades, centuries, millennia, or even his whole life.

Qin Feng's heart was pounding...was he so talented?

Impossible, the metamorphosis of Sun Wu Kong was already the crown of the worlds. He was just a man in a small world, if his understanding was higher than that of Sun Wu Kong, then there was something wrong with existence itself.

And all of a sudden ...Qin Feng thought of an explanation. It was this explanation that made him ecstatic.

He accepted the inheritance of Sun Wu Kong, that is to say, all the magical powers that Sun Wu Kong learned, he also received it, and he did not need to spend time to learn and be enlightened!

Qin Feng was really ecstatic at this moment. He was worried that there were many things in the inheritance that he could not learn.

Well now, he had no reason to worry about anything!

When he wanted to use a spell, he just needed to take it out and use it!

Taking a deep breath, Qin Feng's thoughts calmed, and the one in front of him turned into a cloud of smoke, then dispersed.

With his current cultivation, at most, he will barely separate such an avatar, and the strength of this avatar was about 30% of his own body.

Qin Feng was still sitting in front of a tombstone of his father, staring at the photo on the tombstone, the flame of revenge rising in his eyes, growing more and more intense!

With strength, the most important thing for Qin Feng was revenge!

Three months of tolerance, it was almost exhausting the mental strength of Qin Feng.

Clenching his fist tightly, Qin Feng closed his eyes, and Da Pin Tian Xian started in his body. The surrounding spiritual power began to gather in Qin Feng. At the same time, the Eighty-nine Xuan Gong was running, using the spiritual power to nourish Qin Feng's flesh.

Time passed slowly.

Morning, noon, afternoon, evening.

At six o'clock in the evening, Qin Feng slowly opened his eyes and had doubts in his eyes.

He has been absorbing the surrounding spiritual power, but just now, he suddenly found that there was no spiritual power around that could be absorbed.

And his own Dantian, the stock was just over a third, and it was still far from the middle qi.

"So the spiritual power around here was sucked dry?"

In fact, what he did not know was not only here, but within a few dozen miles of him no longer had any spiritual power to speak of.

His Da Pin Tian Xian continued to compress and temper the spiritual power, and the purest will be included in Dantian, and his eighty-nine sacred power was also constantly inhaling the spiritual power.

"It seems that the spiritual power of the earth planet is too thin..."

Qin Feng shook his head and sighed. At this moment, a faint red light fell on the tombstone.

A slight pause ...Qin Feng subconsciously took out his mobile phone and looked at it.


So soon!

Qin Feng really did not expect that he would take a seat and stay seated for seven or eight hours.

Sure enough, the legends were not deceptive. Those who have the power to go through the worlds, for a retreat for hundreds of years, thousands of years, but for themselves, it's just nothing but a few seconds.

It is true that a man of practice flips his fingers, it's gonna be a thousand years.

Taking a deep breath, Qin Feng stood up.

The first step of his revenge was to find out the person who instructed Xu Hu to kill his father!

"Dad, if you have a spirit in the sky, please look at me and see how your son makes those who sinned against you suffer, one by one!"

Qin Feng looked at the portrait on the tombstone, and the eyes were absolutely cold.

Three months of tolerance, three months of disgrace, it was now time to return it to them one by one!


Jiangzhou No. 1 Middle School, just after school, batches of students walked out of the campus.

Qin Chuxue carried a schoolbag with a day of tiredness on her face. She and several classmates who walked out of the school finished saying goodbye to each other and walked alone to the nearest bus stop.

And not far behind her, there are two people wearing gray priest frocks and wearing hair crowns. Their appearance was very strange when compared with passers-by, causing passers-by to pay attention to one after another.


These two middle-aged people were gazing at the back of Qin Chuxue, one person frowned, the other looked proud.

"Brother Shen, are you sure that this little girl has the scent of Lin Yuechan? I don't feel it at all. "

The frowning man said. This person was called Xie Wei.

"Brother Xie, don't you believe me? My chase is a must, the smell of this little girl has been erased by Lin Yuechan, but no matter how well she erased it, there is still a breath of it. If Lin Yuechan could have a good skill in practicing upper qi, I really wouldn't find it. Unfortunately, she is only middle qi. "

"In that case, you and I will follow this little girl and we will be able to find Lin Yuechan."

After Xie Wei finished, he walked slowly toward the bus stop where Qin Chuxue was located.

"Take it easy, brother, why in such a rush. The smell of this girl has been locked by me, she cannot escape within a hundred miles, so you only need to wait here."

Shen Wan pulled Xie Wei's robes and smiled confidently on his face.

There was a hint of coziness in the eyes.

"When I find Lin Yuechan, I have to fix her. I have heard that this woman has never committed herself to others, and she is still a virgin who will be very helpful for improving the quality of someone's qi."

"Stay alert, don't forget the fate of Yuan Peng. And, according to the previous agreement between you and me, you have to have one Dan and Lin Yuechan, and I have to have two Dans."

Xie Wei stopped and said.

"Don't worry bro, Yuan Peng was an idiot. You and I have teamed up. Lin Yuechan is nothing more than a middle qi. There will definitely be no mishaps."

Shen Wan looked at Qin Chuxue and squeezed into the bus, and his eyes flashed agreed that was deliberately hidden.