Catastrophe at Home!

At night, 8:30.

Jiangzhou Pingyuan District, Hilton Couple Hotel.

A four-star hotel. Qin Feng was smoking a cigarette, stretching his legs and sitting on a sofa in the lobby of the hotel, looking everyone who enters the hotel up and down.

After sitting there for a full hour, even the front desk in the lobby looked down on him a bit but dared not say anything. Although Qin Feng was wearing ordinary clothes, the Ferrari at the door did not stop for anything.

Just then, there was a woman with a height of about 1.7 meters supporting a fat drunk. The woman was wearing too much makeup, slightly swaying as they came in.

Qin Feng had seen Xu Hu's photo. This man who walked in, although he became a flat head, Qin Feng could still recognize him at a glance.

Deep in his eyes, a flame of hatred began to grow, this was a person who...drove into his father and killed him!

Xu Hu took the woman to check in at the front desk, and then he looked at the woman's waist as they walked toward the elevator.

Qin Feng threw away the cigarette in his hand and stood up. He then walked toward the elevator. When he walked to the elevator, his whole body disappeared.

At least in the eyes of ordinary people.


For a cultivator, it was a very simple spell.

With Qin Feng's current cultivation, it could last for half an hour.

He was standing to the side of Xu Hu and entered the elevator together, there were only the three of them.

However, Xu Hu and the woman could not see Qin Feng. When Xu Hu entered the elevator, he began to do obscene things. He reached into the woman's skirt with both hands, one went up and the other went down, and then they began to move constantly.

This woman was also cooperating, and her body constantly twisted, and she even moaned in the elevator.


The elevator stopped on the 14th floor.

Xu Hu stopped and then he couldn't wait to pull the woman out of the elevator and into the room, walked past a few doors, and then went into the room.

But what he didn't know was that Qin Feng was behind him and had followed him into the room.

Room number: 1404.

At the same time in the He Feng community.

"Mom, the food you made today is so delicious~ I have to eat two bowls!"

Three people were sitting at the table, on the table were two dishes and one soup. For the former economic giants, this was shabby to the extreme.

"Eat more if it tastes good. After a day of classes, you must be hungry by now."

Song Yu added more meat to Qin Chuxue's bowl and Qin Chuxue stuffed herself with the food.

Lin Yuechan, who was sitting with them, had a slight feeling of uneasiness on her face, and her heart was even more flustered. She didn't know why, but there was a feeling of catastrophe approaching.

"Yuechan, what happened to you? Are you feeling well? "

Song Yu saw Lin Yuechan's look was not quite right and asked about her.

"Sister Yuechan, have some soup. The soup made by my mom is fantastic."

Qin Chuxue was also looking at Lin Yuechan and smiled.

"I'm fine."

Lin Yuechan shook her head slightly.

But at that moment, there were two people who walked through the door and came in.

"Oh, you are fine, but we aren't fine."

Shen Wan, Xie Wei!

When the sound came...Lin Yuechan was stunned, she had her back turned to face the door and could not see them.

But Song Yu was facing the door. Looking at the two people who suddenly appeared, they penetrated the door. It was so shocking. She stood up quickly and took Qin Chuxue in her arms, and protected her daughter behind her.

"What are you guys?"

Song Wei looked at the two men cautiously.

"Who are we? You'll have to ask her. "

Shen Wan looked at Lin Yuechan with a smirk on his face.

"They are just mortals, leave them alone."

Lin Yuechan quickly stood up, frowned and turned to look at, and her face turned white as a sheet. But she stood in front of Song Yu and Qin Chuxue.

"As long as you hand over your Dan, and then go with my brother, the lives of these two mortals will be fine."

Shen Wan looked up and down at Lin Yuechan, especially two parts of her. With the evil light in Shen Wan's eyes, everybody knew what he wanted.

Lin Yuechan stared at the two men, and there was a wave of irresistible anger that passed through her. It was these two men, and the late Yuan Peng, who had joined forces to kill her master, her brother, her sister...every last one of them!

A huge debt of blood was owed to her by these people!

"What? Want to make it ugly? Here's a tip, don't put up a useless resistance. As long as you dare to raise a finger in resistance, I will immediately kill these two mortals! "

Then he reached out, suddenly, Qin Chuxue who was behind Song Yu felt a strong pulling force. She has pulled away and was caught in his hands.

"Let me go! Let me go!"

Qin Chuxue was constantly struggling.

"Let her go!"

As soon as Qin Chuxue was caught by Shen Wan, Lin Yuechan began to panic. Song Yu was nervous and her hands were shaking. Watching her daughter be caught was more painful than being caught herself.

She wanted to rush forward but was blocked by Lin Yuechan.

"Dan is not with me, it's with another person, if you want it, let me call him and don't hurt her."

Lin Yuexi said quickly.

"Not with you? Do you think I'm three years old? "

Shen Wan snorted, and then there was a wave of power washed out from him and searched the entire room, and his face changed.

"How was it?"

Xie Wei, who was next to him, asked anxiously.

"The person you said, he really has Dan?"

Shen Wan did not pay attention to Xie Wei, but looked at Lin Yuechan, asking with intense killing intent.

"Do you think I still have to lie at this time?"

Lin Yuechan had regained her calm.

"Who is that person? Why do you put Dan on him? "

Shen Wan is still vigilant.

"You can rest assured that a mortal is the brother of the little girl in your hand. As for putting on him, it is safer to cover the aura of Dan, which you should be clearer on than me. "

Lin Yuechan said with a low voice.

Shen Wan and Xie Wei, the two looked at each other: "Lin Yuechan, you better not try any tricks."

When Shen Wan waved his hand, suddenly, Song Yu, who was behind Lin Yuechan, and before Lin Yuechan could react, was also caught in the hands of Shen Wan.

Then the mother and daughter were pushed against the white wall.

"What are you going to do? They are just mortals. Just come after me!"

Lin Yuechan saw Shen Wan's hand and suddenly changed her face! She was about to come forward, Xie Wei stepped forward and directly stopped Yuechan.

"Come after you? Don't be stupid, I am still waiting for you to serve me in bed. "

Shen Wan smirked and his eyes revealed entertainment. He waved his hand and suddenly a ten inches nail looking thing, was floating in front of Qin Chuxue and Song Yu.