Presidential Suite, One Hundred Days!

Seven Star Gate was divided into seven branches.

Tianxuan, Tianshu, Tianzhu, Tianquan, Yuheng, Kaiyang, Yaoguang, each branch was divided into ten departments.

Tianshutang, the ninth department, a deacon in it, was already an upper qi.

In this way, the department master was at least a foundation, and the head of the branch must have the foundation or the peak of the upper qi, and the seven-star master is the Dan-knot-level.

And one department had a hundred people at least, in all seven branches there were seventy departments, with a combined estimated of nearly 50,000 cultivators.

Such a huge organization was an absolute colossus for Qin Feng today.

"Why are you laughing?"

Lin Yuexi looked at the smile on Qin Feng's face. It was very puzzling. It was obviously big trouble. It was too late for others to cry. He could still laugh.

"Do you know what my nickname is?"

Qin Feng looked at the crystal bottle in his hand and he smiled slightly.

"People close to me call me psycho, strangers call me DEVIL."

"I've never been afraid of anything in my life. Either Seven Stars doesn't come, or if it does ...I will let them know what it means to court death! Come one, kill one, come all, kill all!"

When Qin Feng said this, there was a flame in his eyes.

He did not boast blindly but calculated in his heart. Shen Wan was dead. At his level, he will certainly not disturb the Tianshu branch. At most, it was only the 9th department that will find him.

The head of the ninth department can't personally avenge his subordinates, at most he would send his most capable cronies to be responsible.

And this kind of confidence, estimated cultivation should be in the peak of qi.

As he can beat the upper qi, the peak can do nothing either.

And after this period of time, with the inheritance of the Sun Wu Kong, as long as he keeps cultivating, even if a branch head comes, so what?

I have the golden cudgel, if I'm pissed, I'll just make it a pillar and crush them all!

At this moment, Lin Yuechan looked at Qin Feng, suddenly felt as if she had just met this person.

In Qin Feng, there is a domineering arrogance over the world!

She can see that what Qin Feng said just now is definitely not arrogant, and after two days of getting along, she also knows that Qin Feng definitely has such capital!

Not knowing why, Lin Yuechan looked at the smile on Qin Feng's face, also to laugh.

Lin Yuechan then disposed Shen Wan's and Xie Wei's body, directly and completely burnt to ashes.

Ten minutes later, Lin Yuechan handed Qin Feng an ancient wooden ring.

This was a storage ring that has been stripped from Shen Wan's hand. It was used to store things. Qin Feng was also a cultivator now. There was no way to carry a lot of things on his back.

Qin Feng also didn't refuse, directly received the storage ring, erased Shen Wan's seal of divine knowledge on the ring, and put the crystal bottle inside.

He had to say that, in this storage ring, Qin Feng got a lot of things. These were all from Shen Wan.

For example, some small dharma-vessels, the ten black nails are one of them, and the whole set is called Guardian's nails.

If it was nailed to the ordinary mortal, that is, the bitterness of the flesh.

But to nail on the cultivator, it directly nails the soul, ten Guardian nails nail the ten heaven holes, enough to make your opponent could not move.

It is suitable for playing dirty.

This is also the most precious set of Shen Wan. It was originally used by a foundation-level cultivator. Nobody knows what the price of the goods was used for, even though Shen Wan's cultivation can't show the full power of it.

With this pair of nails, this guy in his department is puffed up for a while.

In addition to the dharma-vessel, there was some Dan medicine, the most important thing was...Qin Feng found a large bundle of money in the ring. The red pile was half a cubic meter in the corner.

There are tens of millions.

It's really a strange thing that a cultivator saved so much money in cash. Maybe the guy was poor before becoming a cultivator, otherwise, he wouldn't have done it.

However, this money just solved the urgent need for Qin Feng.

It's already more than nine o'clock in the evening, but for the sake of safety, plus the bloody smell in the house, it was not suitable for sleeping.

Therefore, Qin Feng took his mother and sister and took a car to let Lin Yuechan and Song Yu go with it, and drove Ferrari with Qin Chuxue.

To the bewilderment of the group of security guards and many residents, they left He Feng Community directly.

Luoting hotel.

Located in Jiangzhou's CBD, it was one of the most luxurious five-star hotels.

Each five-star hotel has a presidential suite.

Qin Feng wore an ordinary sweater and walked into the hotel lobby with sleeping Qin Chuxue. Song Yu and Lin Yuechan also wore ordinary clothes.

In addition to the waiter who was at the outside of the lobby was surprised by the Ferrari is driven by Qin Feng, other people in the lobby of the hotel did not see the Ferrari and did not think that Qin Feng is rich.

They wondered whether they had saved a few months' salaries and whether they wanted to check in a standard room in a five-star hotel for a night's experience.

"Hi, is your presidential suite still available?"

Qin Feng went to the front desk and was very polite to ask the girl at the front desk.

The girl who received Feng Qin was not bad. After all, she was the front desk of a five-star hotel. Her temperament and beauty belong to the middle and upper classes.

However, the girl first froze, then looked at Qin Feng with a very strange look.

"Hi, sir, you, just said the presidential suite?"

The girl looked at Qin Feng, but she was really not sure if she had misinterpreted it.

"Yes, the presidential suite."

Qin Feng nodded slightly.

"Sir, wait a moment."

The girl quickly checked on the computer, after a dozen seconds.

"Our hotel's presidential suite is indeed empty, but the price of the suite for one night is 19,999 yuan, sir."

This girl doesn't think of Feng Qin as a person who can afford. She wants to scare Qin Feng away with the price.

At the same time, besides Qin Feng, a man and a woman were also checking in, two suitcases, and the man was wearing a pair of sunglasses. Maybe he was traveling. He simply said, "It seems that this hotel is not very good since these poor fuckers are here too."

The woman beside him also had a look of contempt for Qin Feng.

However, the next sentence of Qin Feng directly scared the front desk and the men and women.

"It is good to be empty. From today onwards, I will book the presidential suites in your hotel for the next 100 days."

What Feng Qin said was very calm, but the girl at the front desk was shocked. One hundred days, 19,999 a day, that was almost two million!

"One, one hundred days?"

The girl couldn't believe her own ears and looked at Qin Feng.

"Yes, it is a hundred days."

Qin Feng smiled slightly.

After hearing this, the man and woman beside him looked very unnatural. The man wearing sunglasses even left quickly and despondently with his room card.