Zhang Kaiyu, The Next!

Luoting hotel.

The Presidential Suite is located on the highest 37th floor of the hotel, totaling 366 square meters.

In the large and small natural rooms, there is a uniquely designed large living room, fully equipped bathroom, luxurious living room, dining room for 8 people, separate office, 100 square meters open-air balcony, self-contained With DIY kitchen, massage bathtub, etc., you can use "luxury as a dream" to describe.

However, for Qin Feng, this facility is just okay, compared to Qin's manor, this is not a luxury.

In fact, Qin Group also has a five-star hotel in Jiangzhou. In the past, Feng Qin did not even need to register its ID card to go there. He can have whichever he wants.

Qin Feng first placed Qin Chuxue in a room to rest. Song Yu stayed with her daughter all the time. In the living room of this suite, the lobby manager of this hotel, a middle-aged man in his early forties, was wearing a suit and respectfully standing next to Qin Feng.

One hundred days of presidential suite reservation cannot be decided by a receptionist. When he heard the news, the Reception Manager was also shocked. After repeated confirmation, he hurried from home to the hotel.

"Mr. Qin, if you need anything else, just let us know. all the staff in the hotel will provide excellent service to you and your family."The lobby manager bowed his head slightly and was very respectful. He definitely won't show any disrespect to this kind of guest.

"Thank you, there is nothing else."

Qin Feng nodded slightly, and then the Reception Manager looked at Lin Yuechan not far behind Qin Feng. After smiling, he politely withdrew from the room and closed the door.

There are only Qin Feng and Lin Yuechan in the living room.

First, Xu Hu, and Shen Wan and Xie Wei, Qin Feng Ma did not stop for a night, when Qin Feng just sat down to prepare for a break, the ringing of the phone suddenly rang.

Caller ID is a name that is no stranger.

Ye Jiale.

"Hey, what?"

After Qin Feng just finished speaking, the voice on the other end of the phone came like a cry.

"Bro, oh no, Master Qin, my man, what are you now?" The traffic bureau is about to blow up my phone! "

Qin Feng remembered that he had been driving a Ferrari in the city before and this car must have been targeted by the traffic police. After checking the number plate, they naturally found Ye Jiale.

"Why are you crying like a bitch, your uncle is in the traffic bureau, isn't he?" just let him do his job. "

"Even so, bro, I was almost killed by my father ..."

"I owe you a lunch alright? Shut the fuck up, gotta go."

"Hey, bro, my car, take care of..."

Qin Feng doesn't talk to Ye Jiale anymore. He hasn't waited for him to finish talking.

Traffic Bureau, that's all useless. Ye Jiale's uncle is a branch director of Jiangzhou Traffic Bureau, and this little thing will be suppressed with a greeting.

This guy just called is to remind Qin Feng to take care of his baby car.


Qin Feng gasped, then stood up and looked at Lin Yuechan sitting opposite him.

"You are going out?"

Lin Yuechan looked at Qin Feng standing up as if Qin Feng was going out as she expected.

"yep, please take care of my mom and my sister."

Qin Feng looked at the room where Qin Chuxue slept, and he was not at ease. The appearance of Shen Wan and Xie Wei just left a certain shadow on Qin Feng.

"Don't worry, even if the Seven Stars knows that Shen Wan is dead, there will be no such quickness to find."

Lin Yuechan said on the side, this will make Qin Feng feel better.

"thank you."

After Qin Feng finished speaking, he turned and left. After leaving the hotel, he took the car key from Ferrari from the waiter.

Feng Qin was sitting in the car. His cell phone dialed a familiar number. Just after the phone was connected, an eager voice came from the other end.

"Madman, where the hell have you been in recent months? You haven't answered the phone. You haven't contacted me for so long. You scared me to death. I thought you went to heaven to see God!"

Hearing this voice, Qin Feng's heart warmed slightly and he laughed. His name was Zuo Yingjie, and he was his best classmate in high school. He did not go to college after graduation, but he became awesome...


"You went to see God you asshole. We'll talk about it later. Fatty, help me to find out a person's address, his name is Zhang Kaiyu, vice president of Ruihao Trade under Tianzhuo."

"In a hurry?"

Zuo Yingjie had a sound of knocking on the keyboard.

"The fire on your balls kind."

Qin Feng stepped on the gas pedal and the piercing Ferrari roared.

"It will be sent to your mobile phone in three minutes, FYI, you bastard can drive a Ferrari even if you are bankrupt? Awesome!"

On the other side of the phone, the voice of Zuo Yingjie came.

"Not awesome as your ears, you can tell this is Ferrari out of sound? I borrowed it, gotta go."

Qin Feng smiled and hanged the phone, and the car galloped away.

Zhang Kaiyu...the next.

9:46, PM.

The Qin Group Building is located in the core of Jiangzhou CBD, with a height of 72 floors.

At this point, the whole building is out of lights, only the top floor is still on.

In the office of the chairman, a middle-aged man with gold-rimmed glasses and beard, sitting at his desk at the moment, watching the night scene outside the three-dimensional window, the neon lights show the prosperity of the entire state of Jiangzhou.

There is another person in this office, wearing a standard black suit, but with a fierce light in his eyes, obviously not a secretary, but more like a killer.

"Xu Hu is dead, can't find out who did it?"

Qin Yu's voice is extremely low.

"Yes, Sir, we were prepared to start tonight, but the brothers only discovered that Xu Hu has been killed."

The person behind him lowered his head slightly and recited it in a determined tone.

Qin Yu was caught in thinking. He got the news that Xu Hu was still alive two days ago. He immediately sent someone to find a suitable opportunity to deal with Xu Hu.

Who knows? Somebody else did it in advance.

Is it intentional or accidental?

"Alright, leave now."

"Yes, sir."

The man bowed reverently and left the office.

When the people went out, Qin Yu stood up and walked to the window and looked at the night view of the city under the stars.

In his mind, he pondered over the car accident three months ago.

From the first step to the end of the plan, he deliberated several times to find out where there was a flaw.

"Who killed Xu Hu in the end, why should he kill him?"

Muttered, Qin Yu's eyes have a trace of doubt, his heart vaguely begins to uneasy.

He thought a lot of people, the most afraid of is to be known by Qin group's commercial enemies, to coerce him, he had to submit.

But after going through all the possible people, Qin Yu could never guess who it was.

Because he didn't think of that person, the one who is a piece of shit in his eyes, only knew the rich and young masters who were eating, drinking, and playing.

His own nephew, Qin Feng.