The Place Where You Redeem!

The quiet VIP lounge, even the sound of breathing is clearly heard.

The entire waiting hall was empty because the flight was very early. When this group of people left, the VIP waiting hall was empty.

In addition to Qin Feng and other two people sitting by the window seat.

"Assistant Wu, I only ask you one thing."

Qin Feng, with a smile, looked at the woman in front of him, the cold hidden in the depths of her eyes, let Wu Lili tremble, and the hands on the table kept shaking.

"go, go ahead."

Wu Lili braved cold sweat continuously. She could see the kind of fear and despair in Sun Yi's eyes who sitting beside Feng Qin.

"About the car accident three months ago, how much do you know, or what you did."

When saying this sentence, the smile in Feng Qin's eyes disappeared and was replaced by cold, awe-inspiring killing intention!

Wu Lili froze when she heard this, but when she saw the change in Qin Feng's eyes, she was all trembling with fear.

"I, I don't know."

Wu Lili trembling said, although Feng Qin didn't touch her, this extremely depressing atmosphere, her heart bear cannot bear anymore, the psychological defense has begun to collapse.

"Wu assistant, before you, two people gave me the same answer. Do you know where they are now?"

Qin Feng said.

Sitting next to him, Sun Yi, who was immobilized and motionless, kept his eyes open at this time. Qin Feng's words further confirmed his guess.

Xu Hu, Zhang Kaiyu, is killed by Qin Feng!

After confirmation, the kind of creepy trembling, but also let Sun Yi sweat.

He is only thirty-two years old and his career is at its peak! Death...This once distant word! Now became real on him! How can he not be afraid?

"Where, where."

Wu Lili almost instinctively asked.


Qin Feng 's voice was cold. Wu Lili was frightened by the word. Then she realized what it was and looked up at Qin Feng. In an instant, she began to cry.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me..."

"Since you don't say it, let me tell you."

Feng Qin leaned against the sofa and looked very calm: "You temporarily changed my father's schedule without my father's permission. You notified the other party in advance of the date of signing the cooperation agreement with Tianqiu Group, forcing my father to leave the company at that time and pass by the long-arranged dead end."

In fact, Wu Lili, Qin Feng did not want to know anything from her mouth, because he knew all these things, he just wanted to see, this woman, when heard about this, what kind of expression would be.

"You stayed with my father for three years. He was so kind to you. At first, I was very curious about what Qin Yu gave you to betray your former employer."

Qin Feng did not see Wu Lili's name on the shares before that. It is obvious that Wu Lili did not get much practical benefit.

"But now I know."

Qin Feng blinked and stunned Sun Yi, and had to admire, this Qin Yu did play a good calculation.

Let Sun Yi, a handsome man with a successful career, chase after Wu Lili and persuade Wu Lili to change Qin Xiao's schedule.

Although Wu Lili knows that there must be a conspiracy, one side is the chairman, one side is her boyfriend, and Sun Yi gives her unlimited wealth.

As a modern woman and a working woman who pursues splendor, it is already obvious which side she chooses in front of this interest.

"I was wrong, I was wrong..."

Wu Lili looked at Qin Feng, and when Qin Feng said these words one by one, she was already shaking uncontrollably.

She also knows very well now what Qin Feng is here for ...Revenge!

For his murdered father, revenge!

"You can rest assured that I never beat a woman, and naturally I don't kill a woman."

Qin Feng said, when she heard this, Wu Lili suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

"But if you have debt, you have to pay it. This is heavenly principles ."

As soon as he said the next sentence, Wu Lili looked up. Qin Feng raised his hand and pointed it directly at Wu Lili's brow.

Before Wu Lili could react, Qin Feng's psychic powers poured into Wu Lili's sea of knowledge and did only one thing: destroy her sanity!

Wu Lili's expression was struggling but only lasts for a few seconds.

The light in his eyes faded bit by bit and began to slowly become like a fool.

Sun Yi, who was beside Feng Qin, could not move and could not speak, but he kept looking and his eyes were already red.

He won't feel bad about Wu Lili, he is scared!

Ten seconds later, Qin Feng took back his hand.

In front of him, Wu Lili has gone from previous fear to struggle and has become dull and stupid.

Looking at Qin Feng and Sun Yi laughing.

For the cultivator, it is not difficult to destroy the temper of a mortal. Even if we don't say that Qin Feng 's practice of Da Pin Tian Xian already let him a lower qi beat upper qi.

Even the rest of the low-ranking monks are not difficult to do as long as they want, but not as simple as Qin Feng.

" The third."

For Wu Lili like this, Qin Feng has no guilt in his eyes at all, this is what she deserves.

Seeing Wu Lili, who is stupid, Sun Yi has completely freaked to shit himself...He turned to Feng Qin in unspeakable horror. What kind of person is this that pokes a finger down and turns a normal person into a fool!

Taking Wu Lili's mobile phone over, Qin Feng found her father's phone, dialed directly, put it on the speaker, and placed it in front of Wu Lili.

Then he grabbed Sun Yi and took him directly to stand up and went to the exit of the waiting room.

In the original position, Wu Lili sat on the sofa and stared at the glowing mobile phone screen to continue to smirk, and the laughter was getting louder and louder. The phone in front of her, after the connection, continued to have the sound of 'hello? Hello?'.

However, the service personnel who had just tidied up the dishes and were about to start cleaning the ground suddenly saw Wu Lili giggling and were stunned. When she just cleaned up the garbage on the table, she obviously didn't see it!

Especially the woman is still giggling, and suddenly a feeling of creeps in her heart.

Outside the airport, Sun Yi was thrown into the co-pilot by Qin Feng. The car and engine roared.

"You, where are you going to take me?"

Sun Yi can already speak, but the body still can't move, horrified at Qin Feng, just the scene which Wu Lili became a fool, still linger in his mind.

The horrific and horrible means, plus the death of Xu Hu and Zhang Kaiyu, Sun Yi has been completely panicked.

"Go to the place where you redeem your sins."

Cold voice.

Qin Feng looked calm and stepped on the gas pedal, suddenly Ferrari rushed out.