
Zhuyin Mountain Villa, in front of Qin Xiao's tomb.

Sun Yi knelt on the ground, his hands propped up on the ground. Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced the tombstone in front of him. The familiar deadee on the tombstone makes him kept shaking ...

Here, he used to come, and that time, he stood in the crowd and looked at the tombstone with smug eyes.

On that day, he thought he was the winner.

He clearly remembered that the day it rained.

Because he will not forget, it is the starting point of his life to the peak. On the third day, he was promoted from the general manager of a marginal subsidiary to become the third vice president of the group, replacing Weihai's position.

Only a month later, he rose to two ranks and became the group's first vice president. On the same day, he joined the board of directors, holding 4.5% of the Qin Group and becoming a billionaire.

And he is only thirty-two years old! Has enough capital to be arrogant!

But now, three months later, he returned to here.

It's just that the situation is completely different. He is no longer standing in the crowd, and he has no smug eyes, but is kneeling in front of this tombstone!

Only trembling, only fear, only despair!

Behind him, Qin Feng took out the cigarette case from his trouser pocket and lit a cigarette. He looked down at the stunned Sun Yi with a casual voice.

"You graduated from college at the age of 23 and entered Qianhua Media at the age of 24. In the same year, Qianhua Media was acquired by the Qin Group. After that, you worked hard and jumped from a small staff in just three years. Finally, you are promoted to the deputy general manager of Qianhua Media, and in the second year, when you were twenty-eight, you became the general manager of Qianhua Media."

Feng Qin said as if enumerating his family treasures with pleasure, this let Sun Yi kneeling on the ground at a loss, doesn't know why Qin Feng are saying these.

"I seldom see my father mentioned someone, but you are one of them."

Sun Yi was stunned when he heard these words. He never felt that he was in Qin Xiao's eyes. After all, Qianhua Media is only a small company among many subsidiaries of Qin Group.

But now according to the words of Qin Feng...

"Without my father, do you think you can take the position of General Manager of Qianhua in four years?! He wanted to suppress you deliberately for several years, and then transferred you to the group headquarters for reuse, but who would have thought, you ungrateful bitch. "

Qin Feng smoked and slammed his foot on Sun Yi's shoulder. Sun Yi hurts and yells, the whole body is lying on the ground.

It's incredible in his eyes...

One of the reasons why he promised to follow Qin Yu is that he has not received any promotion for four years and wants to take risks!

As Qin Feng said, this kind of person is an ungrateful bitch.

"You, you, don't kill me, don't kill me, Qin Yu, Qin Yu let me do it!"

Sun Yi was stepped on by Qin Feng, kneeling on the ground, and his body shivered.

Feng Qin won't listen to his bullshit, because at the beginning Qin Xiao trained Sun Yi as an epigenetic talent, so Qin Feng brings Sun Yi to Qin Xiao's tomb today.

He will personally let this man atone for all he has committed at his father's grave!

The foot that stepped on Sun Yi's shoulder slowly moved to his head!

With a little effort, Sun Yi's painful screams came out. He didn't care about the screams. Qin Feng was about to kill this ungrateful bitch.

And all of a sudden ...

A silver light rushed at Feng Qin, almost subconsciously, and Feng Qin stepped back.

But at this moment, Sun Yi, who was kneeling in front of the tomb, was carried by a passing shadow.

Ten meters away from Feng Qin, three people appeared!

Two girls, and a brawny who is at least two meters tall.

"In daylight, killing mortals, don't you know that the first rule issued by the Fairy Court is not allowed to hurt mortals?!"

Among the two girls, the one standing in front, wearing ultra-short blue denim, short white blouse, revealing the waist and navel, wearing a handsome white cap and a lollipop in the mouth.

Now she is looking at Qin Feng with a face of arrogant and said.

Behind her, standing on the right is another woman, looks fairly ordinary, with short hair, look very clever, on the left is the strong man, fully close to two meters high, although strong, but looks silly.

Sun Yi, who was already Scared to Death on his shoulder, was carried by such a big MAC. Although Sun Yi escaped death from Qin Feng, he was also blanched and did not dare to breathe heavily.


Qin Feng smoked and looked at the three people. The look was very calm.

The girl in the cap raised her hand and suddenly flew down from the sky with a silver dagger, and fell into her hand, then a proud posture.

It was just this dagger that surprised Qin Feng and let him dodge. In fact, with Qin Feng's Eight-Nine Xuangong, it was completely able to resist.

"I will give you thirty seconds to think about, leave, or I make you leave!"

"Hey, I tell you that our Ling sister is a badass, you better run now."

The girl behind him also said with her hands on her waist.

And when Qin Feng thought they were finished.


The two-meter-high brawny came to Qin Feng with the sound of a gorilla.

Qin Feng didn't feel anything. Sun Yi, who was carried on his shoulder, was almost shocked to deaf.

Then, these three people are watching Qin Feng.

In their view, this nameless little cultivator with only low-level Qi will surely retreat from difficulties in front of a top-level student in their Xianling College and two Xuanjie students who are practicing upper Qi.

However, They obviously think too much.

"Upper qi."

Feng Qin scanned the three men. The girl in the cap was an upper qi. The other two are middle qi. He slowly shifted his step and stood facing the three.

Hands were put back in the trouser pocket.

With a cigarette in his mouth, with an easy grace slowly walked towards the three.

"You, Stop!"

Qi Linger looked at the approaching Feng Qin. Her face suddenly changed and her heart began to beat the drums. At present, how does this person look so calm? This is not a routine.

At this time, he should be knelt on the ground and beg for mercy...

You must know that practicing low Qi is just a propaedeutic type who is just getting started at Xianling College, and she is upper Qi and the other two are middle.

It can be done casually!

This, what is wrong with this guy?! He is seeking for death? !

"Stop! One more step it will be ugly."

Qi Linger could not help but shout.

When Qin Feng heard her words, he really stopped. After seeing Qin Feng stop, Qi Linger felt relieved. Although she practiced since childhood, she is also the top of Xianling College, but fight with others or kill people ...That has never been done yet.

But just one second later, when the cigarette in his mouth fell off.

Qin Feng fiercely slammed his feet, and the figure rushed out like a cannonball!