The Fifth, Feed the Fish!

The wind is blowing in the stern. There are not many people standing in the stern.

But there are also quite a few.

However, what no one noticed was that the two people who stood at the stern of this time, slowly disappeared.

There is no trace.

Qin Feng applied invisibility to himself and Wei Hai.

"Sign it."

Qin Feng dumped a document to Wei Hai. Wei Hai shook. Then he froze when he saw the dumped document suddenly ...He naturally knows what this document stands for.

But looking at Qin Feng, and looked at a group of white sharks from afar, Qin Feng's strange means has made him lose the last sense of resistance, he signed!

Life is more important than shares and money!

"For the sake of the past, uncle Wei, I will give you one minute to say goodbye to the wife and children."

Qin Feng put away the equity transfer agreement, with the look of ice in his eyes, looking at the middle-aged bald which was already scared and pale.

When Wei Hai heard this, his mouth was shaking.

He thought he could save his life by signing this document, who knows …!

He already did not know what to do, Wei Hai took out his mobile phone, almost subconsciously, he did not choose his wife and children.

Instead, he chose another person; in his subconscious, he is considered to be his last hope to live.

Quivering, Wei Hai sent a message to Qin Yu. When he looked up, Qin Feng was watching him.

"I, I sent a text message to your uncle, I am warning you, if something happens to me, what you did will be exposed! "

Wei Hai also wanted to use Qin Yu to press Qin Feng, but before Wei Hai could finish, Qin Feng grabbed him on the shoulder and leaped down from the stern.

In the horror of Wei Hai, there was also the sound of a boat flute.


Clear and crisp, with some ripples.

Qin Feng stood above the sea, and in his hand was Wei Hai, whom he was carrying.

"Aaah!" Ah!"

Wei Hai looked at the vast blue sea beneath him and pedaled desperately with his legs. He was different from Qin Feng. He was not a cultivator; he had no spiritual power, and could not walk on water.

"Feng, I was wrong, I was wrong, let me go, let me go just for this time when you were a child I hugged you, I bought you toys, give you ..."

Wei Hai cried bitterly and desperately. He suddenly found that the young man in front of him, the playboy in the past, had become so cold-blooded.

"Uncle Wei, it is too late."

Qin Feng said.

With a twist of his hand, he grabbed Wei Hai's neck and walked step by step on the water toward the direction of the previous shark group.

Wei Hai's eyes were trembling with fear, and he could not help shivering. Looking at the sharks in the distance, he had guessed vaguely what Qin Feng was going to do next.

Feed himself to the shark!

He didn't even have time to think about it, to wonder why Qin Feng was so powerful, even walking on water.

This time in his heart, there is only one mood.

That is fear, fear! The shadow of death gradually enveloped him!

"God knows what you did."

Qin Feng stopped and spoke lightly: "From the moment you took that step, death was already doomed."

There are still a few tens of meters away, a group of white sharks is rushing.

"Don't, don't! No! "

Wei Hai shouted frantically, while Qin Feng tossed his hand as a shot put. Suddenly Wei Hai's body was thrown up, and the three white sharks under the sea jumped up from under the sea.

The water splashed everywhere.

In the screams of Wei Hai.

Sharp teeth went across the middle of Wei Hai's body.

Blood dyed a small piece of water.

Looking at Wei Hai, who was bitten by a group of sharks and dead.

There was no fluctuation in the eyes of Qin Feng, and he turned around and was about to leave.

This group of white sharks obviously did not intend to let go of the Qin Feng. One of them leaped fiercely from the sea and opened the big mouth of the blood basin. The sharp teeth caught Qin Feng's eyes.

"Fuck off!"

Qin Feng raised his hand, and the Magic Cudgel appeared in his hand. A stick swung down at the 5-meter-long great white shark.

The Magic Cudgel became several meters thick in an instant, and a stick hit the leaping great white shark on its head.


The great white shark was hit by a stick and its blood burst. In the bray, its leaping body flew back several tens of meters before it stopped.

Then, the body of a great white shark slowly floated from the sea.

The rest of the white sharks are not stupid, but they are going backward.

"The fifth."

Qin Feng muttered to himself, and the Magic Cudgel was turned into a fine needle and floated into his right ear.

Turned around and began to run towards the coast.

The ship left the coast and did not move for long. At the speed of Qin Feng, it could return to the shore in an hour at most.


Qin group building, the chairman's office on the top floor.

Starting from Qin Yu's desk, all the way to the door, there were dozens of people, all of whom were waiting for approval from various departments of the group.

Frowning, Qin Yu took over one file after another from the woman secretary, and constantly signed his name. He did not have the time to review these reports and plan documents.

At this moment, the anger in his heart is already burning to the extreme.

Wei Hai, the old bald man, dared to play with him! Run without saying a word!

Everyone who submitted the approval report dared not breathe for fear of upsetting the present chairman.

And at this time, when Qin Yu received an application report from the technology department, his mobile phone on the table slightly shook.

The screen lights up, a text message, it is an unknown number.

Qin Yu did not hesitate to open this message, but when he saw the content of the news.

Qin Yu froze.

'It is Qin Feng! '

There are only four short words, but what these three words represent, Qin Yu knew in an instant!

For an instant, Qin Yu unexpectedly froze in place.


Because of this name, he can't think of it, but he is the most likely person!

He thought of anyone, but he never thought that he would be his own relative, this nephew that he recognized as a piece of shit!


Those who waited for the report saw Qin Yu suddenly stunned and asked tentatively.

The response to him was an angry roar!

"Fuck off! All of you!"

Qin Yu stood up and did not hide his anger.

All the people, whether they are department heads or CFO or CTO, are running fast at this time, afraid of being injured by Qin Yu's anger.

He frantically flew the furnishings on the table, and Qin Yu roared loudly.

"Shit...Shit! All is a fucking piece of shit! "

A few minutes later, Qin Yu propped up his hands on the table and gasped for breath.

After venting, what to do next?

The female secretary beside him was so scared that she almost lost her soul and dared not breathe. She wondered if the chairman of the board of directors had gone out to take the wrong medicine.