Night Time

Linhai port!

Qin Feng landed from a relatively hidden dock.

No sooner had he landed than he gasped and took da deep breath.

The travel of this sea route almost exhausted Qin Feng's spiritual power.

The direction is not too accurate, and there are two kilometers away from the place where Qin Feng stops, jhen Qin Feng is ready to go back to where he parked.

"You, are you running from the sea?"

A girl with a drawing board on her back stood up from the stone stairs under the dock.

It turned out that the girl had been sitting facing the sea sketching because she was blocked by stones, so Qin Feng did not find her.

It can be said that this girl has been watching Qin Feng from the sea to the sky, and running all the way came to the shore.

She almost drops her eyeballs.

Floating on the water? !

A peerless martial arts master? !

Qin Feng glanced at the girl, who looked like a high school student, but did not answer. He turned around and left.

The girl can only stay and watch Qin Feng leave. Although she is curious and horrified, she does not have the courage to ask but looks at the painting on her own drawing board.

There is a sea, seagulls, waves, and a person running on the sea.

Qin Feng followed this port road and soon came to the parking place. After getting on the car, he started it.

Zuo Yingjie's phone call came, and his voice was extremely excited.

"Madman, I found it!"

"Why so happy, what did you find?"

"I found Wei Hai the old bald ran, thanks to my IQ, do you know where I started? I started with the old bald man's mistress, how about it? ! "

Qin Feng smiled, this funny fellow.

Although the news of Zuo Yingjie is relatively late, we have to say that Zuo Yingjie is really good and can find out all this in such a short time. You know, there are only three people, plus the twins.

Even the police may not be able to find it so quickly.

"It's okay; no need to look for Wei Hai."

Qin Feng started the car and Ferrari went away.

"No need to find him?"

Zuo yingjie over there was stunned, but he did not continue to ask why. Instead, the words changed: "Madman, when I was going through the internal regulations of Qin's group just now, I found that Qin Yu had brought forward the shareholders' meeting to tomorrow, at 10 o'clock in the morning."

"He advanced the meeting?"

Qin Feng muttered to himself, and there was a sneer in his eyes. It seems that Qin Yu has been scared. In Qin Yu's opinion, Xu Hu died, Zhang Kaiyu died, Sun Yi, Wu Lili disappeared, Wei Hai ran away.

Of course, what he didn't know was that the missing Sun Yi, Wei Hai, who was running, was already dead, and Wu Lili was retarded now.

"I see; help me for one more person."

"Looking for it? Who? "

Zuo Yingjie at the other end of the phone was really confused by Qin Feng.

"Qin Hao, you should know him."

"Copy that, it's your stupid cousin Fucker Qin, I have long disliked him!"

"Keep your eyes on him for me; give me his place at night."

"No problem!"

After receiving the reply from Zuo Yingjie, Qin Feng hung up the phone.

The car roared away.

Luoting hotel.

When Qin Feng returned to the hotel suite, Qin Chuxue was playing with the big black dog. Although there was no serious problem due to the injury, Qin Feng still did not let Qin Chuxue go to school these days.

The most important thing is to be on guard against Seven Star Gate.

Song Yu is busy in the kitchen, and now it is almost lunch time.

Lin Yuechan was alone on the balcony.

"Brother, you are back!"

Qin Feng and Qin Chuxue played for a while. Of course, the big black dog was far away during this period, and Qin Feng went to the open balcony.

"What happened? You look restless. "

Qin Feng looked at Lin Yuechan 's expression, apparently worried about something.

"I have returned to the community you originally rented today."

Lin Yuechan heard the voice of Qin Feng; She quickly recovered from her meditation.

Don't need Yuechan to say more, Qin Feng also know what it is, Lin Yuechan must have found the trail of the Seven Star Gate in He Feng Community.

When you think about it, it's right on time.

After more than a day, if the people at the Seven Star Gate cannot find out where Shen Wan died, then the Seven Star Gate is really useless.

"Nothing to worry about, come, show you something."

Qin Feng smiled and raised his hand. In his hand, the green sword appeared.

"This is…"

When Lin Yuechan saw the sword in Qin Feng's hand, she was immediately attracted.

The body of the sword is 1-foot-8 inches long, and the whole body is glowing with green and cold light. The hilt of the sword is even more exquisitely carved.

"Although this sword is only raking at lower foundation level, it is enough for you to use it for a period of time."

Qin Feng handed the sword to Lin Yuexi.

"This is for me?"

Lin Yuechan looked at the sword and could not conceal her surprise and joy.

"I don't have much use to keep it; just give it to you."


"Nothing, just a sword. You don't have any weapon with you. I'm also relieved to have this sword with you. My mother and sister spend most of their time with you. Taking it also reassures me. "

Qin Feng said with a smile.

Lin Yuechan was silent for a few seconds, then took over the sword in Qin Feng's hand.

"Thank you."

"Brother, Lunch time!"

At this time, Qin Chuxue's voice came from inside the house.

"Let's go."

Qin Feng said and then went to the house.

Lin Yuechan held the Green Spirit sword in her hand, and her love for this sword was hard to hide.

This is a base-level dharma-vessel. For her, a small practicing cultivator who has no background and is a low-qi cultivator, maybe she will never see such a built-up dharma-vessel in her whole life.

Not to mention thinking about having one.

And now, she has, because of Qin Feng, the man who makes her unable to see through but gradually becomes dependent.

The following afternoon, Qin Feng meditated in his room to absorb the spiritual power of heaven and earth.

"Not working either..."

At 7 o'clock in the evening, Qin Feng opened his eyes, and his Da Pin Tian Xian and Eighty-nine Xuan Gong consumed too much of his spiritual power.

If, for example, the average cultivator on the earth needs a basketball court to break through from low to middle qi.

But Qin Feng needs a football field!

even more!

"You must find a place with more aura, or learn to refine Dan."

For refining Dan, Qin Feng did not think about it but seriously considered it.

Even if he got Dust Off Dan from Qi Linger, his mother and sister stepped into cultivation, but they were only the least qualified accomplishments.

With their own strength and the aura of the small earth, they will definitely not get a breakthrough, and only Dan medicine can be used for promotion!

Just when Qin Feng frowned, the phone rang, and the news sent by Zuo Yingjie.

"Madman, Fucker Qin's address has been found, The Night Time club, VIP room 9, he is really not afraid of kidney deficiency, keep fucking every day. "

This cousin of Qin Feng, who is notoriously lecherous, spends almost every night in a night club to appreciate the touching time of different beauties.