Crisis Coming!

Qin's Building, the first meeting room.

In the conference room of hundreds of square meters, a conference table of up to fifteen meters long and three meters wide, except for a few empty positions in front, the two sides are already full of people.

These positions belong to Wei Hai, Sun Yi, Qin Yu.

Of course, Qin Yu is sitting in the main position.

The top chairman's office.

"Taoist Priest Peace, as long as today's shareholders' meeting can be completed, the 10 million yuan in this card will be yours afterwards."

Qin Yu looked at the thin old Taoist priest wearing a blue Taoist robe and a stack of goatees.

On hearing ten million, the Taoist priest's eyes suddenly flashed, but it was soon covered up, with no expression on his face, like a pair of money like dirt.

"Don't worry, and I'll take care of everything. No matter what evil spirits are, as long as I'm here, they will never dare to approach you. It's my duty to subdue demons and eliminate demons. As for money, it's up to you."

"Please, please."

Qin Yu nodded. He invited the Taoist priest from Yishan Taoist Temple, the most famous Taoist temple in Jiangzhou. He firmly believed that.

With such a down-and-out homeless dog, how can Qin Feng have the ability to kill Xu Hu, Zhang Kaiyu, Sun Yi and Wei Hai in succession?

There is definitely a demon behind to help him!

At the same time, Qin Yu's female secretary opened the door, and her long white legs are out from under the wrapped black skirt. The Peace Taoist priest was obviously not in peace.

The pleated eyes continually sneaked under the black skirt of the female secretary.

"Chairman, all the directors have arrived. Wei and Sun, as well as Master Qin Hao, have not yet arrived."

"This kid went for fun again."

Wei Hai and Sun Yi will definitely not be able to come, but Qin Yu knows better than anyone about his son.

In addition to playing with women, it is a complete waste.

"call him! Let him move his ass here now! "

"Chairman, I have called Master Qin Hao many times. No, no one answered."

The female secretary said cautiously.

Qin Yu frowned, he had a bad feeling, but he doesn't understand exactly what went wrong.

"Let's go."

His face was livid. Qin Yu walked out of the office directly to the first meeting room of the group. Behind him, the Taoist priest and the female secretary walked side by side.

The old Taoist priest, with his eyes on the female secretary, kept scanning up and down. It was called an unscrupulous Taoist priest. He looked like he had a pair of perspective eyes and his eyes were glowing with light.

At this moment, the time is just right.

9:55 am.

At the same time, in Luoting Hotel, three people dressed in strange clothes entered the hotel lobby before and after.

These people's appearance, facial expression, are middle-aged, the passers-by, even put aside in the crowd, also won't find out.

However, the clothes worn on these people are extremely special, just like the ancient gray robes, in the position of the left cuff, there is a word.


In the right cuff, there is a number.


Seven Star Gate, Tian Shu tong, the ninth branch.

As soon as the three people entered the hotel, the goal was clear and went straight to the exclusive elevator of the presidential hotel suite.

At first, the front desk saw the three people coming in and was preparing to receive them. Although the three people were dressed in very vintage clothes, it was hard to say that some people liked this now. The reception was still necessary.

But then, someone soon discovered the anomaly, because Qin Feng had contracted the presidential suite for 100 days.

The incident caused a sensation throughout the hotel. The staff in the lobby knew them all: Qin Feng and Lin Yuechan , Qin Chuxue and Song Yu.

Within one hundred days, only the four of them will take the presidential suite elevator!

Where did the three strange people come from? !

What are they doing? !

Soon the staff went up to ask, and then an astonishing scene took place.

The staff member just stepped forward, but before he could make any noise, he actually stood still, with fear in his eyes.

Then, the three people directly pushed the elevator and went straight to the presidential suite.


The people at the front desk didn't care much at first, but they saw their colleagues stupidly stood in front of the elevator for a few minutes, which was not quite right, but these three people have already gone up!

Inside the suite.

Song Lan and Lin Yuechan are in the kitchen. For Lin Yuechan, Song Lan is now more and more fond of her. Although Lin Yuechan is not very talkative, she is still a tender woman.

"Aunt, do you know Azi?"

Lin Yuexi washed the dishes with Song Yu and asked such a question intentionally or unintentionally.

"Azi? Uhm..No, I haven't heard from Feng. "

Song Yu thought for a moment and then shook her head: "Feng was proud and aloof from childhood. Few girls have been noticed by him, and he has only had one girlfriend over the years, but..."

Song Yu's words haven't finished, Yuechan suddenly froze, she felt a different breath in close and extremely dangerous breath! With murderous!

She is naturally sensitive and has cultivated to Evergreen, and her awareness is even stronger!

In the living room, the big black dog playing games with Qin Chuxue was also suddenly shocked. The dog's eyes gleamed with a sense of crisis.


Qin's Building, 9:57 am.

A royal blue Ferrari stopped in front of the building.

There was a man who pushed the door from the car and looked at the familiar building and the familiar scene around.

He has not been here for three months.

Everything has not changed.

Qin Feng lit a cigarette, put his hands into his trousers pocket and walked into the building.

The staff in the entire building, when they saw Qin Feng entering the building one by one, all eyes were straight.

The son of the former chairman!

The man who was kicked out like Homeless Dogs, back? !

He, what is he doing in the group building? !

From the security guard to the senior management, they all looked at Qin Feng in astonishment. When Qin Feng passed in front of them, they bowed their head subconsciously.

Many people have even habitually called out what they used to call.

That they used to be very happy to call, Young Master Qin!

"The first meeting room..."

Qin Feng did not even look at these people. They were pitiful, innocent and helpless.

They are just making lives.

Qin Feng used to go to the First Conference Room frequently. In the past, even when his father held important meetings, he broke in without authorization. Every time, he was smashed by angry Qin Xiao with a teacup.

But this time, there is no Qin Xiao.

Qin Feng is not to let people hit himself with cups, but ...

To retake everything that belongs to him, to retake everything that his father once owned! To clear up the three months of humiliation and the blood feud!