Conference Room 1!

Qin building, Conference Room 1 of the group.

Qin Yu sat in the first place, and the entire meeting room was tranquil.

Directors, big and small, no matter how old or young, said nothing. They looked at the cup in front of them and remained absolutely silent.

In fact, it's not that they don't speak, but it's useless to speak. Their tiny shares are just a formality, and they have no right to speak at all.

There are only two people who are qualified to speak.

Partner of the group.

A 65-year-old man named Wei Wenhan, who holds 15% of the group's shares, has white hair but is hale and hearty.

There is also a 40-year-old woman who holds 10% of the shares. She has sharp short hair and wears a pair of glasses. Mao Lian, a famous strong woman in Jiangzhou's business world. Qin Xiao had to respect her when she was the strongest.

At this moment, Mao Lian was looking at Qin Yu with doubts, because behind Qin Yu, he added another position.

In this position, there is a strange guy.

An old Taoist.

A board of directors, such an important and decisive meeting, you invite a Taoist priest to give a ceremony? !

Mao Lian has always had a clear love and hate. She knows very well how Qin Yu got into the position. The company she owned before was bought by Qin Group in the form of a partner due to a shortage of funds due to some factors, but it was also because she admired Qin Xiao's conduct.

As for this Qin Yu, she really looked down upon.

When Qin Xiao was there, this Qin Yu was just an idle member who ran errands in the group.But this errand was given to his younger brother by Qin Xiao, who gave him billions of shares out of thin air.

He was not satisfied with such great kindness. He did not return it but took a bite back.

But even if she looked down on him, Mao Lian really couldn't do anything. She wanted to swear several times but was persuaded back by Wei Wenhan with his eyes.

Time is up.

10 a.m.

Qin Hao still didn't come. The three people who were absent accounted for 29% of the shares. According to the regulations of the group, Qin Yu can officially become the chairman of the board of directors and perform his duties as long as he has 35.5% of the shares.

And he himself, with 31% of shares and control over his 10% circulating shares, has reached 41%. There is no need to vote at all. All he needs to do is to call the directors and announce it orally and go through the process.

At this moment, Qin Yu is obviously very excited.

Waiting for this day, he waited for a long time!

The Taoist priest behind him was equally excited ...Damn, he can earn ten million after sitting for ten minutes, this gonna be his capital for bragging for the rest for his life.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the board of directors has officially begun."

"Everyone is very clear about the purpose of the board of directors this time, chairman Qin Xiao, that is, my brother. My brother made Qin's group brilliant, but natural and human-made disasters are really painful! ! ! "

Qin Yu said the voice was getting bigger and bigger, and there was a painful expression on his face. He almost lied on the table and cried.

Many members of the entire board of directors were fooled by his expression. They really thought the guy was in pain.

"Acting chairman, don't be too sad. The dead are dead. I'm sorry for the loss."

Some people even began to comfort Qin Yu.

Only Wei Wenhan and Mao Lian are silent. Wei Wenhan is always smiling, and Mao Lian is with a straight face, very eager to tear Qin Yu this hypocritical face directly.

Qin Yu's voice was very excited, her eyes were red, and she was about to shed tears, but Qin Yu thought the play was almost over.

Next, it should get down to business.

"A country cannot live without a king. By the same token, the group cannot live without a chairman. My brother entrusted the group to me before his death. I, Qin Yu, will never live up to everyone's expectations and will definitely bring the group's glory to a more prosperous time."

Qin Yu said in an orderly manner and without changing his face, he could have brought blackness to its peak.

"According to the Articles of Association, from now on, I will become the new chairman of the group, and please also..."

Outside the conference room, Qin Feng had arrived two minutes before. He did not go in but chose to listen here. The voice of Qin Yu, those words, one word, and one sentence, were all heard by Qin Feng.

Hypocrisy, Qin Feng always thought that his uncle was just bad, but did not expect that it had already reached this point, and it was so bad that it was so shameless.

Bad people are also divided into good ones and bad ones.

A good, bad person will admit what he has done and dare to be a man.

The most disgusting thing is that bad people like Qin Yu have done wicked things and even put gold and flowers on their faces.

A slight push.

The door of the conference room is open!

When the door opened, almost everyone in the entire conference room looked in the direction of the door.

This kind of group summit, in general, can be said to be absolutely no one dare to break in!

However, when seeing the people clearly, everyone was shocked, but the expression was different.

The small directors were completely surprised and wondered why Qin Feng would appear in this place at this time.

While Wei Wenhan and Mao Lian, are surprised with a hint of expectation, although they also don't understand what Qin Feng rely on.

As for Qin Yu!

The color in the eyes is extremely complicated.

He guessed that Qin Feng would come and Qin Feng's appearance made him feel slightly relieved. Sooner or later, what should come will come.

At the same time, he also felt a kind of fear in vagueness.

Fear of the unknown!

After all, the former Xu Hu, Zhang Kaiyu, Wu Lili, Sun Yi, and Wei Hai ...All are precedents!


Luoting hotel, presidential suite.

Lin Yuechan took Song Yu and Qin Chuxue back to the open balcony, and the big black dog was also behind her.

At the moment, Lin Yuechan was staring at the direction of the door.

She can feel the breath! People are getting closer!

"Is it connected?"

Yuechan looked at Qin Chuxue with her head tilted. Qin Chuxue looked very nervous and was desperately calling Qin Feng.


No matter how to call, this phone call can't be reached!

The first meeting room of Qin group has always been the meeting room for holding the group's top secret meeting. When entering the meeting room, no matter what electronic equipment, the signal will be blocked.

"Can't be reached!"

Qin Chuxue anxiously shook his head, although she didn't know what would happen next, Lin Yuechan and the big black dog was nervous, which let her also nervous.

"Come, go to the balcony with your mother."

Lin Yuechan hurriedly pushed Song Yu and Qin Chuxue back. The big black dog also drilled into it, then locked the balcony door and added protection to the door with his shallow spirit power.

And at this moment, when Lin Yuexi turned around!


The door of the presidential suite was directly broken!

It fell heavily to the ground!