Children Follow Their Fathers!

The large conference room was silent. Even if a needle fell to the ground, it could be clearly heard.

"Feng, uncle, knows that you are in a bad mood, your father, that is, my brother suddenly passed away. The pain in uncle's heart is not lighter than you, but today is a very important group meeting, give your uncle a face, can we talk privately later? "

Qin Yu first broke the silence, still the tone of a good elder, but every word was disgusting to Qin Feng, and he almost vomited overnight.

Qin Feng did not speak but responded to the sound of four documents falling on the conference table.

Everyone looked at the four documents. Mao Lian was the first to pick them up. When she saw the contents of the document and Sun Yi's autograph,

In the eyes, there was a touch of joy, followed by Wei Wenhan, who took Wei Hai's share.

Each of them picked up one copy, while the third and fourth copies were handed to Qin Yu nervously by Qin Yu's female secretary.

When Qin Yu saw Zhang Kaiyu and his son sign the equity agreement, the whole body was like being hit by thunder!

The thing he is most worried about is still happening!


Qin Yu scolds his own son in his heart, but he is very worried. He only has one son, and Qin Hao's phone just now still couldn't be reached!

Could it be...

Qin Yu is nervous, but now he can't be a mess, he can't be in a panic!

He kept reminding himself in his heart!

"Acting Chairman Qin Yu, from today on, the chairman of Qin Group is me, Qin Feng."

Qin Feng stood up and looked directly at Qin Yu.

"Why! Why are you! "

Qin Yu finally could not sit still, facing Qin Feng's positive provocation; at this moment, he could no longer pretend, stood up and tore his share transfer agreement to pieces.

Looking at Qin Yu, who tore up the share transfer document, Qin Feng did not change his expression at all, with a cigarette in his mouth: "The Administration for Industry and Commerce has completed the transfer procedures, and the shares have returned to me. What can you change if you tear them up?"

"you…you! "

Qin Yu face flushed bright red, pointing to Qin Feng and he is speechless.

"Even so, you only have 29.1% of the shares, and I hold the 41% stake in the group! What makes you argue with me? ! "

Almost roar out, Qin Yu tightly holding hands, at this moment, his eyes on Wei Wenhan and Mao Lian.

These two people didn't care about in the past! Now they are the most crucial existence!

His heart is shaking! Fear of what the two men said next!

"I support the young master of Qin Feng to take over the position of chairman."

At this time, Mao Lian put down the equity agreement in her hand, she spoke, and the attitude was very clear.

When he heard these words, Qin Yu's fist tightly squeezed up, with a cold sweat straight drop, staring at the Wei Wenhan!

"I also support young master Qin Feng to take over, and the son inherits his father's business. This is natural. I believe Master Qin Feng will not fail the foundation laid by Chairman Qin Xiao."

Wei Wenhan is still with the smile of the old man, but his tone is extremely firm.

"I agree."




The rest of the directors have voiced their approvals, which is almost no suspense.

Listen to these voices, Qin Yu hands on the table, eyes a red crack, is going to burst to bleed!

The smoke from the corners of Qin Feng's mouth drifted quietly in this conference room.

Just now, the directors voted. According to the group's process, Qin Feng's chairmanship has been confirmed. The next step is to take the form of documents and sign the directors one by one. These things will naturally be dealt with by the underlings, and there is no need for Qin Feng to worry about them.

"Thank you for your love and trust. Acting Chairman Qin Yu and I still have some personal matters to deal with. Please move a little. Today's board of directors is over."

Qin Feng smoked and looked at Qin Yu and said.

They also know that they don't want to interfere with personal grudges. They all stood up and left the table. The rest of them naturally obeyed and got up and left the meeting room one after another. When they passed by Qin Feng, they bowed their heads slightly to show respect.

"Chair, Chairman, I, I will go out first."

Qin Yu female secretary timidly asked, before Qin Yu talks, she hurriedly ran out.

The female secretary is not as stupid as she flies when disaster strikes.

When the last board member left, there were only three people left in the conference room.

Qin Feng, Qin Yu, and the old Taoist.

"You killed everyone?"

Qin Yu is not a Qin Hao, nor is it Sun Yi, not Wei Hai. This is an old fox. He knows how to be forbearing and is proficient in the conspiracy. Soon Qin Yu calmed down.

"Yes, I killed them."

Qin Feng also sat down, at the other end of the conference table, between the two, separated by a fifteen-meter conference table.

"You admit that you are not afraid of me calling the police?"

Qin Yu froze, he just casually asked, really didn't expect, Qin Feng will be so frank to admit.

"afraid? What am I afraid of? "

With a sneer in his eyes, Qin Feng said, "Anyway, you will go down to accompany them soon."

Qin Yu froze, Qin Feng was so straightforward to say such words to him; at that time he doesn't know how to answer.

It took three or four seconds: "Kill me?" Do you think that you can escape the legal sanctions? Qin Feng, I am your uncle, as an elder, I don't want to see you step by step into the abyss..."

"Just shut the fuck up."

Before Qin Yu's disgusting words were finished, Qin Feng's voice sounded.

The sneer in the eyes gradually turned into a killing!

"No one knows that you are dead; you will be wiped clean from this world."

"Completely erased!"

Although Qin Yu is cunning and able to argue, he is also unable to resist Qin Feng's straightforward words, and every word pokes at the heart.

Just at this time!

The old Taoist priest, who had been sitting and not talking, suddenly stood up with a full face of "righteousness" and his top-grade training spirit and pressure were even stronger.

"Beast, you have only just practiced for a day or two and killed ordinary people without authorization. Now you still want to kill your uncle. Where are the natural reason and human nature? I have been practicing for decades, and I have never seen such a person as you who have done harm to the world for decades. I absolutely cannot allow such an animal as you to continue to do harm to the world. "

The old Taoist priest said excitedly, pulling up his sleeve robe, but his words changed, and he looked like a merciful and kind-hearted man: "I think you are young in this way. I hope you can know what is right what is wrong. I hope you can repent well in front of the Sanqing statue and clean up your sins."

This words, fall in the ears of Qin Yu, seems to be a shot in the arm, immediately heart steady down, looking at the old Taoist with a hopeful look.

And this old Taoist, after finishing these is also full of confidence, watching Qin Feng sitting across the conference table, full of pride.

In his view, this boy who is practicing low-grade qi will surely tremble with fear when he feels the pressure of his own high-grade qi, and then kneel down to apologize in order not to die.