Die Anytime and Anywhere!

"Confession? Sin? "

Qin Feng looked up at the old Taoist priest who was "merciful and superior" and laughed.

Standing up from his chair, Qin Feng's cigarette fell to the ground.

"Stealing his own brother's family business, robbing his brother's decades of hard work and murdering his own loved ones. Is this what you have cultivated? Is this justice in your eyes? Is this the person you are protecting? "

Qin Feng's voice is forceful, and every sentence falls not only on the ears of the old Taoist but also on Qin Yu's heart.

He could feel, Qin Feng's body has an extreme desire to kill in constant gathering, that is very anxious to kill himself to pieces!

Qin Yu's face turned white. The old Taoist priest in front of him was also speechless by Qin Feng's words.

What he said just now was just rhetoric. The real reason was that he only took money to do things.

However, this word is always so "reasonable" if you argue irrationally.

"In any case, it is not justified for you to kill someone or kill someone close to you. You are required to leave Jiangzhou immediately. Otherwise, don't blame me for being unkind to you."

The old Taoist raised his hand, and a piece of horsetail whisk appeared in his hand. The change of this skill, the sudden appearance of the whisk, fell into Qin Yu's eyes, which was very mysterious and made him feel a little safer again.

He thought it was a good thing that he hired the old Taoist priest, and he is quite professional.

"Sure enough, the one who believes in the Tao, believes in the Buddha are all of the same kind."

Qin Feng's mind now still had the scene from his dream last night. The endless immortal Buddhas are practicing Buddhism and Taoism, with false benevolence and righteousness and false kindness and sorrow.

They claim to take the whole world as their own duty, but they do so for their own selfish desires and for the endless exploitation of the common people.

Qin Feng put his hands in his trousers pocket and walked towards them step by step.

"One step closer and I'll not be merciful to you!"

The old monk's face turned cold. In his view, this little low-level yogi in front of him was mystifying!

"You can try."

Qin Feng looked directly at the Taoist priest. The cold murder in his eyes made the old Taoist priest shudder. But he thought again, and this guy is just a low-level cultivator. He is a top-level one. What's to be afraid of!

"Well, we have to do this in a hard way! Today, I can only do good for the world and teach you how to be a human being for your dead father. "

With that, the old Taoist twisted his fingers and read out the spell. Suddenly, the horsetail whisk in his hand floated up. From the horsetail whisk, the silk flew out like a sharp thorn, flying out of hundreds of needles at once!

"As a Taoist priest, you don't help the world or the people. You only want to kill people for money. You just want to enjoy the world. What nonsense is morality and what is good for the world?"

Qin Feng saw hundreds of needles filaments coming towards him, and his eyes did not show any fluctuation.

"Don't dare to talk nonsense! You will suffer a lot, you little arrogant bastard. "

The old Taoist priest was flushed by Qin Feng's remarks, and with a wave of his hand, the hundred pieces of needles flew down to Qin Feng, in Qin Yu's expectant eyes ...

One after another, the needles all fell on the body of Qin Feng.

However, the result is different from what Qin Yu expected.

In addition to some sparks on the Qin Feng, these needles did not cause any damage to Qin Feng.

"you…Why are you still standing?! "

The old Taoist priest saw this scene and saw the needles falling on the ground. His face suddenly changed. With his spiritual force, he urged to stroke the dust. He did not have any damage to a little cultivator who was practicing low qi.

If this matter is reported, the Taoist priests of Yishan Taoist temple will not believe it at all.

"Get the Fuck out here!"

Qin Feng waved his hand and slapped the old Taoist in the face from a distance. Before the old Taoist could react, the aura of protecting his body was instantly scattered, and the whole person was even blown away. His face was smashed against the wall. His facial features were distorted instantly, and blood flowed.

When he fell to the ground, there was disbelief and horror in those eyes!

In the same way, there are also fears. With only one slap, he will know what a gap is!

Can's judge a book by it's cover

The old Taoist priest struggled to get up, swaying, even without looking at Qin Yu.

What morality and justice have been said before is all bullshit.

At present, the most important thing for him in front of such a powerful person is to save his life!

Without further ado, he ran directly outside the door.

For this old Taoist, Qin Feng did not have the time to stop him.


Qin Yu stood up, and the 'Peace' word has not been said, the old Taoist has slipped.

"God damn it!"

Can't help but scold aloud, Qin Yu looked at coming Qin Feng, don't know why he can't help his hand trembling.

"I broke Xu Hu's neck, Zhang Kaiyu burned to ashes, Sun Yi was put to death in front of my father's tomb, and Wei Hai was thrown into the sea by me to feed sharks. My dear uncle, which method of death do you prefer?"

The voice of Qin Feng sounded cold.

In Qin Yu's eyes, his nephew, the former playboy, has now become the king of hell, the king of hell!

A word can make a man dead or alive!

Die anytime and anywhere!

Trembling, even the eyes have trembled!


Luoting hotel, the open balcony of the presidential suite.

"Fuck, motherfucking bitch hurt me! Don't die too fast; wait until I'm tired of it! "

Feng Mao looked at Lin Yuechan kneeling on the ground, leaning on the sword, covered in blood, breath is very weak, just like a dying state.

The three men in front of Lin Yuechan, the top practitioners of the Seven Star Sates, were all injured, and their bodies were more or less marked with blood drawn by swords.

One verse three!

Middle qi verses peak qi!

Even if she has evergreen...

Lin Yuechan, has reached the limit!

"sister Yuechan!"

Qin Chuxue cried and was held in her arms by Song Yu. The mother and daughter tightly leaned against the balcony guardrail. At their feet, it was the big black dog. At that time, he was covered in long black hair, showed its fangs and glared at Fengmao severely.

"I'm sorry.!"

Lin Yuechan couldn't hold on, and the sword fell to the ground; the whole body fell down. She looked at the long white clouds with tears in her eyes, mixed with blood.

The tears, not because of the pain, not because of fear of death, but guilt, guilt for Qin Feng.

In the dizzy consciousness, Yuechan heard Qin Chuxue calling her, with that, she turned and looked at Qin Chuxue.


She saw the three people, who were walking towards the mother and daughter. Lin Yuechan has anxiety in her eyes, but she has no choice. Her body has not listened to her orders.

She can only watch and...

Shouting inside, don't...No!

Time seemed to return to the scene when her master was destroyed. She was hidden in the back channel by her master, her figure was fixed, and she looked at her master, her elder brother and younger brother, her own sister, one by one, falling in front of her eyes.

However, there is nothing she can do.