Thirty-six Universe of All Worlds

Lodge, Jiangzhou, in front of the Square Mirror.

He Hua has the excitement that cannot be concealed in his eyes.

"Elder Drunkless, I may have found the favored child you have been looking for hundreds of years."

When He Hua was excited, suddenly... He stopped!

Not only he but also the cultivators of the whole Jiangzhou lodge arare frozen

The same sentence sounded in their mind.

Is this haunted? !

Ancient Wood Courtyard, as one of the nine branches of Immortal Admin, is under the jurisdiction of Qingzhou branch of Jiangzhou Sudi. The natural spirit is abundant, which is on the upper line of Jiangzhou!

But at this time, everyone found that they could not absorb the spirit power.

More precisely, it is the power they want to absorb that has been robbed!

Even... Many cultivators with insufficient accomplishments, such as those who practice low-level skills, are forced to pull out the spiritual power in their bodies and turn into visional again.

He Hua quickly turned around and looked at the scene outside the hall. He was even more horrified. He had lived for nearly a hundred years and had never seen such a scene before!

This is only the legendary scene!

What a horrible absorption speed this is! The spirit power even condensed into the river.

The spirit of the whole lodge is gathering in one place!

The side yard where Qin Feng is located.

However, it is not Qin Feng that absorbs this power, but this 'dog' in front of his eyes.

Qin Feng looked at the big black dog. just now, a strong suction emerged from the big black dog. it was still that Qin Feng slipped fast and put his hand back. otherwise, his spirit might be sucked away.

Then there is this scene in front of us. the spirit of the quartet turned into a long river and continued to enter the body of the big black dog.

It is estimated that not only Jiangzhou lodge, but also the aura of hundreds of miles around, are gathered here!

The blood in the big black dog is awakened. The first tail has appeared. Because of the first tail, he needs the spirit power to stabilize his strength.

This is the action out of the unconscious, and the suction on the body is also innate.

When his strength is stabilized, it is also the moment when he wakes up.

It's just that the cultivators who have suffered from this place where are originally full of spiritual power. They are afraid that they will not be able to recover in the next two or three months.

At this time, Qin Feng's mobile phone rang.

It's Zhou Hong.

"Madman, the time and place are fixed. Ding Sihai is scheduled to be at Qin's International Hotel at 6: 30 this evening."

"Did this bastard mean it ."

When Qin Feng heard 'Qin's International Hotel,' there was a sneer in his eyes. this is a hotel owned by Qin group.

"It's obviously intentional, Madman. how do you think about it ?"

"Tell them I will be there on time ."

Qin Feng hung up the phone. He didn't want to talk to Ding Sihai, who won't survive three episodes in TV series. But this kind of person, if you don't beat him hard in the face and beat him until he is afraid, he won't be at ease.

Qin Feng does not want to have a fly in his ear all the time.

Entering the house, Qin Feng called out his mother. Song Yu has not yet stepped into the path of cultivation, and she can't feel the change of spirit power in this world, and there will be no abnormal surprise.

"Mom, I have something to tell you ."

Qin Feng looked at song Yu and took a deep breath.

"I'm listening."

"Sun Yi, Wei Hai, and Qin Yu are all dead ."

Qin Feng said quickly. when she heard this, Song Yu paused and then surprised Qin Feng. Song Yu was very calm.

"I know, so you're going back to the group now, right? Hurry up and get down to business. I'll take care of Yuechan. Don't worry. "

After that, Song Yu turned and entered the house. After a few seconds, there was a cry from the house.

After watching the house silent for a few seconds, Qin Feng took a deep breath and turned and left the yard.

As for the big black dog, let him suck slowly and stop when he sucks enough. Anyway, there is no safer place than this from the whole Jiangzhou.

He has to thank the old man first and then return to the group. There are some things that must be dealt with.

Qin Yu's body is still lying in the conference room at this time.


On the first universe of the world, the first interface, Clouds filled the air, and the Supreme Immortal Court had a majestic and ethereal voice.

"According to the running of Yan Tian Plate, demon monkey magic's traces spread the following 21 universes: The third, the fifth, the sixth, the seventh, the ninth, the 12th...36th."

"According to the decree of the Jade Emperor, the following 21 universes of abundance will be stepped up to search for every boundary, especially the seventh. The Qiu Lan boundary to which it belongs, the Boundless Sea, even a speck of dust, you shall not spare."

"The jade emperor will: For the 15 universes that do not need to be checked, the soldiers of abundance, except those who cling to heaven, are all rushed to 21 universes to assist in the search, and there shall be no mistake! "

The voice echoed from the immortal court of the temple.

Followed by countless heavenly soldiers, and the surging of the wind and cloud of the entire world!

The thirty-sixth day, impressively among them.


"This old man is really strange in temperament ."

At the gate of the ancient wooden courtyard, Qin Feng lit a cigarette and had a wry smile on his face. Just now he went to visit Su Lao, but he was turned away. Nobody saw him at all.

If not, there is no other way for Qin Feng. Qin Feng does not understand that the brain of this kind of old thing that has lived for hundreds of years.

Speaking of this, Qin Feng admired Qi linger very much. Her father was more than two hundred years old, and his thoughts were estimated to have stopped at 'doom of Qing Dynasty. 'one was only in his early twenties; he doesn't know how this father and daughter to communicate.

With a cigarette in his mouth.

Qin Feng looked at this day. He recalled what happened today. If it's not the big black dog suddenly woke up, he would regret it for a lifetime.

Seven Stars door ...!

Qin Feng has never had such a strong sense of killing in his eyes, the kind of killing that wants to give a sect to the total extinction!

Wait for me, just wait until I build the foundation!

As long as I build the foundation, the first thing is to destroy the Seven-Star! Every last one of them.

Now what should be taken has been taken back from Qin Yu. Qin Feng originally planned to take his mother and sister to Qin Manor to live there, which is their real home and the place where they grew up.

However, it seems that it is the safest place to stay in the lodge, Jiangzhou for the time being.

After thinking about it, Qin Feng went to the place where he parked before, and there were not many people nearby. Otherwise, they would definitely be shocked.

Because Qin Feng pushed the car to the gas station with a single hand...


Qingyan city, the luxury penthouse where Zhu Long, the ninth branch chief is located.


Lying on the big bed near the window, Zhu Long was holding a naked and half-naked beauty in his left and right arms, but his face was livid.

"Three people of Feng Mao are all dead ."

Cheng Bo stood by the bed and said with his head lowered.

"All dead ?! "

Zhu Long's eyes are wide open, three Deacon, and the deacon who is at the peak of Qi-training!

The ninth branch has a total of 200 or 300 people, including more than 20 Deacon, and there are only eight at the peak of the training. Here are three were dead!

Not to mention whether the report to HQ hall will be scolded or not, this alone has already lost face.

"Qin Feng ...! "

Zhu Long released the hand holding the beautiful woman, got out of bed and walked by Cheng Bo.

"Send all the information about that guy to my office ."

"Yes, chief."

Cheng Bo saw serious Zhu Long, can't help but feel a little scared.

To be the chief of the Seven Star Gate, besides accomplishments, there is another characteristic, that is, vicious means and ruthless determination!

Obviously, Zhu Long is ready to do it himself!