New Chairman!

Qin's Building, Qin Feng just stopped the car.

The guards who were on duty at the door suddenly came over.

Just ten minutes ago, the signatures of the directors of the board had been signed, and the resolution of the board of directors came into effect.

Through emails and internal videos, the news quickly spread to every subsidiary of the Qin Group, everyone, including the headquarters.

Everyone is thrilled by horror.

In their view, after today's shareholder meeting, Qin Yu would become the new chairman of the board, which is a nail-biting thing, but now Qin Feng suddenly here, which is simply caught off guard.

"Good, good afternoon Chairman!"

The security guard in his twenties is a few years older than Qin Feng, but he is nervous.

Nodded slightly, Qin Feng's previous clothes were stained with blood and changed to another one, but it was also very common. He dressed in such ordinary clothes that could no longer be more ordinary, and got off directly and walked into the building.

When Qin Feng walked into the building!

All the employees, no matter what they are doing, standing, sitting, are standing up straight and neatly.

"Good afternoon Chairman!"

With his hands on his trouser pockets, Qin Feng glanced these people. He didn't say much, and he was a hegemonic chairman...No, the appearance of the hegemonic chairman.

The top floor, in front of the chairman's office.

Qin Feng looked at the door sign 'Chairman's Office' and stopped here. It was silent for five or six minutes; then he opened the door.

When he passed the first meeting room just now, it was already very clean. Qin Feng didn't have to ask who helped him with the shitty mess, and that person wouldn't come either.

Everyone knows it.

Wei Wenhan.

This old man in his 60s used to be a gang boss of Jiangzhou's underworld. It was easy to do "sweeping" for Qin Feng without a trace.

When Qin Feng walked into the office.

"Chairman, all the important documents of the group within three months, I already organized and put it on your desk."

The voice of the female secretary was pretending to be sweet, deliberately unbuttoning the half of the shirt, revealing the towering half of the snow peak.

This female secretary obviously knows politics very well. The former chairman has just left, so she wants to have slept with the next one.

Qin Feng didn't talk, just sitting at his desk and scanning through the pile of documents on the table. For these documents, he didn't want to see anything at all, because someone would soon help him.

"Is our chairman tired? Do you want to sleep? Or me...Exercise with you, relax ~."

Everyone can understand what is said.

What is exercise, what is relaxation, that is, contraction and back-and-forth movement, essence catharsis and relaxation?

The female secretary stepped on the high heel and came along, with big wavy curls, delicate makeup, slender legs covered with a layer of black stockings, stirring people's hearts. She fell down, the vast expanse of snow-white is enough to catch man's eyes, have to say, the female secretary is a beautiful woman and pleasing to men, and the tricks on the bed are absolutely first-class.

Unfortunately...She is looking for the wrong person.

"You are fired, now, immediately, right away, get the fuck out my vision."

Qin Feng raised his eyes slightly and looked at the woman who was making a show of herself. His eyes were full of disgust. She traded his body for vanity. He could sleep with you today, she can do it with others tomorrow, and with another one the day after tomorrow.

This kind of woman is boring.

The female secretary was stunned, standing in the same place and being awkward. She was so active but got dismissed. ! "Even if you want to fire me, should you sleep with me and then and then fire me? ! Don't eat the meat sent to your mouth? Is this person still a normal man?

Am I so unattractive? !"

This is also true. For Qin Feng, there is no attraction or friction. She has slept with thousands of men, and that part is already flabby.

Lin Yuechan, Nangong Yiren, Qi Linger, anyone is also a detached peerless beauty, and this female secretary is not at the same level as them at all.

"what? Still, need me to say the second time? "

Qin Feng coldly looked at the female secretary, she was frightened to quiver, how malicious is Qin Feng , she knows better than most of the group.

He is really killing people!

"Ok, ok."

"Go to finance and get your salary this month, fuck off."

After Qin Feng finished speaking, he stopped. The female secretary also quickly quit, and her face became red.

After the female secretary left, Qin Feng took out his mobile phone, found a phone number and dialed it.

After the call is connected.

"Hey, Uncle Deng, is that you?"

Qin Feng's voice passed over. On the other end of the phone, it was silent. For four or five seconds, a steady voice came over but can be heard that the voice was full of excitement and emotion.

"Yes, chairman."

Deng Qing said Chairman particularly powerful!

He is Qin Xiao confidant, is Qin Xiao's right-hand man, is the ten-year president of the Qin group's most brilliant period. Even if Qin Yu and others suppressed him, he still stayed in Qin's group, even if he was a small director in a subsidiary company, he still did not give up.

He knows that the haze will dissipate and that day will come.

Qin Feng cleared his throat and used his most rigorous tone in his life. Just like his father used to speak, he said: "Mr. Deng Qing, after deliberation by the board of directors of the group, decided to hire you as the president of our Qin Group. Your offer will be sent to your email address ten minutes later. If you agree and accept to serve in the Group, please do not be late and go to work on time at 8:00 tomorrow."

When Qin Feng's words were finished, the other end of the phone fell into a deathly silence. A few seconds later, a cry broke out. A strong-willed man cried and wailed.

Listening to this crying, Qin Feng took a deep breath and hung up the phone.

He does not need Deng Qing's answer, because this is the inevitable answer.

After making a phone call to Deng Qing, Qin Feng picked up the telephone, which is Qin group's intranet, he can call any department head and deputy's head.


HR head Yang Zheng watched the traffic outside the window and drank coffee. He was surprised by what happened today. The son of the former chairman suddenly killed his own uncle, acting chairman Qin Yu, and became the current chairman of the board. This plot, this turning point, are we making TV plays? !

If it hadn't happened around him, he wouldn't have believed it.

At this time, the landline at his desk rang, and Yang Zheng shocked!

Because this phone call was made from the chairman's office, as the saying goes, a new broom sweeps clean. Did the young chairman want to clean him first after taking over the office? !

His face was pale, but also dare not delay, hurriedly connected.


Haven't waited for Yang Zheng to greet.

"I will send you a name and phone number in a while. You have been doing HR for so many years; you can naturally find specific ones in the talent pool. Send her an offer. The job title is secretary of chairman, and the annual salary is one million."

Before Yang Zheng to reacted, he hangs.

But when he reacted, he shocked...WTF, what logic is this? when is the chairman's secretary's annual salary a million? !

According to the plan given by the compensation plan of the Qin Group, the chairman of the board of directors has an annual salary of only 300,000.

And his cell phone is now screaming.

There is a message, it is a mobile phone number in the message, and there is a name: Nangong Yiren.