Mysterious Alcoholics!

"I, I am..."

Nangong Yiren nervously looks at her body, with a white spiritual power from the air, it is constantly pouring into her body.

She was a little nervous.

This is normal, after all, for so many years of mortal, she suddenly sees this scene, it is weird if she is not surprised.

"It's all right. Take it easy."

Qin Feng stood beside Nangong Yiren. As Nangong stepped into the moment of practice, he found that his weekly cycle speed had accelerated again.

Sure enough, as the rumor goes, the higher the cultivation of the spiritual body is, the stronger the ability to help.

At this moment, Qin Feng even wanted to break through the spirit-training products directly.

But it's really helpless.

Spiritual power in this interface is scarce, so he must find a place where spiritual power is more abundant.

"When does it stop...? "

Nangong Yiren was a little panicked when she watched the spiritual power pouring in all over her body. It was Qin Feng who was holding not to laugh loud.

Others are anxious for spirits not to pour into their bodies, while Nangong wants to stop.

Because the cycle in her body is all carried out unconsciously and if Nangong Yiren takes the initiative to meditate and practice, maybe there will be a very frightening scene.

"If you want it to stop, it will stop. Close your eyes and try it on your own."

Qin Feng said with a smile.

"Oh, oh."

Nangong Yiren nodded dully, then took a deep breath. After closing her eyes, the spirit of her body slowly began to dissipate.

Time passed quietly, and when it completely disappeared, Nangong Yiren opened her eyes.

But Qin Feng has already gone.

Nangong Yiren looked at the empty living room in front of her, showing a trace of disappointment.

"Never say goodbye when you go."

Car roars and gallops.

Qin Feng thought about the phone call of Zuo Yingjie before. He thought a lot and recalled his friendship with Zhou Hong in a short time.

Senior high school, college, fight together and hook up with girls together, get into trouble and get scolded together.

It's no exaggeration to use "best buddies" to describe them.

He couldn't understand, nor could he imagine the reason why the brother who once believed in his heart should hurt his father and himself.

Perhaps his hands and feet were broken that night. For Zhou Hong, that was because he could not kill him for the sake of their friendship, so he just chose to hurt him.

If so, what kind of entanglement does Zhou Hong have with his father?

Qin Feng recalled that he had taken Zhou Hong to his home in the past. Zhou Hong had also seen his father Qin Xiao and did not show any special difference.

Qin Feng racked his brains to find out what the hidden reason behind this is!

The car, however, is approaching the Ancient Wooden Courtyard.

Around the last street is Jiangzhou lodge, but when Qin Feng rounds the corner, there is a figure standing in the center of the street.

What is it?! Robbery?

Qin Feng frowned and looked through the windshield at the people in the middle of the street.

But it's not like a robbery guy.

He was dressed in a shabby ancient gray robe, messy long hair, casually tied in a bun, holding a sword in his hand, with a face of beard, the face is black, waist hung a bronze gourd, was full of alcohol.

Qin Feng stopped his car and looked at the person blocking the road. He could not feel malicious from this person, but he did not know this person, and he was wearing such strange clothes. If you say clothes, it was an ancient beggar, but looking at temperament, there was some chivalrous temperament.

The most important thing is that Qin Feng can't see through this guy's practice.

It's really strange that a friar who can't see through cultivation is blocking the road.

"What's wrong, Mr?"

Qin Feng is not stupid either. People who can't see through themselves are usually good at it.

With a word, the drunken madman in front of him, still holding a sword and hanging like wood, without saying a word.


Qin Feng called again but still he ignored it.

But this street, at most two meters wide, the car can not go around.

Two steps forward, Qin Feng just wanted to call again.

But he heard a little snoring.


The drunken madman fell asleep while standing, and he was really a talented person.


Qin Feng came only one meter away from the alcoholic madman, carrying the spirit power and shouting loudly.

The sound almost echoes in this empty street.

"Ah? Ah... "Ah."

The drunken madman finally opened his eyes, and three tone words came in succession. The first was frightening, the second was stunned, the third was waking up, and then patted the back of his head.

"Ouch, I'm sorry, little brother. The old man fell asleep on the halfway carelessly. I block your way, is it? Come on, go go go."

The drunken madman turned aside to give way, and Qin Feng turned around doubtfully and drove back.

"Qin Feng."

At this time, the drunken madman suddenly shouted, Qin Feng's footsteps also stopped in place.

His face changed slightly, and this fellow knew himself!

He is afraid it's not just about blocking the road! Is he coming after him?!


Qin Feng did not turn around, just said.

"Do you want to build a foundation?"

The alcoholic suddenly asked.


Qin Feng said.

"Do you want to knot a Dan?"


"Do you want to learn advanced skills and swordsmanship?"


"Do you want to drive the wind in the sky and override all living beings?! "


The tone of the maniac is getting louder, but Qin Feng's answer is extremely calm.

"Do you want to be Yuanyin then?"


Qin Feng is still calm.

The drunken madman can't help it. "Kid, can't you be a little surprised?"

It's a set of words that he learned from the trumpet of the street fraud: "Do you want to get rich overnight, do you want to become famous overnight, do you want to have a billion dollars in assets?"

He was speechless, and this was the first time he had ever met someone so calm when he was asked if he wanted to be a Yuanyin.

You know, in the whole world of Yunshui (the earth), has only one Yuanying , that is, the head of Immortal Admin, the head of Kunlun Pavilion, the top one force of Immortal Admin, let alone a little friar, even the head of Admin heard this, he was sitting in a critical position, with a dignified face.

But Qin Feng is so calm.

"Why should I be surprised?"

Qin Feng turned around and looked at the drunk madman in front of him.

The drunken madman looked at the eyes of Qin Feng, the eyes in his eyes, very calm, very natural, no waves in the ancient well.

Absolutely not artificial!

He suddenly laughed, laughing loudly, that is happy, extremely happy!

"He Hua does not deceive me, he does not deceive me! Kid, I'll see you again!"

After that, the drunken madman turned into a sword light, which broke through the air directly.

"The imperial sword rides the wind to come, the heaven and the earth are the playgrounds for me, the thousand cups swallow the sun and the moon, but the ten thousand cups of wine won't get me drunk!"

The sound of laughter echoes in this lonely street with such a poem.

Qin Feng's eyes suddenly condensed.

Looking up at the disappearance of the sword in the sky, he frowned.

Walk in the wind, Dan cultivator!

Why did he suddenly find him?

Will see him again?! What the hell is this drunkard doing?!