Dust-off Dan, Immortal Admin Force!

The drunken madman who stopped the car halfway, Qin Feng did not know the name of the man or the meaning of the sudden conversation between them.

But he heard one thing.

"He Hua does not deceive me!"

Who is He Hua? The chief in Jiangzhou who gives Lingyuan Dan to him.

At first, Qin Feng thought that the old man might be saving each other from death, and he wanted to accumulate some virtue for the next life, which was the Lingyuan Dan sent out, but now it seems that it is absolutely not that simple.

No wonder he didn't see him before he visited!

He wants to find an opportunity to ask the old man. He can't be sold so while he knows nothing.

Think of here Qin Feng is speechless because before he was really sold out, and he is even counting money for them!

Driving directly into the ancient wooden courtyard, the "security" will no longer stop.

In the courtyard, Qin Feng was given an empty courtyard in the main room.

Lin Yuechan leaned against the head of the bed with a pale face, but apparently, her complexion had improved a lot. Qin Chuxue was sitting at the end of the bed, while Song Yu was sitting in a chair on the side.

The big black dog had woken up and was lying on the legs of the Qin Chuxue and yawning.

"Brother, why are you so mysterious ~What are you going to show us?"

Qin Chuxue looked at the Qin Feng standing at the door, with curiosity in her eyes.

Are you ready? Look! "

Qin Feng smiled, then waved his hand. Suddenly, the whole room was filled with shopping bags, all kinds of clothes.

Three women, even Lin Yuechan, had a bright eye.

There are no women who don't like beautiful clothes.

"Wow! Brother, you bought all the store! "

Qin Chuxue jumped out of bed happily, looking at the shopping bag, she was ecstatic.

At that moment, there was a knock at the door.


"It's me, open the door!"

Outside came the voice of Qi Linger. Previously, Qi Linger's decisive treatment of Lin Yuechan made him have a good image of Qi Linger.

When he opened the door, Qi Ling-er just crossed the threshold and was stunned to see Chanel everywhere.

"Would you like to pick out some?"

Qin Feng glanced at Qilinger and said calmly.

"You are really rich kid?! "

Qi Linger is also the first time to see such a Qin Feng, took away the whole shop.

"Well, come out with me first."

Qi Linger pulled Qin Feng's clothes and pulled him out directly.

"Mom, you have a good look at these clothes, keep what you like, throw away what you dislike, I will go out to talk about some business."

"Sister Yuechan, you must look very good in this dress! Mom, wear this!"

Qin Feng's words, the three women ignored, no one at all looked at him, they are only focusing on clothes.

Outside, there are stone benches under the ancient pine trees in the courtyard, Qin Feng and Qi Linger sat opposite each other across the table.

Today, Qi Linger is wearing a dark grey hot pants, long legs of jade white glimmering under the moonlight, a white striped T-shirt on her upper body, exquisite features, such as waterfall long hair pouring down.

If you sit still, Qilinger can really be described as "quiet and peaceful".

But if she moves...

In one sentence, Qilinger is best described as: Quiet as a virgin, moving like a rabbit.

"Well, here's the dust-off Dan you want."

As soon as Qi Linger raised her hand, a small purple bottle appeared in her hand.

Qin Feng did not refuse either. He took it directly.

"Now it's time to say something about you. You have to make it clear to me at the beginning and at the end of the story."

Qin Feng collects the dust-off Dan. As the saying goes, if he takes money to do things, he will naturally fulfill his promise when he takes the pills.

But before he does anything, he has to make things clear.

If Qi Linger wants to kill people and overtake goods by him, and deceive others, Qin Feng would rather not use this Dan.

"It's a long story, but it's ok to tell you. I believe you."

Qi Linger was obviously upset when she talked about these things. She set her legs on a stone bench, lighted her chin with her hands, thought about it for a while, and then began to talk.

Moreover, she said it very carefully. In order to be clear with Qin Feng, she even mentioned many irrelevant matters incidentally.

About an hour later.

Qin Feng understood what he was about to do, and he also knew a lot about the earth's cultivation world.

Well, for the friar's, called the Yunshui world.

In Yunshui, there are three major Cultivation Colleges, Xianling, Zixiao, and Tianlong. They have been running for thousands of years. Qilinger is in Xianling College.

However, the forces behind the Xianling College are actually Penglai Fairy Island in the Immortal Admin.

Immortal Admin forces are divided into four tiers.

The first tier, the highest: Kunlun Pavilion! The leaders of past dynasties are also the Immortal Admin leaders and the only Yuan Ying friar on the earth.

The second tier, the top Six: Penglai Fairy Island, Yusu Moutain, Dayin Temple and Xiaoyin Temple, Xianling College (supported by Penglai), Zixiao College (supported by Yusu), Tianlong College (supported by Xiaoyin Temple and Dayin Temple), all of the six leaders are seniors of Immortal Admin-Xiange Pavilion, and all of them are at the peak of Dan-knotting, including the nine sub-pavilions.

Third tier, nine families: Jingzhou Qi family, Yuzhou Xiao family, Qingzhou Ye family, Yongzhou Wuma family.

Fourth tier: The scattered clan and the cultivation clan.

Of course, all of these common senses of cultivation is what Qi Linger adds to Qin Feng. What she really wants to say is the Winter Championship of Xianling College.

There are four seasons in a year, that is, there are four quarterly champions, each quarterly champion, in this quarter will be provided by the College's most top spiritual resources, but also has the qualification to visit the Fairy Teacher of the College.

And once you become the champion of the year, you will win the four seasons' championship in a row, and you will be the student of the dean!

The deans of the three colleges are all seniors of Xiange Pavilion. They are the leaders of the branch. They already reached Dan-knotting. To be students of them, you will be a whole new person overnight.

But it's not easy to win the annual championship. It's hard for such a person to win for decades.

But this year's spring, summer, and autumn championship were all taken away by a man called Xiao Zhanyun, the Xiao's children in Yuzhou.

As long as he wins the winter again, he will be able to be the student of Xianling dean.

For him, to be the student of the dean is the most important purpose. Spiritual resources are nothing to Xiao family.

What Qi Linger wants to do is to prevent Xiao Zhenyun from winning the winter crown!

The last round of this winter crown is to kill a thunderstorm cow, which is difficult for even friars in the early stage of foundation construction.

Why do you want to stop him? As per you said, you're not interested in this winter crown.

Qin Feng asked casually, listening to Qi Linger, she just wanted to stop him, she did not take into account the slightest self-interest.

"Well, scum, I'm glad to see his bad luck."

Qi Linger said angrily.

"What? Your ex-boyfriend?

Qin Feng looked at Qi Ling'er who was angry with a smile on his lips.

"He doesn't deserve it!"

Qi Linger said with disgust: "Never mind. Some things involve my friend's privacy. I can't tell you more. I can only tell you that I'm helping my friend. And that guy is scum. That's it. You just help me then."


Qin Feng nodded, which was not difficult for him, but to kill a cow.

Of course... Qin Feng thinks so for the time being.