Square hall is in Danger!

In front of Square Hall.

At this moment, in the courtyard, except for those who were sent to visit all parts of Jiangzhou, almost all the staff in the lodge gathered here.

About 150 people and more than 30 others died outside.

Everyone is nervous at the moment!

Back to back, the disciples of the lodge surrounded the Jade and White Stone Road, looking out at the rough black fog outside the fence, the sound of ghost howling was endless in their ears!

It's daytime, but it's dark and foggy. The sky looks as dark as midnight.

In the Square Hall, there are nine people and a 'dog'.

Lin Yuechan, Song Yu, Qin Chuxue, and big black dog are all there.

Qi Linger, Liu Man and Niu Dazhuang all gathered here.

The remaining three are Zhang Dawei and Yanqiu.

And Lei Qiong.

Others are all right. Except for Lei Qiong, the only friar in the early days of foundation building turns pale at this time. The breath is basically a breath and a half, sitting back in a chair, trying to keep the breath in order.

Just now, Redjon and the outside leaders fought against each other. Although both of them were in the early stage of foundation construction, the result was obvious. Redjon lost and almost died.

He is so careless! Rejon, in his heart, didn't look up to such a thing as Ghost Flag, and he lost!

"What are we going to do now?"

Zhang Dawei looked at Yanqiu and asked aloud that he had only come to his place of residence for more than a year. In the face of this situation, he was totally at a loss.

"Hold on, wait till the Master Ho come back!"

Yanqiu is older and apparently more stable.

As for Lin Yuechan and others, they are not qualified to speak at all, just waiting silently, but they are not waiting for the master, they are waiting for... Qin Feng!

"This time, the branch temporarily summoned Sulao from all over the country. Who knows when he will come back, and when he comes back, he can attend the funeral for us."

Zhang Dawei looked at Yanqiu and said impatiently. Although he was quite straightforward, there was no mistake at all. When He Hua came back, their coffins could be buried.

"What is your idea then?" Kill out as you just said?! Ah?! How do you kill people like this outside?'

Yanqiu is also angry, damn, why do you always look at me?! I am all same, alright?

With such a roar, Zhang Dawei shut up.

At that moment, Lei Qiong opened his eyes. Although his breath was weak, still stable. He stood up with the struggle. Zhang Dawei and Yanqiu hurried to help him.

"I'll hold them off. You take the men of the lodge and take Miss Qi out. You must not let her hurt."

Lei Qiong looked at Qi Linger, which he cared most about.

Qi Linger, the daughter of the Qi family in Jingzhou, has a noble position. If she dies here, it will probably cause a great disturbance in Immortal Admin.

At the very least, the angry Qi family owner will not stop until he makes a world-shaking disturbance!

Yanqiu, who has been around He Hua all the year round, knows that there are a lot of things happening in Xiange Pavilion and they can't afford ups and downs.

"Why? Let's go out together. What's it if I run on my own?

Qi Linger refused without thinking about it.

"My lady, don't mess up at this time, we can all die, you can't!"

Zhang Dawei spoke quickly and persuaded her.

"I don't care. I'll never run alone unless we walk away together."

Qi Linger hummed, looked at Lin Yuechan, three people and a dog, and thought in her heart. If I left like this, then Qin Feng's family died here.

Since then, she will have no contact with Qin Feng for her entire life.

"Miss Qi, I hope you put the overall situation first, your father..."

Lei Qiong looked at Qi Linger and tried to persuade her.

And just at this moment, there came a sad scream outside!

Zhang Dawei and Yanqiu went out, and Qi Linger followed them. Lin Yuechan made eyes at Song Yu and Qin Chuxue.

"Blackie, protect them."

Lin Yuechan whispered to the big black dog. The big black dog wagged his tail to show his understanding.

Then Lin Yuechan went out.

It's good not to go out. Once you go out.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yuechan was shocked!

It's dark. It's a good word to describe it.

The dark fog outside the courtyard began to penetrate into the wall. Once the staff in the lodge were covered by the black fog, then there was a terrible scream.

"The Ghost Flag, to refine people's soul as driving skill, killing people is directly soul-drawing, is really vicious and hateful!"

Yan Qiu saw this scene and said angrily, but there was nothing he could do about it.

"Everyone back up!"

Can only shout loudly, those staff, after hearing Yanqiu's voice, are going back one after another.

Nobody knows which direction the next moment will suddenly burst out of the dark fog to devour themselves.

Just after Yanqiu's words were out, in front of the left, a black gas suddenly gushed out and swallowed up the four or five staff in the lodge who could not escape there. Then there was a terrible scream.

"Damn it, I have to fight with them!"

Zhang Dawei really can't look at it anymore. The black fog of this shit makes people feel so depressed! Even if you want to break out of the siege, there is no way!

He was about to rush up and was caught by Yanqiu.

"Are you fucking silly?! You and I are in charge of the lodge, if we die, then what the others gonna do?! You're not going to take care of the lives of hundreds of brothers?! "

"You just look at them?! "

Zhang Dawei also shouted back, his eyes were red, although he said that he usually had a fight with these guys and scolded their mother in private.

But anyway, they are brothers who spend time with each other day and night. Zhang Dawei can't stand watching them die in front of his own eyes.

In the Square Hall, Lei Qiong frowned tightly. Now the black fog blockaded and the news could not be sent out. The so-called telephone was useless. No one knew the situation of Jiangzhou at all and if it's going on like this...

Except for waiting to die, they have no choice.

Lei Qiong coughed fiercely thinking of this and blood came out again.

Qin Chuxue squatted down, hugged the big black dog, and looked nervously out of the door.


Dead! Dead again!

When Qin Feng walked all the way, he saw no fewer than thirty or forty dead people, all of them dead and terrible. When he arrived at the other courtyard, the other courtyard was empty!

Suddenly the whole face was pale!

And at this moment, there was a sad cry coming from a distance, although the voice was not very loud, he did hear!

The square hall!

Qin Feng's eyes were burning with anger, and he rushed out of the courtyard and ran straight to the Square Hall.

If one single hair of my misses, I will cut you alive one by one!