Bury Alive!

"You evil spirits, dare to offend my place of residence in Immortal Amin, do you want to die?! "

In front of the Square Hall, Yanqiu shouts loudly towards the approaching black fog.

Now they have to hold on until they can see the dawn of hope.

Yanqiu's voice perfused into the dark fog.

He thought that this sentence could have some deterrent effect, after all, the name of Immortal Admin, but the result is... It wasn't that rough black fog, but with the advent of the sound, it suddenly increased, covering most of the courtyard in an instant.

Suddenly, more than a dozen staff in the lodge were shrouded in the dark fog and fell into a tragic scream.

The rest of them have also stepped back. More than 200 disciples in their original place are now only over a hundred, almost half of them died.

From the dark fog, there was loud and disdainful laughter.

"Brothers, take back the souls of these Admin disciples and practice them well. I need to see. What's special about the souls of these guys compared with those of those scattered practitioners?"

A proud, shrill voice came out of the dark fog.

"Ge Tong! You have to understand what you're doing!"

At this time, Leiqiong also came out of the Square Hall with his chest covered. He was angry and he shouted fiercely.

"Once this matter is known by the upper echelons of my Senior Court, you will surely be completely destroyed! Is this what your little branch head can afford?! "

"Do you think that the upper echelons of your present Admin will give a shit about your little place of residence? It's ridiculous. Even if I believe it, I'm afraid you don't believe it yourself."

In the dark fog, Ge Tong's laughing voice came out.

"No more nonsense, all of you have a good journey."

"Kill them all!"

As soon as the voice came out, the black fog came rushing in.

Everyone's face changed, even the big black dog in the Square Hall, but also looked out at the hall to reveal a vicious look, ready to change shape!

But at this time!


Behind the tranquil dark fog, there was great chaos!

There's a scream coming but this scream... It's not the disciple of the Admin, it's the devil's disciple!

Behind the dark fog.

Qin Feng rushed to the Square Hall, and when he saw the dark fog that covered the square hall for thousands of meters, he rushed in without saying a word.

The disciples of these ghost-flag disciples were a little stunned at first when they saw Qin Feng rushing in.

Think that other people can't survive when they run, and this shithead even comes in and sends him to death on his own initiative. Is this guy funny?! But since you're here to die, you're welcome!

They rushed up to Qin Feng one after another. After all, it was said in advance before departure. The more they killed, the richer the reward they received afterward.

What's more, it's just a kind of middle qi cultivator. It's meat that comes in. You don't eat it for anything.

But when they rushed up, they regretted being born by their mother!

An iron bar, just like beating a balloon, blows up them one by one with a stick at a time!

As long as they touch the iron bar, they will die. There is no such saying as serious injury.

Qin Feng's eyes are full of fire, and under the golden eyes of fire, these black fogs can't confuse his sight at all!

"Lineup, line up now!"

Don't know where a sudden voice came out, and then in the dark fog, there were hundreds of banners around Qin Feng, followed by the overcast wind.

One evil spirit surged out of the dark fog with a grim and terrible expression.


Qin Feng said a word, raised his hand, the ice flame burst out, instantaneous spread!


Shout in a low voice!

With Qin Feng as the center, the ice flame quickly disperses, but where the black fog lies, the ice flame burns away!

Suddenly, the disciples of dozens of ghost flag were burnt to ashes in the ice flames!

The black fog quickly dispersed under the fire, and the original dark scene was greatly changed, back to the original blue sky and white clouds!

And the people in front of the Square Hall saw clearly what was going on.


Lei Qiong is also very surprised in the eyes, looking at Qin Feng surrounded by ice flame at the moment, in his opposite, is the ghost complications of two hundred people, one by one looking at Qin Feng, just dare not close.

The fight in the dark fog just now has frightened these people.


Qin Chuxue suddenly ran out of the temple and smiled at the sight of Qin Feng.

"Xue, don't disturb your brother first."

Lin Yuechan hurriedly pulled her. Qin Chuxue was obedient, she just stood in place and looked at Qin Feng with joy.

Qi Linger, Liu Man, Niu Dazhuang, Zhang Dawei, Yanqiu, Leiqiong, and the disciples in their places all looked at Qin Feng.

Amazed with joy!

Because Qin Feng just put out that annoying black fog!

The reason for such a tragic defeat lies in the dark fog. Once the staff in the lodge are covered by the black fog, they are basically blind people to be slaughtered.

But likewise, they became angry, because as the dark fog dispersed, they saw their brothers, who were lying on the ground, covered with blood, distorted facial features, iron-blue face, and spirits were drawn alive!

"Qin Feng, that man is the foundation level, you..."

Lei Qiong just wanted to remind him that an old man in a long black robe floated out of the ghost flag. His long white hair was tied in knots, like a refugee, with a black flag on his foot and an angry look at Qin Feng.

"little bastard, dare to hurt my people, today I will take your life as a consolation... "

Before GeTong's words are finished!

A huge ancient gold bar, more than twenty meters apart, hit him directly!


Ge Tong was caught off guard. He could only raise his hands unconsciously and block the iron bar with his elbow, but he fell to the ground. The flag on that side burst instantly.

"You... You! "

Ge Tong looked at Qin Feng in astonishment and looked up at the huge stick. For a moment, he did not know what to say.

"You're a damn talker."

Qin Feng's eyes are cold, and his anger is still burning in his heart. He just doesn't want to listen to him.

"Fucking talker!"

Qin Feng held the Magic Cudgel in one hand, one end was thin, the other end was thick, fiercely lifted and smashed down again!


When the stick went down, the ground beneath Gerton's feet cracked and his feet sank directly into the ground.

"Talker, fucking talker! Cannot stop talking, talk in the hell!"

Qin Feng kept venting his anger with the stick.

When he stopped, a funny scene appeared in front of him.

That Ge Tong, at this time only one head is outside, the whole person is hammered into the ground.

Of course, Qin Feng deliberately controlled it. Otherwise, a stick would be enough to blow him up. Where would there be so many more?

The other ghost flag disciples were all bewildered and stunned. They stood in the same place and did not know what to do for a moment.

"What are you waiting for? Don't want to revenge your dead brothers?"

Qin Feng turned his head, and cold words came into the ears of every Admin disciple.

These people are all paused for a second. Don't know who shouted for the first time: "Kill them!"

Others, screaming desperately, tore their necks red and roared at the ghostly disciples.

The disciples of the ghost flag were shocked by Qin Feng, and their eldest brother was buried alive. Where else did they have the fighting spirit, they ran like rabbits!

But as the saying goes, the defeated army is like a fallen mountain! If that happens, you have to leave your life!

Even Zhang Dawei, at this time, rushed up with a roar. After all, the corpses of the disciples in Xiange everywhere were all hatred to them.