Zhou Hong's Choice!

Jiangzhou Lodge, after such a toss and turn, most of them have basically disabled.

The whole afternoon at the lodge was so busy that all kinds of news began to be reported elsewhere.

Of course, Qin Feng didn't know or care about these things.

At this time, he was shopping with Lin Yuechan. It's still the kind of toy store that seven or eight-year-old girls like.

Even Lin Yuechan, who was beside him, could not understand why Qin Feng came to such a shop.

He looks around but he hasn't found the one.

Finally, Qin Feng picked up a Barbie doll and looked at Lin Yuechan. He asked seriously: "Yuechan, did you like this when you were a child?"

Lin Yuechan looked at Qin Feng, the question occurred very seriously, and she also looked at the Barbie doll, a little stunned.

When she was little...

Thinking of her childhood, Lin Yuechan couldn't help passing through a trace of sadness, laughing and saying: "I was wandering around at that time and could not eat enough. I was lucky enough to have a meal every day. I had no chance to play with these things and could only look through the window every time."

This smile hides the sadness of the past.

Qin Feng paused a little bit, he really did not expect that Lin Yuechan's childhood was so tragic, wandering around when she was a child, it was not easy to have a master, a group of teachers, brothers, and sisters, but also in the early twenties suffered from the tragedy of the master was destroyed.

It can be said that she was lucky and unfortunate all her life.

Unfortunate is because of her past, fortunate is because of shemet the right person.

"That's it."

Qin Feng took two sets of Barbie dolls in full suit at once, and Lin Yuechan on the other side didn't understand.

"What did you buy this for? Xiaoxue should have passed the age of playing with dolls."

It's really doubtful. After all, Xiaoxue is a big girl now, she won't play with this kind of thing. After checking out, Lin Yuechan finally asked.

"One is for you. Don't refuse. I just want to fill in the gap in your childhood. As for the second one... it's a secret. "

Qin Feng smiled mysteriously, but Lin Yuexiao didn't think much about the second one, because the first half of the sentence had touched her heart.

Not because of the doll, but because of Qin Feng's heart.

Of course, this second one is actually Qin Feng's plan to take Xiantao Lin. Although Yunling was 96 years old, he was 4, 5 times his own age, though she was a friar of Dan-knotting.

But in Qin Feng's opinion, please her is not much different from pleasing a little girl of eight or nine years old. It's better to buy a Barbie doll to amuse her.

"Come on, it's time to go back."

With a smile, Qin Feng looked at Lin Yuechan standing in the same place, who was wearing a blue and purple waist dress, long hair scattered on her waist. Even in a dangerous situation and great pain, she had not shed a little tear. At the moment, her eyes seemed to have tears.


Lin Yuechan nodded heavily.


Tianhe Liangchen, Villa, Zhou Hong's bedroom.

At this moment, Zhou Hong is lying in bed, his right hand and right foot are all wrapped in thick bandages, and his eyes are staring at the ceiling.

His eyes were full of mortality and despair, just as they were when he was a child ten years ago.

"Young Master, people from Shuofeng Group..."

Just then, the old housekeeper outside came in, which was not half said.

"Let him fuck off."

Zhou Hong's first sentence is very light, and the second sentence follows.

"Did you hear that?! Let him fuck-off! fuck off! "

Almost roaring, Zhou Hong threw the pillow on the bed. The old housekeeper looked at Zhou Hongs like this and dared not neglect it. He even nodded his head and said yes. Then he went out and closed the door by the way.

Zhou Hong's eyes are full of blood, hatred, and anger!

And regret!

The last thing he regrets now is why he had to show mercy to Qin Feng.

Full three months, he did not make up his mind, and finally only let people go off the hands and feet of Qin Feng!

Why... Why be soft-hearted!

If Qin Feng had been killed, all his plans would have been perfect. Everything would have been carried out according to his own deployment, everything would have been... It's going to be a success!

Cold-blooded, decisive, get rid of everything in front of him, Zhou Hong... Isn't that your belief in life from childhood to adulthood?!

In his heart, Zhou Hong kept shouting and roaring.

His last conscience, his friendship with his friends, disappeared completely in the roar of anger and resentment.

When all of this disappeared, the big bedroom suddenly... Become silent!

There is a gloomy black air curling up, covered everything up, Zhou Hong shocked. The whole room, except the bed, was black in his eyes.

Consciously calmed down, Zhou Hong struggled to get up from the bed, pinned his leg and knelt on his left leg.

"Give me strength, master, and I will sacrifice all that I have to offer you!"

"Have you decided?"

A slightly old voice came out of the black air.

"All I need is strength! Enough power to kill him!"

Zhou Hong suddenly went mad and blushed, raised his hateful eyes, looked at the black air in front of him, and roared.

Silence, three seconds later, the old voice in the black air came out again.

"As you wish, I will give you the strength you want, but when it is done, you must immediately return to me, sacrificing your body voluntarily to me."

"Follow your orders!"

Zhou Hong bows his head!

When he lowered his head, from all sides, countless black air, with the sound of ghosts crying and wolves howling, went crazily to Zhou Hong's body.

These black gases are more like tiny insects!

Zhou Hong, at the moment when the black air entered the body, his eyes were startled, and a terrible pain hit him.

It's like the whole body is going to crack!

Every inch of skin on the body seems to have something moving, surging!

The whole man lay on the bed, trembling wildly!

"Qin Feng, Qin Feng!"

He attributed the pain to Qin Feng and turned it into an endless hatred of Qin Feng.

"This is the poisonous maggot that I have given you. After you have absorbed it, you have to adjust your breath for three or five days. When the maggot matures, it will give you the strength of the later stage of foundation building, which will remain in your body for half a month."

After the old words were spoken, the darkness around him surged down again, and the ghosts and wolves howled into every pore of Zhou Hong. The pain was ten times as great as before.

Zhou Hong couldn't help it anymore. Under the pain of death, he cried out crazily, the pain of dying.

Ten more breaths! Ten breaths of hell! Finally... It's over!

When the blackness dissipates...

Zhou Hong, sweating all over, lay on the bed with red eyes and bitter resentment. He kept repeating the name in his mouth.

Qin Feng... Qin Feng... Qin Feng!

I want... to kill you!