Rose International

6:45 PM.

Rose International is not the biggest hotel in Jiangzhou, but it is the most elegant and expensive hotel in Jiangzhou.

The interior of the hotel is decorated with fresh roses, which need to be replaced every week.

The price for the exchange of flowers alone is already sky-high.

Because of this, Rose International's price is even higher and frightening, which is five times more expensive than hotels of the same grade.

Nevertheless, there is still a steady stream of people coming to Rose International.

After all, for those who are rich, 200,000 and 1 million, apart from the difference in numbers, do not make much difference.

Today's Rose International is very special!

No reservations, no guests, because they held a charity auction, the rich and powerful people all over the country will gather.

All the suites in the hotel are fully arranged.

At the moment, outside the courtyard of this hotel, Nangong Yiren was wearing a purple skirt with a sling belt and wearing a pair of classic black high-heeled shoes, she is anxiously waiting for Qin Feng, but she has not seen him for a long time.

Where does the hotel stand out most? Naturally, it's the door!

Almost every car entering Rose International has to pull down the window and look at this beautiful woman.

Just then, an extended Lincoln came.

As we passed the gate, the car stopped.

"Wait for me here."

In the car, wearing a black tuxedo, tall, handsome, slightly long bangs covered a pair of narrow Red Phoenix eyes.

The man informed his driver and got out of the car. With a smile and confidence, he went straight to Nangong.

"Miss, are you waiting for someone?"

The man said gracefully, the voice is also very gentle. If it is an ordinary woman, perhaps they could not stand.

Tall, handsome and rich, this is the ideal prince charming.

But Nangong Yiren... Never buy that.

"Well, wait."

Glancing at the man, Nangong Yiren consciously walked a few steps away and did not want to have anything to do with him at all.

See the Nangong who deliberately avoided, the man is very surprised, very unexpected, in his identity, his temperament, and appearance, never a woman will be so indifferent to him!

"Miss, the meeting is fate. Can we make a friend? Why don't we go in together? Your friend will come in naturally.

The man obviously did not intend to give up but went up to want to hold her hand.

This moment...

Nangong Yiren was really disgusted!

She stared at the man fiercely and quickly stepped back.

The man sees the disgust in the eyes of the Nangong, at this moment. He was angry.

What he wants has never been beyond his reach, especially for women!

Basically, as long as he wants a woman, no matter how elegant the goddess is, even those female stars, a look is enough! Play as he likes! And the woman in front of him dares to show disgusting to him!

Just as he wanted to go forward, a sapphire-blue Ferrari galloped in and stopped on the street.

When the door opened, Qin Feng stepped out of the car with a cigarette in his mouth and glanced at the man.

Nangong rushed up and stood on the side of Qin Feng.

When a man sees Qin Feng, he first shows a trace of disdain in his eyes and looks at him coldly. Then he laughs coldly and turns away.

It's not that he was afraid of the Qin Feng, but that the auction was about to begin. He came to Jiangzhou this time at the expense of the preparation time for the winter crown to take something he used to give to a Dan master in his family in exchange for the medicine he wanted to win the winter crown.

Plus, there are too many people in this street, and it is harmful to his identity to start here.

"Only Xiao Zhanyun deserves such a beautiful woman!"

With a smile on the corner of his mouth, Xiao Zhanyun returned to the lengthening Lincoln and looked at Qin Feng with a sneer, which meant... You don't deserve her, jus wait, boy.

"Peak qi..."

Qin Feng frowned because friar appeared.

And a rich friar, he is no longer a fool, after the description of Qi Linger, he probably understood some things.

In this world, many of the richest people are actually placed on the surface. In fact, in the field, they are controlled by various cultivation families.

With the emergence of friars, it seems that this charity auction is not as simple as imagined.

"Get in the car."

Qin Feng smiled slightly and then went to Ferrari. As for Xiao Zhanyun's provocative eyes, Qin Feng did not pay attention at all.

Don't mess with me, if you did... Whom the fuck you are, you'll be killed with a stick!

Moreover, Qin Feng was very satisfied with the present state of the Nangong Yiren. In order to make Nangong Yiren safer, he had searched for half a day in the Wun Wukong's inheritance.

Finally, he found a method of concealment for the celestial body, called Divine Concealment, which allows the Nangong to practice from the beginning of Qi practice. With the improvement of practice, the magic effect of this method of concealment will also be shown.

If not carefully checked, no one will find that the Nangong Yiren is a friar, and with the help of the occult arts, unless they have physical contact with Nangong Yiren, they will definitely not be aware of her celestial body.

"That man just now..."

Nangong Yiren was sitting on the co-pilot, thinking of the man's provocative eyes on Qin Feng before, she couldn't help worrying. After all, the man seemed to have a high status.

"It's all right. You have to remember that at the party later, follow me closely and don't let anyone touch you."

Qin Feng said this very seriously, once touched by friars, it is very likely to expose the unusual soul of Nangong Yiren.

"Um... sure!

Nangong Yiren nodded cleverly. In her opinion, it was more like Qin Feng is jealous now. Of course, she thinks so now.


Qin Feng started his car and drove into the hotel manor. When he stopped at the door, a waiter came to take over the key parking soon.

When Qin Feng and Nangong walked to the hotel gate, the people who had received invitations at the gate stopped at once when they saw Qin Feng.

After all, the clothes of Qin Feng...

It is really too shabby, Qin Feng also didn't expect this, didn't change into decent clothes.

"Excuse me, sir, the hotel today..."

Before the waiter had finished, Qin Fengjie gave him an invitation. When the man saw the invitation with seven words of Qin Feng, the chairman of Qin Group, he was immediately terrified.

In Jiangzhou, no one does not know Qin's name.

"Qin, Chairman Qin, please..."

The waiter looked at Qin Feng and Nangong Yiren who walked into the door with a face of bitterness, wondering in his heart who would come to the suction dressed like this.