Ninth Branch, extinguished!


For these seven-star disciples, the fear of death has already approached their hearts before they have reacted to the laughter of the word "pig cage".

Zhu Long, who had just stood up and vomited blood, watched as he was supported.

They are totally muddled!

This is their chief! That high-up foundation cultivator!

He was beaten in this way! By a medium qi cultivator!

How is this possible?!

"You... You! "

Zhu Long covered his chest and looked at Qin Feng. His eyes were full of anger and his fists were creaking and pinching.

Qin Feng's cold eyes fell into the eyes of every seven-star disciple.

I, I, I will kill you!"

Zhu Long was completely angry. He was angry in fear. He looked up and shouted, around his body, there was a surge of spiritual power reverberated, a wave of his hand, a sword appeared in his hand.

He rushes up again!

He jumped up and cut it down with the big broadsword.

As a result, it won't be much worse than last time.

Qin Feng looked indifferent. With a wave of his hand, the Magic Cudgel in his hand smashed the broadsword directly.


"Fuck off."

The cold voice sounded, he lifted one foot and kicked directly at Zhu Long's heart.


His eyes shrank and his blood spurted out. Zhu Long's body flew backward and fell into the crowd again.

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! "

Zhu Long did not let people help him this time, but he stood up like a madman, not only the pain of being beaten but also the face, completely lost!

A foundational friar of his own was so abused by a qi cultivator. If it hadn't really happened to him, Zhu Long would not have believed it if he had killed him.

"Chief, let's withdraw first!"

Cheng Bo pulled Zhu Long aside, whispering, and the other deacons hurried to hold him.

"Get the fuck out of here, damn it!"

Zhu Long apparently lost his mind in anger and threw the crowd aside. In this anger...

All of a sudden!

Zhu Long's body has a more powerful force to appear!

His body was like a whirlpool, from all sides, countless spirits began to converge, even the warehouse, under the sudden surge of power, the walls began to crack!

"Ah ah ah!"

Zhu Long was screaming, and his Dantian was expanding and his strength was soaring. His sidekicks were all stunned, thinking that their chief was enlarging his skills. What the fuck!

They went backward. After all, they can't carry this force and are easy to be injured when they get too close.

The breakthrough of the medium-term foundation level.

This fellow was beaten by Qin Feng and broke through. His anger and desire for strength made Zhu Long open his bottleneck for more than ten years at this moment.

Medium-term foundation level!


This huge warehouse was exploded directly under the rampage of spiritual power, and everyone was exposed to the wild.

Looking at Zhu Long, who is breaking through the practice, Qin Feng is very calm, just holding a cigarette there and so on.

One minute, two minutes. Five minutes later.

The spiritual storm has finally calmed down, and Zhu Long's wounds have all recovered from the breakthrough just now. His face is even more grinning and proud.

"Boy, it seems that I have to thank you."

Zhu Long looked at Qin Feng, feeling the strength of the body has soared several times than before, Zhu Long has absolute confidence to kill this annoying guy in front of him, erase the previous shame!

"Are you ready?"

Qin Feng just asked a question.

Zhu Long was stunned.

Before he knew what Qin Feng meant, a huge old golden iron rod smashed down!


Zhu Long haven't reacted, subconsciously raise his hand against a block, the whole body just like Ge Tong, sink to the ground, but this guy is better than Ge Tong, sink to the ground probably in the position of the shoulder.

At the same time, Zhu Long looked at Qin Feng, who was holding a cigarette just lit, and slowly came over. As for the Magic Cudgel, it was still pressed on Zhu Long.

He can't move under pressure!

"If you can still break through to the later stage of foundation level, there may still be a way to leave alive."

Qin Feng stood in front of Zhu Long with low eyelids.

With his strength of practicing qi, he will be able to crush the mid-term of foundation building in Yunshui, and in the later stage, he will probably not be an opponent.

At the same time, the other seven-star disciples, including the deacons, were totally frightened and ready to run.

"Forget what I said before? You all have to die."

He glanced these fleeing people, Qin Feng opens his mouth and shakes his hand. Suddenly, the ice flames rage out and form a huge circle around them, which surrounds everyone in the middle.

Unless it's a foundation level cultivator, or they can't fly at all. In this case, it's impossible to run out of the encirclement of the ice flames.

"I am the master of the branch. Kill me. The Seven Stars headquarter won't let you go!"

Zhu Long struggled with his hands against the huge iron bar, and at the same said viciously.

"How can you be as verbose as that old man in Ghost Flag?"

Qin Feng stepped on the Magic Cudgel, exerted a little force, and the Magic Cudgel pressed down again. Zhu Long fell into the ground constantly in the cry of pain.

"Ge, Ge Tong was killed by you too?! "

Zhu Long's face changed greatly when he heard the words of Qin Feng.

"Congratulations, you are right. As a reward, you can die."

Qin Feng said and he pressed his foot, bang!

In the howling sound, Zhu Long's head was directly crushed by a stick. When he looked at Zhu Long, who had become a headless corpse, Qin Feng was very calm. Then he waved his hand, and the cudgel returned to his hands and shrank into his ears.

As for the seven-star disciples, Qin Feng had no intention of pity at all when he looked at the disciples who were screaming wildly in the flames.

These guys, everyone has killed innocent civilians, killing them is equivalent to working for the welfare of ordinary people.

And in Qin Feng's shoes, he and his family will be safe only when all of them are dead.

Only if these people are all dead, the news that the ninth branch was destroyed will not be returned to Tian Shu Tong, and can be kept secret for at least a short time.

After all, a branch was destroyed, if this kind of thing is known by Tian Shu Tong, even the Seven Star headquarters, they will definitely be furious. It is impossible for them to not revenge, they will send more powerful friars.

However, Qin Feng can't cope with it now and can only win a buffer time through this move.

As long as Qin Feng is strong, many things can be solved.

This kind of thing once started, there is only one way to end, he was killed, or destroyed the whole Seven-Star.

Obviously, Qin Feng chose the latter.

After taking back the Magic Cudgel, Qin Feng stepped out of the flame and waited for half an hour outside the flame until the last seven disciples were burned to ashes, which then dispersed the fire.

Ten minutes later, the skylight was already breaking, and an inky Lamborghini galloped out from the northern suburb of Qingyan City. No one would know that just now, more than 200 friars had died.