Immortal Admin Order, Order of Heaven!

The first universe of the world, the first interface, the heavenly Immortal Admin surrounded by clouds.

The dim edicts echoed between heaven and earth.

"According to the decree of the Jade Emperor, the 18th, 23rd, and 33rd bureau will stop searching from now on, except for the heavenly soldiers who are firmly entrenched, and the rest will all go to the other 18 bureaus to assist in the search. On the day of the decree, the heavenly soldiers will leave immediately, without any mistake!"

"According to the decree of the Jade Emperor, all places in 36 universes have to be on the alert to suppress demons that follow the monkey's rebellion. Once the demons are discovered to have changed, no report is needed and they can make their own decisions. They will be killed on sight!"

The voice of majesty echoes between the heaven and the earth, transforming into golden oracles, which emerge from the first universe and go straight to the other bureaus.


On the 36th universe of all the worlds, the first world, the land of Bureau, although Bureau is not as supreme as Immortal Admin, it is also ethereal, and beauty is like a picture of a dream.

Like Immortal Admin, Bureau is divided into four gates, east, west, north, and south. It is not called Heaven Gate but called the Bureau Gate.

There is a troop of Bureau soldiers who have just returned to the South Gate. Their faces are full of exhaustion. They are preparing to return to the garrison camp to have a rest. They have been patrolling outside for more than half a month. They need to use the power of God's knowledge when they reach each of the worlds. These Heavenly soldiers are tired and haven't even gasped for air. They haven't even stepped into the gate yet...

A command came to the ears of these heavenly soldiers in a flash.

"The order of the Bureau monarch, all outside patrol soldiers, immediately go out to find again, before receiving another order, you shall not be back to the Bureau! Violator, behead!"

When they heard this command, all the expressions on their faces could be taken as door gods, and the black ones could frighten people to death.

Such a high intensity of search, even the Heavenly Soldier cannot stand such a toss...

However, nobody dares to object to the order of the Bureau head. After all, the order clearly says, 'violaters, behead!' Such strict orders are not uncommon. Military orders are like mountains. They have no doubt that as long as they step into the South Gate, they will only be executed.

They could only turn around and go on patrol.

And this...

It's just a small troop of the patrols of Heavenly soldiers.


How is the Immortal Admin, Qin Feng is not clear.

The ninth branch of the Seven Stars Gate was destroyed. When Qin Feng returned to Jiangzhou from Qingyan City, it was nearly 9 a.m.

Warm sunshine, Qin Feng is in a good mood.

At least before he leaves Jiangzhou for a period of time, he pulls out the thorn of the ninth branch, so as to ensure the safety of his mother and sister.

A few kilometers away from the Qin Group Building, Qin Feng's mobile phone rang.

The phone is Qilinger. You don't have to wonder what this girl is for.

Tomorrow is the beginning of the winter crown. Naturally, they need to rush to it one day earlier. This girl is here to urge him.

"Where have you been?" Come to lodge earlier today. We're going to set out in the evening.

Qi Linger's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"How can we get there?" Don't we fly?

Qin Feng remembers Qi Linger telling him that Xianling College is located in the middle of Jiuzhou, Jingzhou, Yuzhou, Yangzhou and Xianling Mountain, where the three continents meet.

It's quite a long way from Jiangzhou, which located in Qingzhou.

"What kind of plane to take? I have a flying machine with me. Besides, it's deep in the mountains and old forests. Which plane flies in?"

At the other end of the phone came Qi Linger's laughter. It was indeed the lady of Qi's family that could carry such things as flying instruments with her.

"OK, I'll go back then."

Qin Feng hung up after saying that.

Later, he went straight to Qin's building and did nothing. There was nothing he needed to do in the group. Deng Qing would do what he should or should not do.

But this time, he hasn't entered the building yet. Deng Qing just called. It's very simple and has important things to talk about.

Twenty minutes later.

Group President's Office.

Qin Feng sat opposite Deng Qing and listened to what Deng Qing had just said. Qin Feng was silent.

Deng Qing told him about Bin Hai property.

With the withdrawal of Qin's investment in the Tianjiu project, the Bin Hai property is difficult to support itself, and the requirement of huge funds for the Tianjiu project has dragged the Bin Hai to a point where it is impossible.

Zhao Zhihong's best way now is to apply for bankruptcy.

Maybe he can keep millions of old-age pensions for himself, but up to now, the Bin Hai estate has no intention of filing for bankruptcy at all. It is still struggling, using the unbroken credit to support the loans of various banks.

If he does not apply for bankruptcy, in this case, Zhao Zhihong's only outcome is to carry tens of billions of bank debts, which can not be repaid in his life, and the possibility of jail is almost 100%.

"Uncle Deng, what do you think Zhao Zhihong wants to do?"

Qin Feng frowned. He didn't know much about business rules and business operations, so he couldn't imagine what it meant.

Qin Feng doesn't understand, but Deng Qing, who has been in the ups and downs of the commercial sea for decades, knows the trick clearly.

"He's procrastinating to find money, to find a consortium that can invest in him."

"Is there such a consortium?"

Qin Feng is surprised, a one-time investment of tens of billions is not small money, how can the general consortium do, and then he came up with the Tianzhuo Group.

Sure enough, Deng Qing also said: "Our people found that the public relations of Binhai Real Estate were constantly moving with Tianzhuo Group, but personally, Zhao Zhihong was just a fool. Unless Li Mao took the wrong medicine, it would be impossible to invest money in Zhao Zhihong the idiot"

"Uncle Deng is right. We can see that Tianjiu is a bottomless pit. Li Mao is not foolish. This kind of loss-making business will never be done."

"Chairman, that's all I want to say. By the way, when will your mother have time, I'll visit her."

Deng Qing said.

"There should be some in these two days. Uncle Deng, you can go directly to Qin's Manor then."

Qin Feng smiled and then stood up.

"Well, that's the way it is."

Deng Qing also laughed.

Then Qin Feng did not return to the chairman's office but went to the apartment of Nangong. When Nangong Yiren opened the door and saw Qin Feng, she was a little nervous, because she had not changed her clothes yet.

"It's all right. I'll just drop by."

Qin Feng smiled and then went to the window, leaned directly on the sofa, looked out of the window and frowned slowly.

He's still thinking about what happened before.

Tianzhuo Group, Li Mao, Li Mao's son, Li Zhuoran. He doesn't know why, when he thinks of Li Zhuoran, he thinks of Zhao Zixuan.

In his mind, he couldn't help thinking of that familiar face, that face for three years, he knew everything about her.

He suddenly became a little panic, as if something was going to happen.