Reincarnation Rune

Jiangzhou University.

The night is quiet. There is a lake in this school. Its shape is curved like the moon, so it is named Moon Lake.

The willows on the lakeside are dancing in the wind, and there is a woman on the bench.

The evening breeze blew, the woman leaned against the bench, tears on her face fell wantonly, but in her eyes, she was smiling.

The memory made her smile.

Three years with Qin Feng is the best time of her life.

And their beginning is the Moon Lake.

"Are you silly? Why did you buy this for me?

"Do you want it?"



The clear words in my ears and the words in memories are very short each time, with only a few words each time. The unapproachable expression is just like yesterday, appearing in her eyes.

Zhao Zixuan was laughing, laughing happily and silently in memory.

Looking at the cell phone on one side, tinkling and tinkling, and the phone.

It's from Qin Feng.

In the past three months, Zhao Zixuan, every day, every night, is looking forward to receiving the news of Qin Feng again and receiving his phone call.

But now, she dared not take it. She was afraid of it. She is afraid that she had a hard time making up her mind again.

She knows that she has no face to face him, nor courage to face him.

She has lost her home and him, nothing, the world is meaningless.

She picked up her cell phone and threw it into the lake in front of her almost with all her strength.

"It's over... It's all over."

Looking up at the moon and stars, tears moistened her makeup. Zhao Zixuan drank all the small medicine bottles that had been prepared for a long time.

"I hope... In my last dream, I will meet you and come back to our... beginning."

With a smile, Zhao Zixuan leaned on the bench and went to sleep slowly.

The medicine bottle rolled from the bench and landed on the grass.

Night breeze, the lakeside willow swaying in the wind, blowing her long hair.

"Where are you!" "

A Lamborghini, with a very fast speed in the city caused a lot of disturbance.

But now Qin Feng is out of control!

Over an hour!

He had gone to Zhao Zixuan's house before, only to see the blood of a place, but no one else! Then he went to every place he thought Zhao Zixuan would go, and found nobody! Something must have happened!

When he saw the news, three years of feelings all gushed out.

Memories of that scene... Memories lingering!

Suddenly, a place, a lake, flashed through Qin Feng's mind.

That's where Zhao Zixuan told him she likes him three years ago!

Without further ado, whatever one-way street or not, he turned around and headed straight for Jiangzhou university.


In Jiangzhou Lodge, Qi Linger was sitting on the steps in front of the Square Hall with an angry face while Niu Dazhuang and Liu Man were standing by, while Zhang Dawei was crouching beside Qi Linger with a pleasant face.

"Don't be angry, sister Linger. What's wrong with that fellow? Would you like me to accompany you back to college this time? "

"Go go go, go my ass. Jiangzhou is like this now, you still want to go back to the college, when you go back to the college and were seen by Mr. Morin, he will beat you to death!"

Qi Linger stared at Zhang Dawei and pouted her mouth. "Damn Qin Feng. It was agreed to start in the evening, the stars were all over the sky and no one was seen, and the phone was not answered. It's really maddening!"

Looking up at the sky, Qi Linger is very anxious. The winter crown will begin at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning. It will take three hours to get to Xianling College from here.


With a long breath, Qi Linger had no choice but to wait here foolishly.


Jiangzhou University, a super-hegemonic black Lamborghini came, even the security guards at the school gate were afraid to stop.

If you touch a car of this grade, the security guard can't afford to lose everything even if he sells himself, so he simply passes it as if he didn't see it.

Qin Feng entered the school, still, the wind galloped away, looking at the students on both sides, men are exclaiming, women are screaming!

Maybe it's the first time they have seen such a domineering Lamborghini!

"Never do silly things!"

Qin Feng's eyebrows were wrinkled tightly and his eyes were anxious. He held the steering wheel's hand. He was shaking a little. When he was near the Moon Lake, Qin Feng parked his car on the side of the road, got off and ran towards the lake.

Far away, he saw a figure sitting on a bench.

Suddenly, there was joy in his eyes, but... Then he found something wrong. The man sitting on the bench was motionless.

He was stunned. Qin Feng's face changed greatly. He rushed forward. When he saw Zhao Zixuan leaning on the bench, she was "sleeping" soundly in the past.

When he can not feel any breath on Zhao Zixuan's body, Qin Feng... Stunned!


Qin Feng, with a gentle call, looked at Zhao Zixuan, whether dressed or make-up, is very beautiful.

Zhao Zixuan did not have any response.


Qin Feng's voice became hoarse and his throat seemed to be stuffed with lead. He saw a medicine bottle that fell to the ground, but the size of his thumb.

Barbiturates, the main ingredient of sleeping pills, but much more than the dosage of sleeping pills, she swallowed a bottle of it, within an hour, will surely die.

It has been almost two hours since Qin Feng received the news.

In front of him, Zhao Zixuan has lost the slightest breath, that is to say,... She is dead!

With a happy smile on her face, it seems that in her last dream, she went along with her wishes.

With red eyes and trembling hands of Qin Feng, he gently bent down and plucked Zhao Zixuan's hair over her forehead.


"Zixuan!" "

The hoarse roar echoes around the lake.

For three years, though it ended with hatred, Qin Feng never regretted it.

Because it was happy in those three years.

Familiar people, familiar faces, everything he familiar with...

Qin Feng was trembling, looking at the woman who once loved, hated, and finally relieved. He reached out his hand, and at the tip of his right finger, there was a wound ripped open. Blood condensed from it and floated in the mid-air.

His hand, drawing constantly towards the void, he was writing a complex rune, which he had never seen before, which he had learned from the heritance.

The reincarnation rune!

In the name of holiness, protect your soul, go to Huangquan, step on the Naihe bridge, live a peaceful life, and find a royal power and wealth.

Took a deep breath, in the sea of knowledge in Qin Feng has a qi points out, along the Qin Feng's hand.

To be effective, the reincarnation of the Holy Writ must have the qi of the Holy One. Naturally, Qin Feng is not qualified and can only use the qi of Sun Wukong.

When this qi sinks into the complex rune!

A golden Rune instantly formed!

And at this moment!

When the spirit of Sun Wukong sinks into the rune!

The first universe of the world, the first interface, the land of Immortal Admin, the Yan Tian plate shakes!