The Change of Yan Tian Plate

The reincarnated runes slowly entered into Zhao Zixuan's eyebrows. In Zhao Zixuan's body, there was an invisible golden light.

This Rune with the holy breath will accompany her soul, enter the earth to reincarnate.

Qin Feng really wants to go to the nether world to see Zhao Zixuan again, but he can't do it with his present power.

If his power is strong enough, as strong as the original Sun Wukong, even if Zhao Zixuan died, he can also forcibly bring her back from the nether world.

There are thirty-six universes in the world.

However, there is only one nether world, but it has only been transformed into 36 sub-prefectures and managed separately.

Sun Wukong's strength is unmatched even by a single nether world, far from being comparable to Qin Feng today.

Qin Feng picked up Zhao Zixuan and went step by step towards the car.

He did not know what happened today and would let Zhao Zixuan make the decision, but he knew that the woman he was holding.

Once so cheerful, so optimistic, now will become so, and even to this point, all because of that guy.

Her father.

Car gallops out.

An hour later.

By the sea, there is the place where Qin Feng and Zhao Zixuan once visited.

"You once said that you yearn for the sea, yearn for freedom, you joked with me, if one day you die, let me scatter your ashes into the sea."

As the wind whistled, Qin Feng watched the boundless sea, holding Zhao Zixuan in her arms. At the moment, she "slept" so peacefully.

Step by step, Qin Feng stepped on the sea for ten minutes.

When we reached thousands of meters away from the coast, the ice flames surrounded the whole body of him.

"Goodbye, if I can see you again in the next life, I will leave you by my side, and I will not let you live as painful as this life."

Qin Feng looked at the woman in her arms. With rare tenderness in his eyes, he bent down and kissed Zhao Zixuan gently on her forehead. That is, at this moment, the whole body was swallowed up by the ice flame.

Almost instantly, Zhao Zixuan turned into flying ash. In this sea breeze, she drifted away and finally fell into the seawater and drifted east.

Qin Feng still maintained that holding posture, three years of experience is in his eyes, the feeling of suffocation of heartache, he tightly squeezed hands.

A tear fell from the corner of his eye.

He cried.

This woman, she loved, hated, relieved, the fate of this life, exhausted.

If they can meet in the next life, the reincarnation of the holy rune that accompanies the soul will be the best traction.

Stars and moons hang high, sea breeze remains, Qin Feng straightened up again, buried all the pain in his heart, he dialed a number.

"Hey, madman, I'm moving to the group tomorrow. Don't worry."

At the other end of the phone came the voice of Zuo Yingjie. This guy should be eating instant noodles again.

"Fat boy, do something for me, fast."

The cold voice of Qin Feng reached Zuo Yingjie's ears, and the guy was so stunned that he did not even eat instant noodles.

"Madman, what's the matter? What happened? You say it and I'll do it now! "

He asked in a hurry.

"Find Zhao Zhihong for me and shut him up in a closed room. No one is allowed to talk to him except three meals a day.!"

At the other end of the phone, Zuo Yingjie was a little confused when he heard this. He didn't know what Qin Feng meant.

"Madman, what's the point of holding and locking up? If you really hate him, buddy, I'll call a bunch of people to punch him, so he can't get out of bed for three months."

"No, I'll give him a taste of being imprisoned."

Qin Feng finished this and hung up the phone directly. By means of Zuo Yingjie, he was not worried that Zuo Yingjie could not find Zhao Zhihong.

With a long breath, Qin Feng looked at his cell phone.

There are more than 20 missed calls, all made by Qi Linger.


At Jiangzhou lodge, Qi Linger was already angry like a mad lion, sitting on the steps in front of the Square Hall with a cheek bulging. Anyone who came near her would be scolded, especially Zhang Dawei, who was getting shouted even he is far from her.

Poor Zhang Dawei, from time to time get a scold from Qi Linger, but he can endure and he has to.

At this moment, Qi Linger's mobile phone in her hand jingled. Subconsciously, when she saw the news from Qin Feng, she burst into laughter and almost jumped up.


Qi Linger opened the news, there is only one positioning on it, the location of Qin Feng.

"Come on!"

Qi Linger hurriedly shouted to Liu Man and Niu Dazhuang, then waved her hand and a palm-size flying boat, like a sailing boat, floated in front of her.

As Qilinger chanted a series of incantations, the flying boat began to grow larger slowly, almost like the ordinary boat, slowly drifting up.

Qilinger jumped up first, and Niu Dazhuang and Liu Man followed.

The flying boat took off slowly in the night, and Qi Linger finally came to spirit.

"Sister Linger, remember to miss me! kiss kiss~! "

Zhang Dawei looked at the flying boat, shouted loudly and made a gesture of flying kiss. This voice and that kiss almost vomited the other students who were watching the flying boat in the lodge.

They are thinking that people could get sick to this point, and Zhang Dawei was really a freak.

"Miss my ass!"

The words responded to Zhang Dawei's are simple, Qi Linger mercilessly stared at Zhang Dawei.

Then the flying boat suddenly disappeared in mid-air. It was a self-contained invisible device. After all, it was feared that it would cause a sensation when it was seen by ordinary people.

Then the boat flew straight to Qin Feng's location.


On the first universe of the worlds, the first interface, where the Immortal Admin is located, the Yan Tian plate reaches a height of 100 feet, and the fairy clouds surrounded it.

At this moment, Yantian suddenly stopped running, the state is very strange, the two fairies who were guarding before Yantian looked at each other, are showing doubts, when they are trying to find out what the problem.

All of a sudden!

The static Yantian began to flow madly, at a speed never seen before, and the two fairies were frightened to death, which had never happened before.

"Hurry up! Inform Yan Tian Xing Jun, now!

One of the fairies cried out in a hurry, while the other ran out of the place where Yan Tian located, turned into a streamer and went straight to the mansion of Yanxing Jun!

The changes in Tan Tian plate... Something big is going to happen!

And everyone knows, during this period of time, what Yan Tian plate is responsible for and what is it looking for!

Its changes mean that the person they are looking for... That soul, which is remembered day and night by the immortals and Buddha has traces!