Xianling Mountain!

The stars are bright in the night.

Qin Feng stood alone on the sea, just lit a cigarette, at this time.

Suddenly a long rainbow came to the sky and stopped in front of Qin Feng. It was Qi Linger's flying boat.

"Hey, come up!"

Qi Linger looked at the Qin Feng standing on the sea. She wanted to scold Qin Feng. He had nothing to do in the middle of the night and did not answer the phone. He ran to see the sea scenery by himself. Is he out of his mind?

But when she saw the expression of Qin Feng, she felt the cold of Qin Feng. Obviously, she knew that Qin Feng was not happy now.

Think again of Qin Feng's abnormal power, the words she was about to say went back to her stomach.

Qin Feng raised his eyes and looked at the boat. Once he stepped on the water, he jumped straight up and landed at the front of the boat.


Qin Feng put his hands in his trousers pockets and held a cigarette in his mouth. The sea breeze stirred a little scattered hair and gave a cold voice.

"Ok, go... Why are you so fierce?"

Qi Linger muttered, very unhappy, and immediately roared at the big guy behind him: "Hey big guy, what are you doing standing up foolishly? It's your turn to steer!"

Niu Dazhuang was still giggling. Suddenly he received a roar for no reason. He could not speak. He could only hum and grieve to control the boat. The boat turned into a streamer and sped away towards the sky.

Time flies.

Qin Feng was on the flying boat at 9:30, and it was near one o'clock at night.

A cloud-covered mountain range began to shine into the eyes in everyone.

Xianling Mountain!

Qin Feng looks at the distance. There are five main peaks in the mountain range. From the half-waist of the peak to the top, there are many kinds of pavilions and palaces. The spirit power of each peak is very abundant. Here is Xianling College.

"College is divided into five peaks, the main peak and the four peaks of heaven, earth, Xuan and Huang, Which correspond to the students at that stage, and the main peak is where the dean, the immortal teacher and the spiritual teacher live."

Qi Linger explained.

And at this time, when the boat is approaching the Xianling mountain, ready to enter the junction, from a distance, there is a sword rainbow galloping.

A huge bronze ancient sword has two people on it, one old and one young. The old man is on the hilt and the young is on the tip of the sword, but he is a little familiar with Qin Feng.

It was Xiao Zhenyun, the guy he met at the auction.

When Qin Feng found Xiao Zhengyun, Qi Linger saw him too. She was so angry that her teeth itched.


There was a fierce curse.

But what happened was so dramatic that the huge sword was galloping towards Qilinger's boat at the moment.

Because Xiao Zhenyun recognized that this was Qilinger's flying boat, they are both the children of nine great families, so he wanted to say hello.

"Isn't this sister Linger ? So coincidentally, you're out these days too?'

Xiao Zhenyun laughed, but the smile suddenly froze in the next moment!

Because he saw another man on the boat, Qin Feng!

Xiao Zhenyun looked at Qin Feng, the original solidified expression, slowly laughed, laughed very happy.

In his opinion, Qin Feng may be a new student, and the cultivation of Qin Feng is only compiled into Xuan Peak at most, and he is Heaven Peak, and a big man of Heaven Peak.

As long as he enters college, Xiao Zhengyun has a hundred ways to kill people!

"I hope my younger brother will have a happy life in college."

Xiao Zhenyun was with a sneer, he has unilaterally thought of the identity of Qin Feng, and then looked behind at the old man: "Go."

Suddenly, the huge sword was galloping to the Heaven Peak of Xianling Mountain.

"Do you know him?"

Qi Linger listened to Xiao Zhenyun's words, but he could not understand them. It seemed that Xiao Zhenyun knew Qin Feng.

"Not really. Who is he?"

Qin Feng didn't give a shit to Xiao Zhengyun's provocation at all. What's more, the guy said a lot of what he thought they were. After all, Qin Feng came here to help Qi Linger rectify the guy, not to be a bullshit student.

"He's Xiao Zhenyun, the bullshit scum."

Qi Ling-er said wickedly.


Qin Feng looked at the distant Xiao Zhengyun and a sneer rose from his mouth. "What a coincidence."

When he said this, Qin Feng's eyes were extremely cold.

"What a coincidence, why?"

Asked Qi Linger doubtfully.

She asked, but Qin Feng did not answer her. He just put his hands in his trousers pockets and looked ahead with cold eyes.

What a coincidence.

It's at three o'clock.

First, Xiao Zhenyun had already made Qin Feng unhappy before.

The second point is that the guy is the one that Qilinger wants to beat, and according to the nature of the guy, he is totally punk ass.

Third, Qin Feng's mood is very bad, especially bad! Need to vent! Obviously, this Xiao Zhenyun is the best choice! At least, this guy should be more resistant than the rest of others.

When these three points are together, in the eyes of Qin Feng, Xiao Zhenyun's fucking face is a sandbag.

"Let's go too."

Qi Linger patted the big guy. "What are you still stunned about? Let's go!"

Niu Dazhuang hummed a few times in a low voice, and then he clapped the boat and went to the top of the terrace.

Entering the junction of Xianling College, Qin Feng felt the spirituality of his whole body, and immediately improved more than one or two grades. Under the night, the architecture of Xianling College is also very beautiful.

"You can rest assured that these buildings are ancient, and the facilities inside are complete. TV, computer, internet, you have all of them."

Qi Linger explained.

Originally thought that Qin Feng would return to her a sentence or two, but Qin Feng did not say a word but looked frozen ahead, making Qi Linger feel interesting.

It took seven or eight minutes for the boat to land when it reached one of the five peaks- Earth Peak.

"Where do I stay at night?"

Qin Feng turned his head and looked at Qilinger, and at this time, the boat landed.

Looking around, there are ancient pavilions. They are very beautiful, but they hardly have any lights on. After all, this time... Not many people are awake.

"You can sleep with me for one night anyway."

Qi Linger jumped off the boat and thought for a moment and said.

Qin Feng frowned. In his view, isn't college a social life? Can he mix in with girls'dormitories?

"Linger sister is the descendant of nine great families. She enjoys the privilege of accommodation. Generally, the disciples share a building with three or five people, but sister Linger has he own.

Liu Man laughed and said.

"Let's go."

Qin Feng listened to these and said nothing, he really did not have the mood to make jokes today.

"What's wrong with this man today? Did he take gunpowder?"

Qi Linger looked at the back of Qin Feng and wondered, but she also sent Liu Man and Niu Dazhuang back to Xuan Peak. After all, she had to get up early to participate in the winter crown tomorrow, and she was also in a hurry to catch up with it.

Looking at the distant Qin Feng, Qi Linger shouted.

"Are you silly?" Hey, where are you going without me?"