Winter Crown Eve!

These two-storey pavilions, from the outside, look no different from the ancient buildings, exquisite and elegant.

But when come in, as Qi Linger said, and it is no different from modern, sofa, lamp, everything is the same as the outside world.

I thought this kind of cultivation place would look primitive, but I didn't expect it to be like this.

"Don't think I'm so modern here. If you go to the main peak, you'll see it is an old one. Even the house uses oil lamps."

Qi Linger sat on the sofa with a big bear in her arms. She had taken a bath. She was wearing an elegant white nightdress, her long hair was still wet. She was watching a show on TV.

"Tell me about tomorrow's winter crown."

Qin Feng sat aside, smoking cigarettes all the time. He came to work, not to travel, so to ask things clearly in advance, at least to know the rules of the winter crown.

"Um... Alright! "

Qi Linger stopped the TV and looked at Qin Feng: "In fact, it is very simple that the winter crown will be held in Xianlingtai, west of the main peak. The boundary will be set up in Xianlingtai beforehand, and a Thunder Bull will be put into it. Whoever can enter the boundary, kill or subdue the Thunder Bull, he can win for a short time."

"What does it mean to win for a short time?"

Qin Feng shook the ash on the cigarette.

"Because after the first pass and there is the second pass, after becoming the winner, other people have the right to challenge. As long as they can challenge the winner successfully within an hour, they can become new winners. But generally, there will be no challenge. They can kill Thunder Bull. They are super powerful. No one dares to challenge at all. Anyway, I haven't seen them in the past few years."

Qi Linger said it all in one breath.

"I see."

Qin Feng stood up and went out the door.

"It's over one o'clock in the evening. Where are you going?"

Qi Linger looked at the back of Qin Feng, and even shouted several times, Qin Feng did not respond.

"What kind of person? It used to be very cold, but now it's even colder."

Sitting on the sofa with her cheeks bulging and being so ignored by others is really a pain to the lady.


Heaven Peak, Xiao Zhenyun sat on the sofa in his castle, left and right, two women in nightdresses pounded his shoulders and legs respectively.

As a descendant of Xiao's family, Xiao Zhenyun has more resources than ordinary people. It is not difficult to find some women willing to sell their bodies for glory in this huge college.

In addition, Xiao Zhenyun himself is handsome, and there are a lot of women jumping on his bed.

Just like the two in front of him, both of them are Xuan Peak's students. Both of them are good at practicing their middle qi. They all know that Xiao Zhenyun is just playing with their bodies, but they are willing to do so.

In order to have better cultivation resources, to have a better life, they don't mind, the gold worshippers in the cultivation world and the gold worshippers in the secular world are not much different in essence.

"Xiao, what are you calling me for in the middle of the night?"

At this time, a tough man came in, bare to the waist, wearing underpants, apparently just got up from the bed.

"Let your men help me deal with a man."

Xiao Zhenyun, with his legs crossed, glanced slightly at the man who came in.

"Hey, my brother, you call me up in the middle of the night for this matter. As long as that person is in the College, he will die for sure with your influence in the College. "

The man leaned on the sofa. "Tomorrow I'll call a few brothers to play with him. You can say that even if you want to destroy his Dantian, it's okay to find a scapegoat."

"Not tomorrow, I'll do it tonight."

Xiao Zhenyun had a wave of burning anger in his eyes, thinking that he lost face at the last auction in Jiangzhou.

"This guy is called Qin Feng. I've got people watching him secretly. He lives in Qilinger's castle today. Just now, the news came back that the guy went out alone."

"Qilinger... brother, this guy has anything to do with the Qi family? If he has anything to do with the Qi family, then..."

When the man heard Qi Linger, he was a little timid. His family was only a small family. He could not provoke Xiao's family, nor could he provoke Qi's family.

"Don't worry about the Qi family. I sent someone to check it out before. In the past nine generations, he was the first person to step into the cultivation world. The relationship between him and Qi Ling Er was at most a friendship."

On hearing this, the man took a long breath.

"That's no problem, brother. You can rest assured that the person you don't like is the nail in Shao Qiang's eye. Now that you gave the word, I'll call some brothers to help you pull it out!"

"Destroy his Dantian and bring back his storage ring."

Xiao Zhenyun pointed to the coffee on the coffee table, and the woman who patted his leg quickly and cleverly brought it over.

"Don't worry, Big Brother. It's absolute will be ok!"

"By the way, Xiao, I heard that a large number of elders from your Xiao family have come to attend the ceremony this winter. Tomorrow my brother Xiao will show great power."

Shao Qiang smiled pleasantly. He also knew what Xiao's parents were doing all the time. If Xiao Zhenyun wins tomorrow, the next Xiao's household owner will probably be the one in front of him. He has to please him.

For tomorrow's winter crown, almost no one doubts that Xiao Zhengyun will lose.


Jiangzhou, Tianhe Liangchen, Zhou Hong Villa.

The living room of the villa has a thick black thing at the moment, and there are many black bugs on the ground, which looks extremely frightening.

The old housekeeper in Zhou Hong's villa, lying on the ground at this time, was covered with small black worms. He wanted to climb up, but he did not have the strength. He could only open his eyes and look at the stairway, his body was trembling violently and spitting blood in despair.

Little by little, the body was gnawed clean by the black insect.

The second floor, Zhou Hong's room.

At this moment, Zhou Hong's skin, including his face, is covered with black lines that appear and disappear, and all over his body is surrounded by dense black worms.

All these black bugs crawled out of his body!

Suddenly, Zhou Hong opened his eyes and the pupils became dark. Even in his eyes, black worms came out at this time.

The scenes are very strange and frightening!

"Qin Feng... I'll give you a taste of what it's like to be doomed forever."

Zhou Hong feels the growing power accumulated in his body, which strengthens him, at the same time, completely blackens his heart!

That hatred and anger, that resentment, under this dark force, are getting stronger and stronger!

Crazy laughter reverberates in this room. The whole house, everything, is eaten by black worms and disappears little by little.