Break Your Arm!

The night was quiet, and Qin Feng walked alone in the loft residential area of the college.

Many pavilions are distributed in the shape of the courtyard, interspersed with many paths.

One of them is quiet and pleasant. The scenery is very good. This area is used for students'living. In front of it, there are all kinds of preaches and training grounds. Those are the places for students to attend classes and train on weekdays.

Rich spirituality is everywhere. Although it is not as good as the spiritual power in Xiantao Ling, there are 30% of it.

With his cigarette in his mouth and his hands in his trousers pockets, Qin Feng was still in a bad mood. He went out to ease his mood a little.

At this time, in the middle of the night, there were three people coming in the front. They were all at upper practicing. They didn't sleep and walked around in the middle of the night, which was quite speechless.

When passing by Qin Feng, one of them deliberately bumped into Qin Feng's shoulder.

"Hey, fucker, did you bring you eyes?! "

The man was fierce and full of flesh, roaring at Qin Feng.

Qin Feng just looked at the shithead with his cigarette in his mouth.

"How dare you stare at me?! Damn it, how did Xuan Peak's boy get to the terrace? He still doesn't understand the rules. It seems that I have to teach you a good lesson as a brother!!

Without saying a word, the man waved his fist and smashed it down against Qin Feng.

Come up and start. Obviously, it's not because of shoulder bumping, but because of the target was Qin Feng from the beginning.

The two around him also want to attack, but before they could do it, they all froze!

Qin Feng holds a cigarette in his mouth, raises his left hand, grasps the wrist of the evil man with one hand, and gives him a powerful way to scream with pain, but he slowly kneels down.

"This hand, it seems you don't want it."

With a word, Qin Feng raised his foot and stepped on the man's right shoulder. His eyes show vicious and he pulled instantly.

Blood splashed!

The man's right arm was twisted down and bloodshed. The scene was terrible!

The guy was stunned at first, and then the cry of pain reverberated into the night.

Looking up slightly, Qin Feng glanced the other two.

The two men were scared to pee their pants when they saw this scene.

These people are usually overbearing in college. If the real battle comes with them, they all became coward in an instant.

"Who sent you here?"

They watched the painful stun guy on the ground and the bloody right hand on Qin Feng's hand. They were too scared to run.

At this moment, the two of them really gave "greetings" to Shao Qiang's ancestors of 18 generations. What he said was scum in the practice of middle qi. How could he be so abnormal?

"I, we..."

"If you don't say it, you will be worse than him."

Qin Feng casually threw the bloody hand in front of the two shitheads. Out of a nerve that is not yet died, the broken hand and fingers still moved a few times.

The children who can enter the Xian Ling College are basically from all levels of cultivation family. In addition, over the past thousand years, Yunshui cultivation world has been very stable. These children are a group of children who are used to enjoying it and have never seen blood. How can they stand with this situation?

"I will say I will say, it's Brother Qiang, Brother Qiang let us do it!"

The two men trembled and said this.

"Say the full name."

Qin Feng glanced at them coldly.

"Shao Qiang! That man's name is Shao Qiang!"

The two men trembled all over and looked at Qin Feng whispering.

Qin Feng, looking at the two men coldly, put his hands back into his trousers pockets a few seconds later, turned around and walked slowly.

It was not until more than ten seconds later that the two guys reacted and hurriedly lifted the man who had fainted to the ground.

"Shao Qiang..."

Qin Feng walked slowly back. He did not remember knowing the man himself.

And in this Xian Ling College, there is only one person who will fight with him, Xiao Zhenyun.

Shao Qiang should also be Xiao Zhanyun's messenger.

So impatient, Qin Feng's eyes flashed a ray of chill, for this Xiao Zhengyun, it's not only about to help Qi Linger.

If a man does not offend him, he will not offend. If a man offends him, he will kill!

Back in the pavilion, Qi Linger was still leaning on the sofa, the TV was still ringing, but she was asleep, Qin Feng did not disturb her, sitting on the side of the sofa, but also closed his eyes to rest.

One night quietly past.

The next morning, there was a bell echoing between the five peaks.

"Come on, it's about to start!"

Qi Linger urged Qin Feng, while Qin Feng was slow and leisurely, thinking that you slept till 7:50 by yourself, but now you come to hurry me up.

By the way, he glanced at the dress on his body, which Qi Linger had prepared for him. He wore an ancient white dress with the word "Xian" and "Ling" on the left and right cuffs. In the position of his left shoulder, it was embroidered the word "Xuan" to represent the Xuan Peak, while that of Qi Linger was the word "Earth" to represent the Earth Peak.

This is the uniform dress of the Xian Ling College, which can be worn casually at ordinary times, but today's festival must be dressed in fairy clothes, including Qilinger.

But she has to say that Qin Feng, who changed his clothes, is quite handsome.

The four peaks of heaven and earth, Xuan and Huang, with tens of thousands of people, are gathering at the main peak.

Spring, summer, autumn and winter, the Four Seasons Crown for Xian Ling College, it is a four-time festival in a year, attaching great importance to it.

Because not only the senior members of the College will pay attention to it, but also the other two colleges, as well as many elders in the field of cultivation, will pay a little attention to it.

As long as they can be brilliant at this festival, even if they don't win the championship, they can be familiar with the big guys, and the future will be bright.

Xianling Tai, a diamond-shaped building, is about 20,000 square meters in the west of the main peak. The place is enough to accommodate tens of thousands of people to watch. It feels like an ancient Roman Colosseum, but it is much more delicate and elegant than the Colosseum, all of which are wooden structures.

At this time, all around the fairy platform, whether in the aisle or in the seats, were full of people.

One by one with eager eyes, especially those Huang class students, many of whom are 13 or 14 years old, the first time to watch this competition. It's natural for them to be excited.

In the scene, it is a piece of ground paved with white jade, and people are still gathering.

On the north side of Xianling Tai, Xiao Zhenyun's face was very bad, because Shao Qiang beside him told him what happened last night.

"Xiao, you can rest assured that when the winter crown is over, I will help you to destroy him. This time I will do it myself!"

Shao Qiang hurriedly said, while peering at Xiao Zhenyun's expression, he is afraid that Xiao Zhenyun is angry.

"Shao Qiang, you let me down this time."

Xiao Zhenyun just glanced at Shao Qiang, but in this case, Shao Qiang almost frightened to pee his pants.

"Xiao, rest assured, today! I will deal with him today!"


To the south of Xianling Tai, Qinfeng and Qilinger also came to the stand.

And at this moment!

Suddenly, there was a roar of cattle like thunder!