A Man and A Bull!


In the white jade field, a thundering bull with a height of five people appeared. over the bull, there was a spiritual beast ring floating, and the bull was obviously released from it.

The bull's horns were extremely frightening, golden red, more than one meter long, curved for three quarters, and soaring into the sky. His body was covered with extremely long black long hair. His eyes were one red and one golden.

Thunder Bull, the reason why he got the name.

It is because of this kind of bull, born with the power of fire and thunder!

However, the Thunder Bull is now trapped in the junction of three meters square circle, can only continue to roar!

With the emergence of Thunder Bull, the whole Xianling Tai reached the peak of the tide, countless people began to scream, began to exclaim!

To the east of Lingtai, a man came out with a sword.

To the east, there are the high-level friars of the College, the friars with foundation level, the friars of Dan-knotting, and some people from other colleges who come to observe rituals.

And this time, it is very special, because there is a group of Xiao parents and elders.

The seven old men of Xiao's family, all friars of Jiedan(Dan-knotting), are sitting in this honorable seat in the east. Their purpose of coming here is only one.

That is to watch Xiao Zhenyun's performance.

It is also a judgment on the qualifications of the young master. As long as these seven people bring back satisfactory results, within three years, Xiao Zhenyun will surely become the young masters of Xiao's family if he breaks through the foundations.

But once he becomes a minor master, as long as he does not commit any heinous crimes, he can basically take over after breaking through Dan and become the next master of the house.

Each of the nine household owners will automatically take over as the vice leader of the local Branch Head. Their status is really high.


The man who came out on the sword was a college friar in the middle of building the foundation, an old man with white hair. Now he stepped on the sword and poured out a sound with spiritual power, which directly overwhelmed all the exclamations.

Suddenly, the whole place quieted down.

Everyone is looking at this friar with foundation level.

"Master Qiao Xuan is going to grind a lot of chatter again. Why does the college always let him preside over it?"

Qi Linger stood with Qin Feng and sighed helplessly when she saw the old man who built the foundation.

"I think he presided well, clear, simple and understandable."

Qin Feng said.

"Of course, for the first time, I've heard it more than ten times. Mr. Qiao is a senior friar, although he is a foundation friar, this year he is 198 years old. Many of the immortals in Jiedan are not as senior as him. But Mr. Qiao likes this one . It's always him. I heard that he hasn't been replaced for decades.

Qi Linger complained.

"But Mr. Qiao has not been able to break through for a long time, and his age is estimated to be near the limit. In fact, besides nagging, the old man is still good."

"Well, it's about to start."

Qin Feng nodded slightly because the old man who built the foundation stopped talking.

"Winter crown, start!"

As the old and powerful voice fell, the boundaries that trapped the Thunder Bull dispersed in an instant, and the thunder Bull rushed out crazily.

And on the stands around, screams began to ring again.

Soon, in just a few minutes, someone jumped directly from the stand and went to 50 or 60 people at a time. All of them were Heaven Peak students, that is, the peak of practice.



Shao Qiang looked at Xiao Zhenyun. When he got Xiao Zhenyun's consent, he waved and rushed down with the number 80 men behind him.

They are scouts of Xiao Zhenyun, to try the strength of the Bull and then feedback to Xiao Zhenyun.

In a moment, the number of people in the field reached two or three hundred.

Hundreds of people versus a Thunder Bull.

The number is very different, but it is funny to see because in this case, only the Thunder Bull chased hundreds of people everywhere.

These people's attacks and magic had no effect on the bull at all.

"It's so funny. Look at that man. What a fool!"

Qi Linger looked at the scene and laughed.

"Sister Linger, what are you laughing at, so happy?"

Liu Man and Niu Dazhuang also came to their side at this time.

"Look at that man. He's got a hole in his ass."

Qi Linger pointed to a high-ranking student lying in a corner, with white clothes on his body, blood stained on his buttocks and boundaries around him, or his life would be lost.

As long as a certain injury is achieved, the junction in the field will automatically provide protection for it.

"Big guy, try."

Qi Linger patted the big guy, and he also grinned, show a ready-to-try posture.

Qin Feng glanced at the big guy, looked at the Thunder Bull in the scene, and nodded.

"You can try it."

At the moment, in the white jade field, lots of men have holes in their ass, what's more, some of them hit directly by thunder and flame to get covered in coke, can only mess out of enchantment to save their own lives.

Hundreds of people went down, and in less than half an hour they dropped sharply to thirty.

On the East stand, Gongsun Tong, a deputy dean of Xian Ling College, was not at ease at all.

After all, there are also people who observe rituals in college. The students of their own college in the field are in such a state of messy that they can't be seen and passed.

But there's no way. It's a free sport. No one can be assigned.

Tianlong College and Zixiao College, the group of ritual observers, as well as the disciples they brought were all smiling with their mouths covered.

And the seven big men of Xiao's family did not change their looks, because they focused on only one.

That's Xiao Zhengyun.

Just at this moment, when thousands of people look at the joke.


On the stand, a big man two meters high jumped down!

Suddenly the cry of alarm burst out!

Because this big fellow, only practicing the cultivation of middle qi, is Xuan Peak's students!

Even Earth Peak students who dare not come, how dare the students of Xuan Peak to show himself here?! Many people were surprised!

"It's kind of interesting."

Gong Sun-tong saw the big guy jumping down and showed some interest in it.

In the field.

When Thunder Bull saw the big guy, it turned its head for a while, and the red and gold bull's eyes stared at the big guy.

There was thunder and lightning and flames on his body. His front hoofs were shaving the ground. A howl of anger!

Thunder Bull can't talk, nor can big guy!

One man and one bull can't speak, since they can't speak, they can only rely on shouting!

It howls, and the big guy roars too.

The big guy's legs stomped on the ground, his white clothes burst, revealing its dark and strong physique, and its whole body began to redden, accompanied by its dark skin, which was black and red! The physique grows another meter tall!


The big guy opened his mouth and shouted, hammering his chest with his fists, if he has more hair, he will look like a gorilla.

The remaining thirty people on the court, when they saw this scene, changed their faces and quickly hid away, thinking in their hearts:

WTF... Where did the gorilla come from?