
Late at night.

About wait until everyone is asleep, Qin Feng's car got out of the manor, hurtling towards the outskirts, the place where peach forest located.

He has become accustomed to the days of cultivation in Peach forest at night.


When Qin Feng drove, he thought about what something new to bring to Yunling.

When passing a large jewelry store, Qin Feng stopped the car. The store was about to be closed. The clerk saw Qin Feng getting off and stopped.

If it is an ordinary person, perhaps he will treat it as if he didn't see it and drive off the customers directly and close the door.

However, this Lamborghini of Qin Feng is really dope. The staff in these jewelry shops are all women. For a handsome and rich guy like Qin Feng, it doesn't matter if they leave work late.

"Hello, sir, welcome to the Sakura Jewelry. How can I help?"

Several clerks soon came together.

"Let me see."