Before the storm!

Early the next morning.

As usual, Qin Feng walked out of the peach grove at 7 o'clock.

When the golden eyes were gone, the peach forest in his eyes was a piece of barren forest and waste rock.

On the edge of the peach forest, Yunling looked at Qin Feng's back and the sorrow in her eyes grew thicker.

Because Qin Feng said to her before he left, it is estimated that he will need to leave for several days this time. He is afraid he will not be able to come to the peach forest for a short time.

When Qin Feng's back completely disappeared in front of her eyes, Yunling looked down at the necklace pendant.

"since he gave you to me, I'll call you" Expect Feng. "

Yunling was very happy to give this pendant a name.

The word "Expect Feng" represents the yearning from a lady to a man.

On the nearest road in Xiantao Mausoleum, the roaring sound of a sports car was heard.