Old tortoise is back !

  Yun Shui world , the three islands of Penglai.

    The aura on the island became more and richer, and even ... so rich that cultivators on the island could not believe that.

    Ever since the rapid growth of Reiki, there have been breakthroughs on this island.

    From practicing Qi to foundation, from foundation to top-grade, from top-grade to peak.


    There are ten people, with a strong aura, from the foundation peak to Jie Dan, they break the bottleneck that has been trapped for a century.

    The whole Penglai is up and down, it can be said to be joyous, each cultivator is happy, and they almost start to celebrate.

    However, there is only one woman, who is full of heart knots at this moment, looking at the smile of Penglai's cultivators now, but there is nothing she can do.

    This woman, Tang Su'e.

    She was above the surface of the sea, wearing a long skirt, and rising with the sea breeze.