I, Black Turtle! finally come back!

    On the three islands of Penglai, the stones on the peak rolled down, the aura collapsed, and the heart was shaken.

    A black barrier, like an inverted bowl, directly covers the three islands, covering everything inside.

    In an instant, everything was hidden from the sky.

    The 300,000 Penglai cultivator, seeing this already apparent black barrier, never see the night outside the barrier at all.

    One by one, their pupils shrank, and their heart filled with panic.

    Unknown fear!

    They didn't know what was going on, and they didn't know ... what would happen next!

    All they can feel is powerlessness and smallness.

    "This, what is this ?!"

    "Can't get out!"

    "When the barrier appears!"

    "Who set the barrier !"

