Chapter 46: Azure Princess

Before she could retaliate, the ground under her shook a little before a giant made of sand rose from the ground. Lyndel was caught by her ankles as the giant swung her twice before throwing her up in the air, letting her meet the dark sky.

Thunder rumbled in the sky, as lightning darted across the sky. In the middle of those dark clouds, stood a figure clouded in lightning as it coursed through her veins.

Freya grinned as she focused all the lightning towards her fist. Her body was shining in bright blue light, in the midst of the darkened clouds. Rain began to drizzle down heavily as her eyes glazed in fiery determination.

She was like a fiery knight princess, descended from heaven. From this day onwards Freya was named as "Azure princess". Her name brought fear in many and royals thought twice before scheming against her.

The swing brought her right towards Freya's fist. Freya smacked her fist on the demon's face, making her scrunch her face in pain and cough out blood.

The force of the punch made Lyndel plunge down hastily. Lyndel crashed into the ground with high speed resulting in a loud sound.

Freya landed on the ground but staggered a little as she panted heavily. With a snap of her fingers, lightning descended on her thereby electrocuting her. Dust filled up in the area blurring their vision.

Beads of sweat were dripping from Freya's forehead as she felt her body weigh like lead. She could feel a sweetness in her throat which she managed to hold it in.

She heard a faint sound of pebbles moving and looked up to see a figure slowly arise amidst the dust.

Everyone reached Freya and suddenly Jinha caught hold of her waist, supporting her. Freya smiled gratefully at Jinha before she looked forward.

They looked at Lyndel who walked out slowly with injuries all over her body.

"Damn it!! It was still not enough to kill her." Jinha complained.

"Well, we should be glad that we managed to wound her badly.. at least, right?" Zelal commented as he panted.

"Damn it... I don't think we will be able to do that once again." Liz said worriedly as she looked at her hands.

"There's no need for that," Freya said while gasping for breath.

"Why?" everyone asked curiously in unison.

Their answer was answered by a loud snarl from Lyndel. Lyndel was glaring at Freya like she wished to chop her into tiny pieces.

Freya smirked a little, taunting her.

" little..." Lyndel spit out blood as she took a step forward but slightly froze in her tracks.

Right at the moment, a soft clink was heard. They glanced over to find Lyndel stare at the locket hanging on her waist crack into pieces.

Lyndel stood there frozen for God knows how long before she cried out loud.

Freya grinned more as she said, "Correction, at least we would get out of this hellhole."

It was like a miracle as the dream shield shattered and they could feel mana rushing into their bodies.

But Freya's smile froze when she suddenly saw Lyndel shriek loudly.


Blacklight shot out of her body towards the sky as Lyndel pulled her face in agony.

Her scream filled in anguish made all of them shiver.

Everyone gasped as they saw her body changing right in front of her eyes. Gone where the human figure and there stood a demon who was wailing in agony.

Horns sprout out of her head, eyes glowing red and wings sprouting from her back. Her body elongated a little as her hands formed into claws and her nails broke out from her shoes.

Everyone gaped at demon. Yes, this was the right image of demons instilled upon them as kids.

"Haha... Or not." Freya rephrased her sentence quickly. She gulped nervously feeling slightly intimidated by the situation.

Zeno pushed his glasses as he managed to conceal his turbulent emotions, "Well.. it looks like we made it worse."

"You think?!!!!!!!"