Fellow Starseed

The pretty bird was still weak and only drinks the water and didn't even touch the pieces of meat and veggies they offered. But the bird looked a little better after a nights rest so Ace dresses up in shirt and pants with sneakers as usual and went school on one of his car. He likes simple and elegant yet classy styles so his humble BMW which was previously his father's car was like his own baby. He takes care of its body even if he changed the engine and upgraded it himself. People at school stares at his car every damn time he drives it, because yeah it's an old model car but for him it's not just a car. It's one of the things by which he feel connected to his late father. This time, it wasn't any different. People started whispering as soon as he parked the car and step out of it.

Ace just grabs his bag and jacket from the passenger seat before locking the car and walking away from the parking area towards the school entrance.

The rumours seems to come alive as always and Ace walks through the hallway where people seem to busy talking about the possible surprised test and yes, about him since he's the front and centre of most of the gossip going around the while youth in the whole city.

"The same drama."

Ace glance at the girl who came jogging up to match his steps. The only one who can be called his 'friend'. Veronica Jung, that badass savage gothic girl who came from Seoul and from whom people stay away from, for obvious reasons. She beat up a flirty senior when she first got transferred in the beginning of the semester. Apparently, she learned Wu Shu since she was five years old, leading up to learning Tae Kwon Do and Kung Fu later on. She's soft as a marshmallow for Ace though, because she's a fujoshi. Bitch loves it when Ace acts all cute and innocent. 'Aego' as she calls it.

"Said you sucked a dick last summer." Vera, as Ace calls the girl, says and continues to suck on her lollipop almost obscenely. If Ace was straight maybe he might have liked the girl romantically, and yeah, her vocabulary is quite colourful.

"What can I say, I'm that popular." Ace jokes, shrugging his shoulder as he holds the class door open to let the file in first.

"Nasty bitches be trippin'." Vera scoffs at the girls in the front row seat. Sure did, the girl in pink mini skirt lost her footing and fell forward on her knees.

And she's a witch, nothing special she says, but Ace had seen his fair share of witches and Veronica is nothing like them.

Ace wanted to help the girl up, he almost took a step but Vera grabs his hand and pull him towards the back of the classroom to sit by one of the corner.

"It's not the time for you to act all cute right now. Babe, I saw her slipping something in your bag yesterday." Vera smacks Ace and took his bag from him. She unzips all zipper and starts checking them thoroughly.

"Maybe it's nothing." Ace says, holding up his hands for the girl to give his books to him. All books aside along with his iPad, pens, phone and wallet, Veronica turn the bag inside out and-

"Oh" Ace watch as Vera picks up a nano microphones from the desk and crush them in her hand. It was a size of a pen nips.

"Ayo, you fucking bitch in pink tongs." Vera hollers and threw Ace's wooden pencil at the girl she made trip. Other students quieted around them and were looking back at them and at the girl who fell earlier. They all saw the whole tongs thing, the skirt was way to short to be allowed.

"Stay the fuck away from Casper, bitch. Does your shitty ass has dog poop for brains? If I see your ass near him, I will kill you and your sorry ass parents won't have the chance to even see your fucking plastic face. You littl-"

Ace covers Vera's mouth and nods his head towards the door. Their professor walks in and greets them nonchalantly but everyone who takes his class knows who the man can be cold and strict, and he gives out detention card for smallest of things.

Ace let the girl sit back down and he also settles back on his seat as their professor starts the introduction of their new lesson.

Veronica is still annoyed, Ace can tell but this rumours and bullying is nothing new to him and he has been enduring it since he was not even ten. But Vera don't have to know that, and they had been friends for roughly two years only.

The whole lecture Vera was doing a sketch of s symbol on a piece of paper. She's still pissed and knowing her, it won't go away until she do something to the person who caused it.

Ace just sighs and turn to take notes for both of them. They'll need it for the upcoming class review their professor had told them during their previous class.

"So, I wanna show you something." Ace says as they were walking out of the classroom after their classes ends for the day.

"Like what, another gadget?"Vera responds excitedly and links their arms as she started pulling him towards the parking area.

"No, I wanna show you a bird it found wounded last night." Ace giggles at the others' childishly excitement.

"What kinda bird?!" Vera gasps and turn to look at the boy, a tiny bit taller teen she's dragging along with her.

"You'll see when we- uh.... "

"Bitch." Veronica cursed while Ace just let out a tired sigh and went to open the trunk at the back and came up with a spray bottle and a tissue box. Then he went to spray the whole front of his car and wipe away the insults written on the hood of his car and doors.

"Is it just me or you also think this hoes are becoming bolder since the beginning of this years semester?" Veronica exclaims as she help the poor guy wipe the freshly sprayed colourful letters from the car. "If you're not holding me back I would have beat up each and everyone who looked at me the wrong way." she stated, huffing as she scrubs the bits of paints from the door handle.

"Let's just go, I am suffocating breathing the same air as this lowlifes." Ace loudly commented so that the people nearby can hear his words clearly. Than he got into his car with Veronica claiming the passenger seat after him.

They didn't talk the whole ride on the way back home. Ace didn't feel like it and Vera understand him enough to keep the silence for him. It wasn't awkward, between them it never is.

Lily opens the door as soon as they parks the car on the driveway and steps out of it.

"Casper, perfect timing. Your pretty bird has been awake for a while now and I think it's a he," Lily informs with a beaming smile, "And he can speak but sadly not our language."She adds but she didn't seem anywhere sad at that fact.

"Yo babe, looking stunning as always." Veronica smirks as the maid blushes at her compliment, "And sexy. I haven't seen you in maid outfit, until now. Wow~" she took the maid's hand and kisses the soft hand. "Such beauty, I am truly blessed by the gods to be here with you."

Ace watch his friend flirt with his maid/nanny. He found it odd how Vera came to his home and instantly took on Lily and sticks a little too close with her at first but as time spent, he now finds it quiet dramatic how the mighty gothic witch like Veronica actually fell for his humanoid robot who may be twice their age or more. Plus, Lily also got to experience human feelings through Vera who was damn set on courting her. The witch had even given many courting gifts to the maid and the maid don't seem to mind.

Ace smiles and head up the stairs first, walking towards his bedroom.

He knocked on the door a few times before entering his own room, careful to not surprise the pretty bird. The bird was in his bed, snuggling in his collection of fluffy pillows towards the middle of his huge bed.

"Aww~" Ace coos softly and sat down on his bed on the edge. "Pretty bird, how are you?" he takes in the beauty in front of him, pretty hues of red and yellow. The feathers seems to shimmer, reflecting the rays of sunlight steaming in from the one large window, making different hues to come alive in front of his eyes.

The head turns and beautiful ruby red eyes stares back at him suddenly. Ace gasps, sits up straighter and stares back at the creature in front of him in fascination. The bird tilts it's head while looking at him like he is some fascinating thing ever that stands in front-

Suddenly the bird jumps on him. Ace screams as he stands up but slipped on the carpet below and fell down onto his back. The bird snoops down on top of him and stood on his chest with its ruby eyes staring at him as if trying to figure him out. Ace eyes widen when the bird suddenly started burning on itself and when it went off, instead a bird there was a man on top of him with his limbs still trapping him. Completely naked. Ace screams louder this time and the man was startled, staring down at him in confusion.

"Casper!" the door bangs open and Lily came running in with Veronica, but they froze up seeing two males on the floor in an compromising position. One butt naked with his manhood on display. (ugghhh nasty)

"Lily, get him off- hmmm-mmm.. " Ace's eyes widens as the naked man kisses him full on the lips with so much force. He vaguely thinks that his lips must be bleeding.

"Get away from him!!!" Lily came in and threw the man off Ace and the naked man went crashing into the wall, even put a dent on it. Lily kneels down worriedly to check on the boy who was still laying flat on the floor in shock.

Then the stranger came and push the maid away, pulls the dazed Ace into his arms and flew right pass the pretty frozen and out from the confines of the room.

"Veronica move," Lily took the witches hand and chased after the human like creature. They found them in the sitting room, levitating in the air, kissing rather passionately unlike minutes ago.

One moment he was on his back on the floor, then he was in the air getting his mouth devour by the really handsome and butt naked man. He couldn't process what was even going and his mind shuts off.

When he woke up, he was on his bed. Cold and alone, with moon peaking out the sky. He can see it through his window.

Was he dreaming all this time? was he just sleeping?

He touches his lips to find out. and no, it was not a dream. His lips are swollen sore and there's a cut on his bottom lips.

Where is Lily and Veronica? have that man gone back to his home?

Where is his grandma all this time? did she went to meet his cousins to the other city without telling him again?

And why does he suddenly feel distress and empty inside? what is this feelings?