A Suitor

His grandma did went to his aunt's house and only told Lily and the man is still in the house, but he's wearing his clothes. His grey sweat pants and oversize jumper.

He said he has many names told him to call him as they likes, and Vera is talking to him in the sitting room while Ace is in the kitchen having a meal with his maid hovering around him.

"So, he said he kissed me to obtain human knowledge?" Ace ask and ate a spoonful of his egg fried rice, which Lily made for him on his request.

"He also said that you are very much compatible with him and that he is interested in courting you."

Ace's eyes widens at what he heard. He almost choke on his rice but Lily just smiles and pours a glass of water for him, which he quickly takes it.

"What is Vera talking with him anyway?" Ace questions, pouting at his maid.

"Why don't you go see?" Lily says and pushes the boy from the table towards the kitchen door. "Go on, I'll clean up and follow." she shoos away the boy.

Ace quietly went and sat down beside Veronica, opposite to the man who was sitting alone on the another couch.

"Casper Zhou, it's my pleasure to meet you properly. I am really sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable with what I did. I apologise for my indecent behaviour." the man apologised and bows politely.

Ace smiles back awkwardly and bows slightly at the man before turning to look at his friend with a questioning stare.

"August and I was talking about where he came from. He said he came from the planet Orion but he is originally a Lyran." Vera informs him excitedly, "You remember about the startseeds I told you about right?"

"Uh, yeah?" Ace squeals, because hell, the man, August is looking towards him with the most beautiful smile he had ever seen. He leans back on the couch and tries to seem small as possible because August is staring at him so-

"I can hear your thoughts, you're thinking too hard dear."

Ace shrinks back on his seat more and hides behind the girl in complete embarrassment.

"It's not polite to read others inner thoughts without their consent August." Vera comments, but Ace can hear the smirks in her voice alone and he didn't even need to look at the girl to know that.

"Oh, I apologise Casper dear." August apologies and he even sounds genuine.

Ace couldn't help but blush more. He can feel his body heating up in embarrassment.

"Don't worry, he is just shy and a little embarrassed about what happened earlier."

"I'm not!" Ace sits up and smiles back at the man, he tried holding the eye contact but failed and stares anything but the man.

"So, what's your identity?" Ace asks, trying to at leat start the conversation and divert the attention from himself.

"As lady Veronica said, I came from Orion but I am Lyran by origin. I also lived on Pledia thousands of years ago and I have went through the circle of life many times." August answered casually but him living for thousands of years means he's no ordinary humanoid being.

"And what are you doing here on earth?" Ace questions curiously.

"Oh that's a good question, August why are you here in this particular area in this vast land?" Vera added since she was curious too.

"Would you believe me if I said I came here in order to find a suitable consort for myself?" August says, smiling at the two before him. "It happens only once in a million years, my race finding a compatible companion is like finding their treasure since it does not normally happens every day. I felt the pull so I intended to come here prepared but my craft got damaged and I had to make a crash land. Casper dear found me wounded, maybe it was truly faith calling me to meet him here."

"How would you know it's me?" Ace lifts his head up to look straight at the man, doubting the fact, the fate.

"Have you not felt the connection yet?" August says in surprise and he seemed confused by the thought of the other not feeling their bond, the pull he is definitely feeling.

Ace have felt that, what the other man is asking if him, but.... but he wasn't going to admit it just like that. This feels like straight out of an 21 century soulmate drama. This is just too surreal for him to believe it.

"If you have no relatives here, you're welcome to stay for the time being I am capable of feeding another mouth. But I don't believe in this 'fate brought us together' thingy. Lily can prepare a room for you. It's late Vera you should stay the night. I'm tired, end of discussion and good night." that being said, Ace got up from his seat and makes his way up the stairs, making a beeline towards his room.

He don't want to believe it. He has a soulmate, maybe twin flame. Fuck! he needs to sleep on this before shorting out his feelings .

Mama Wu came back in the morning and she was down having breakfast by the table when Ace came down, all set up for another uni day. August was there too, with Lily serving them meals. Veronica was nowhere to be seen, but Ace knows that the girl likes to head home and change before going to attend her classes.

"Morning." Ace kisses his mother on the cheek and sat down beside her for the breakfast.

"Are you two having an intimate relationship?"

Ace face paled and his eyes widen as he snaps his head up to stare at the man across the table. It was almost comical how he can feel the other feelings just by looking.

August looked physically hurt and rejected after witnessing the scene. Does he likes Ace that much to feel hurt just by a kiss, on a cheek.

Mama Wu burst out laughing and slaps Ace on the back while she's on it.

"She's my grandmother." Ace stated, a little offended since the elder women was busy catching her breath.

"I apologise for my ridiculous assumption." August sighs and smiles brighter than before as he gave shy glances at Ace before looking at the elder women, "You don't look like you have aged since you turn 26, you look gorgeous Lady Wu." He was blushing, Ace can see his sun kissed skin on his neck turning slightly red. Is he embarrassed?

"Ah~ such a gentleman, quick to apologise. I already like you young man." Grandma comments, smiling widely at the two. "I heard he's here to court you." her eyes turn mischievous when it landed on her grand son.

"Grandma, please stay out of this." Ace whines and starts shoving eggs into his mouth to avoid talking altogether.

"Well, I'm just letting you know that you have my blessings. You two can just enjoy life, you know. You can just live off the family's wealth and drop out- STOP STUFFING YOUR FACE CASPER ZHOU!!!" Mama Wu yells and slaps Ace's hand reaching for another boiled egg, "Listen to me you little shit!"

"Om Dooon~" Ace grabs his bag and skips out of the house. He was staring his car when August came to stand beside his window.

Ace rolls down his window and hold his hand out, "What is it?" he glanced at the paper bag on the others hand.

"I made lunch for you," August smiles, suddenly shy and looking anywhere but Ace's face. "I ask for Lily's help so I hope you'll like my cooking."

"Thank you." Ace gave the man a smile, he do appreciates the loving gesture. No one had been so attentive to him other than his only family. "I'll give a feedback when I get home." he takes the bag and carefully put it on the passenger seat before driving away.

Maybe having around August won't be so bad. The man really do seems smitten with him though and Ace hasn't figure out his own feelings for the man, yet.

"He made a lunch box for you?"

Ace nodded and continues to eat the egg rolls and salad. He likes eggs and crunchy things, August actually might have ask his maid what he likes.

"Why?!!! Lily never made me lunchbox!" Veronica complains, whining as she does so and stabs her sandwich with the fork.

"You gets to eat the food she makes every damn time you visit me." Ace rolls his eyes at the girl being dramatic in front of the whole school.

They are in the cafeteria, mind you. Ace just sighs while Vera breaks her stoic cold image by whining about a lunch box.

Nothing changed in Ace's life. He just had to include August in his outings and while hanging out with Vera. When Lily and his grandma is busy with their own things, Ace got August to keep him company. It was nice having someone to share his library with.

It was four months after August arrival in their lives when Vera suggest to go on a double date. Lily with Veronica and Ace with August.

Ace hesitantly agreed, how bad can it be. He thought.

August is tall, Ace have noticed the fact long ago.

"Why do you seem taller?" Ace questions as soon as he saw the man coming to stand next to him be the door. Lily has yet to come out of the house.

"Lady Veronica said you like tall guys and I can change my structure so- yeah I thought of standing taller beside you."

August looked nervous, Ace cant blame the man since he have not really express his interest. Ace knows that he interacts with the man as he does with someone who is a friend, not as a potential romantic partner.

"You're good as you are, don't change yourself for me. I will hate myself if I was the cause of you losing yourself trying to love me." Ace says and pats the others arm as he smiles up at the man.

Ace is 178cm tall for fucks' sake and August is standing a solid two heads taller than him now. He hates how Vera gave the man about his ideal type away just like that. It wasn't fair.

"Are we not gonna head out, we're gonna be late Casper." Lily came wearing jeans and flower printed top.

"Tug your top in and follow us." Ace says and pulls August with him towards his car by the driveway.

He knows how Vera is obsessed with Lily's bottoms. The witch is an booty girl and she's gonna go crazy with Lily wearing tight jeans.

Ace drove them to the mall and they meet up Veronica in a café. The first thing the witch did is glare at Ace before smiling sweetly at the maid.

"Lady Veronica, it's not polite to glare my partner without a reason." August calls out the girl after they all took a seat around the round table. Leave it to him to call out people when it concerns Casper.

August really do seem to love Casper, and they need to talk. They had been putting it off for months now.

"Shut up August." Vera have huffs and turn her head towards the counter to call for a waitress.

Ace waves it off so August only pouts and didn't continue through his words. Vera and August usually banter over smallest things. It was common now, to see them even screaming at each other face like they want to kill. But that's just it, their fights never gets serious enough to even talk about it. They were childish like that and both finds entertainment in arguing with each other, while Lily and Ace funds it funny.

They have lunch in the café. Lily couldn't eat human food so she just sat back and watch the three enjoy the meal and making conversation. Then they head off to watch the movie Veronica had got them the ticket for.

It was a scary supernatural movie based off from some real live experience, and it scared the shit out of both Casper and August.

"I have never been this scared in my entire existence, not even when I have to face Pledian general." August shivers and Ace offers his hand for him to hold in sympathy. "How would you humans create something this scary?" he takes a few shaky breaths while Vera just smirks and leads them towards another theatre to watch another movie.

"Were you a soldier?" Ace asks, just for the sake of it to divert the shaken man's attention from what they have just seen. August took the bait.

"I wasn't but because I was one of the most dependable person around.The rumours said that I am strong and capable of defeating even the ruling person." August sighs as if recalling the event made him want to just roll his eyes. "The head general challenge me to what earthlings calls one on one flight. I had to cut one of his hand to claim my victory. It... it was gross. I never liked hurting someone severely or ending someone's lifes." August looks down at him and Ace can actually feel the guilt and regret in the deep lilac eyes.

"Vera babe, I'm taking August home. Can you drop Lily afterwards?" Ace ask, but it's a statement Veronica can tell just by his tone of voice.

"Sure thing, take care." Veronica waves at them while Ace was pulling the still quite shaken man with him towards the parking street.

"Your movie choices are quite.... unnerving. I don't like how you take pleasure in making someone get shaken up by watching something. If you do that to my master ever, I cannot ever forgive you. I do like your company, but Casper is my top priority from the beginning I was created." Lily said after the two males were out of sight. "I hope you understand." she turns to look at the girl beside her.

"I do, but Ace never gets easily scared and I know since we go out to watch movies more times than we can count. You don't have to worry, I know how you care for him." Veronica smiled, a bit sad in her eyes. "I think what August said is true, that they are destined to be. I can feel how their feelings have an effect on each other. Didn't you saw how Ace was with August?"

Lily frowns but nodded her head slightly. "If it is true then I advice you to not tease the poor man so much. If it effects Casper, it effects me. I hope you understand my reasoning."

Veronica sighs but nodded her head in agreement. "Can we continue on with our outing?"

Lily gave a smiles and Vera finally links their hands. They're still good to continue on their date.

"Are you alright, you're hands are still cold." Ace holds up their link hands and blows his warm breath on it while he drive with his other hand.

"I'm fine." August smiles feeling the warmness blown on their link hands. He wasn't but he wasn't going to actually say it out loud. He was leaning back on his seat with his eyes closed since their a headache coming in.

"Lier, I can feel it." Ace sighs and just.... fuck it, he thought and kissed the others hand lovingly, "The connection you said we have, the bond, I felt it the first time you kissed me. I'm sorry I took long to open up to you." he softly apologies.

Ace heard a sniff but he didn't even glance at the other man. But he did kissed their linked hands again.