Days Before

They were just out on a walk around the public park when Casper decided it was a pleasant sunny day for a date. That's how they ended up going on an impromptu date, at the streets lined with vintage shops, like the old times.

"You never told me what you do to earn such money." August questions suddenly while they were walking side by side, in an old vintage shop trying to find anything suitable for their taste.

Casper glanced back with an amused smile before continuing looking at the clothes.

"I sell my little programmed systems to the suitable consumers who pays me the highest price." he answers with a smug smile.

"What's the highest price you have ever sold your 'little programmed system'?" August asks, reaching over to put his hand on the others waist and pull him closer to himself.

"It was a security system I was requested to programme. They paid me 500Billion and I got even invited to officially join their organisation but I refused because office work is boring."

"I am rich too." August pouts, "or I was." he says with a sad sigh.

"I packed so many things to gift you during our courtship but my stupid carrier had to broke down on the Luna and it makes me feel so angry." August was still pouting with narrowed eyebrows and staring intensely at the marble floor of the shop.

"Baby, you're cute so stop trying to look angry." Casper teased and pull the other towards the trial room with himself, saying, "I got shirts! let's try them."

It was a bad idea. August realised that a little to late.

Casper got no shame.. like- at all!! and August almost had a heart attack when the human started taking off his upper clothes. Right in front of his eyes in the little room they were currently inside.

"What are you doing?"

"Why?" Casper ask, innocently blinking his eyes as if he's confused but he is anything but and August can see right through him anyway, but doesn't stop him from doing what he wants.

Casper took off his blazer and then his shirt to try on the floral print shirt he picked out for himself. His eyes glancing secretly at August through the mirror. The man had his eyes on the floor and wasn't looking up since the room walls were mirror. There was a little blush dusting his cheeks and he was pouting. Casper couldn't help but tease him more.

"Let's try one on you." Casper says and pull the other men by the hand towards himself. August was flushing red but let Casper take his jacket and t-shirt and make him wear a bird printed shirt instead.

"We look good." Casper breaths out as he takes in the sight of them in the mirrors. He was right, the shirts look amazing on them and they both look hot. His mate more so than usual.

"Don't we darling?" He asks, glancing back up at the man who was staring at their reflection.

"We do look good together, its a given since we are mates." August smiles and it made Casper feel like he could fly. The feeling seems to be mutual because August shyly warp his arms around Casper's waist and rest his head on his shoulder.

"You should hug me more." Casper whispers leaning back into the others chest, 'cause damn it feels euphoric to have a skin contact with his mate. All good feelings and calming and relaxing feelings. All the things he needs to settle his mind in peace.

Their impromptu date continues with them walking around, hands linked together tightly and others carrying shopping bags because Casper was hell bend on buying anything floral print for himself and bird (or anything with feathers) print for August.

"Even if you complain I'm gonna buy it for you anyway." Casper had said when the other said that he's buying too much, saying no wasn't an option and reasoning with him as useless because he said, "Its just clothes, I'm just buying things people don't really need since they don't like old things and the shop keepers are happy to have some money to buy food. It's charity."

August can't really stop his mate even if he wants too. He himself knows it beforehand, but he feels that Casper won't do anything to hurt others with a reasonable excuse. He trust him naturally.

"Do you like chicken?" Casper questions, looking back at the man behind him in the car he's driving.

"I like chicken, don't worry just put our order." August says, eyes looking out towards the street they're passing by.

Casper pouted but didn't called out on the other for not giving him any attention. He was the one who told August to sit at the back with a packed cake for their dessert. It's his fault that his mate is sulking anyway.

At home, August still wasn't talking to him normally and it really made his mood drop. If Grandma was here, she would have smack Casper on his back and told him to man up and apologise for making her favourite son in law sad.

"He's your only son in law mama." Casper had once tried to reason but his grandma had rolled her eyes saying: "He is the best son in law I could ask for, better than any human."

"Are you still sulking?" Casper asks, pouting at the man sitting on the other emails of the couch. Normally, August will be cuddled up to his side as they watch the movies but tonight he was sitting so far away.

"No, why do you think so?" August replied, eyes on the screen he didn't even glance at his mate.

Somehow, it managed to make Casper feel like he did something wrong. It left a bitter taste as he swallowed his breaths. It unsettled him to an extent that he slowly stood up and walks out of the sitting room and went directly into his room, locking the door behind him. He slips into his bed under the covers and closes his eyes. Maybe he is down with some sickness, his head was pounding dull with headache and his stomach won't settle. Is he really getting sick now?

He fell asleep but was woke up with his mate warping his arms around him and nuzzling unto his neck, scenting him. Strangely it comforts his unsettling mind and body.

"I locked the door and the balcony wasn't open." Casper says, questioning his mate who was spooning him from behind, warming him from the insides and he likes the feeling.

"A mere door can't keep me away from you my love." August sighs into his neck, making him shiver all over, but in a good way.

"You were acting so distend hours ago and now I'm your love? wow." Casper retorts, his annoyance flaring up his mind.

"I'm sorry I haven't inform you about it. Maybe it's effecting you since you are my mate." August says, and Casper turn his head to look back at him with a raised eyebrow, clearly curious, "My species has subgender and I am one of the prime ones... you've read about it in stories but Alpha Beta Omega status does exist in my home planet." he explained carefully, afraid of the others reaction, but he only got an eye roll in return, "But it doesn't makes our status any different, our subgender only determine our body functionality and physical capabilities. It's not like in the Terrain stories where Alpha rules. My mother is an excellent Omega and she's of the highest authority..

"What does it have to do with me?" Casper snaps, irritation clear in his droopy eyes.

"I'm getting there my love," August kisses Casper's nose and continued, "So... I.I am one of the prime Alpha and my rut is soon? and I think it's effecting you since even if we haven't actually mated, you are still my mate."

"If I mate with you, I'll become your omega since you are an Alpha." Casper turn his body fully to stare up at the man, "But I can't get pregnant just because we will mate, now can I?" he ask.

"We have male omega and female alpha but that's not common even among us. When we hit our growth period, puberty as you calls it, our body changes according to our subgender and that's how we know if someone is alpha beta or omega. Our scent doesn't always determine our subgender since a scent is just like a bodily odour. The practice started ages ago and its really popular till now and it safe. Since a large number of our species were mating with another male, our council started the practice of gender transition which let the male to be able to conceive and birth a child in order for our species to be able to grow as steady as possible."

"And the females?"

"Female do mate with other females, but it's rare and they prefer to mate with another male species which leads to two species mixing together to create a hybrid. They are really exotic by the way."

"And do I have to exercise this 'practice' of your species in order bear a child for you?" Casper questions, crunching his nose in distaste at the idea of getting pregnant for nine months. ugghhh, sounds exhausting and his back aches to even think about his bulging stomach.

"You can but only if you want it." August replies, smiling and giving the other a sweet kiss on his cheeks, "If we mate during my rut, we are obliged to visit my homeland and met my mother. She might say it's necessary and an honour for you to bear my child, but the final say it's yours. I will never pressure you into doing something you are not comfortable with. I love you and care about you and receiving your love and affection is enough for me." he softly says, giving kisses at his mates neck as he holds him close.

"Okay." Casper says, but it sounded more like a squeal. He was tearing up but who cares. Maybe the rut is really effecting him and it's making him feel more emotional.

Yeah.... the rut. August is talking about mating him and he wants that, but he is also embarrassed enough to not voice his agreement. He'll just go with it when it comes.

"I love you too idiot." Casper whispered, but he is sure the other heard him clearly anyway.