
Grandma stared at all the things they were packing but didn't said anything.

August was busy packing only foods into a basket in the kitchen and it wasn't enough to be any suspicious anyway.

"Picnic date?" Grandma Wu asks, tilting her head as she finally look at the man.

"We planned last weekend, I thought it will be relaxing to go out." August replies, smiling as he glanced at the women before continuing stacking goodies into the basket.

"Can I ask where you two are going?"

"To the Moon." Casper came up and kisses August on the cheek before sitting down for the breakfast.

"I know what you're gonna say but I'll be fine Mama," Casper smiles at his grandmother, "August is with me and I need to go there into space if I'm going to steal the moon from Rebecca. It's gonna be fun."

"Just don't be reckless as I know you are." Grandma Wu warns Casper and then turn to look at the other man, "I'm trusting you to contain him if he wants to do something like stealing the 'moon', tie him up if you like."

"He already agreed to help me." Casper cheekily smiles at his grandmother and winks at his mate, who blushes but smiles at his silly wink.

"Ace, baby you know there will be a lot of casualties if you take the moon out of its place. Our earth will be effected and will probably face problems if the moon disappeared even for a few seconds. Think about this avenging of yours more carefully." Grandma Wu seem disturb and disappointed at the same time, asking for him to think it through again.

"I'm not stealing the moon in a literal sense Mama, I'm not that reckless." Casper answers, "I'm just thinking of it making it 'seem' disappeared for a day. I'm careful about our lovely moon. We only got one, I can't lose it now, can I?" he chuckles at the relief expression on his grandmother's face.

"I'll keep him in check Lady Wu, don't worry." August smiles at the women, who seem happy to heard what he said in assurance.

"So, how are we going to the moon." Casper ask, "Do need a space suit or something? you never told me how are we gonna travel." he pouts at the man who was busy checking the equipment they packed the night before and the food basket.

"You just have to hold my hand and we'll be there." August hold out his hand for the other to take.

Casper giggles as he pull himself up from the bed and reach out to hug his mate, warping his arms around the torso and looking up at him.

"Okay love, now take me to the moon." he says but he didn't expected the feeling of his gut falling like he had experience one time he was dared to ride a roller coaster by Veronica when they visited the amusement park.

One moment he felt like they were falling fast, then they were on solid ground again. His stomach was unsettled and he felt a little afraid to look away from his mate and break their eye contact. He swallowed back his queasiness, and his mate chuckles at him.

"Are you dizzy love?" August asks and Casper shakes his head in embarrassment.

"I never thought space jumping will make me this queasy... I almost threw up." Casper breaths deeply a few times as he giggled, hugging the other tightly.

"I guess it's a little bit unsettling for the first timers." August states fondly and sits down, bringing the other down with him to sit on his lap.

"Are we really on the moon?" Casper questions, reaching down to touch the grey soil of a ground they were on.

"Look up and see for yourself." August gave his head a kiss and hugs him more, pulling him as close as he can.

Casper had his mouth hang open when he turn his head up. August had laughed and pull his face to kiss him on the lips, because he was looking too cute.

"How are we breathing ?" Casper looks around the place, he giggles as he warps his arms around August's neck and takes in the beauty of an open space in front of him.

"I can survive in any type of atmosphere so it's only logical that you can since you are with me, right here in my arms." August replies, smug as he says it.

"I am." Casper cheekily snaps and kisses the other sweetly on the lips, making the other giggle cutely.

"Why don't you set up the mat love, I'll go set up your device." August suggested, standing up and holding his mate up with him.

"Okay love." Casper winks and jogs towards the things August teleported along with them.

A mat and the basket on top with a stack of thin tube like device beside them, which starts levitating towards August who was scanning the area.

"You know how to put them right?" Casper calls out and August nodded at him, "Just stay away from the Research Centre alright. We don't need unnecessary attention."

August was a fast worker it seems, since he came back flying right into the mat just as Casper was picking out a pastry for himself.

"Fed me." August demands, pulling his head up to lay on his mates lap, trying to look as serious as he can. He ended up smiling though when Casper tap his nose and drop a kiss on his forehead.

"Yes, your majesty." Casper jokingly teases and scoop up a spoonful of the sugary treat. He missed the look on his mate in the process.

"Food taste the same in the space." Casper conclude after they had their fill of the treats and drinking their ice tea from the sippy cups.

Sippy cups were a fun experience for both of them. August never in his life tried it and Casper had memories of his mother asking him to use the sippy cup instead of the regular cup since he was a kid back then.

They lied back on the mat, with Casper to into the others arms. Comfortable and relaxing.

August had sighs in content, but other don't need to know exactly why.

Casper was just happy to had finally found someone to love and who will love him back just the same.

"August," Casper calls and the other hummed in acknowledgement, "What is your birth name, the one you got from the one who birthed you?" he ask curiously, tilting his head back to stare up at the man.

"Snamrikat," August says, smiling as he watch is mate tying to mouth along to what he said, "It's like half of my name, it's complicated to translate or pronounce my name into Earth language so that's what you'll get."

"So unfair." Casper pouts and rolls over the mat, putting some space between them.

"Love, you know the fact that I can share my knowledge right?" August turn on his side and pop his head on his arm to stare the other.

"I know," Casper sighs, "It's just.. I might get greedy after I receive the knowledge of your kind. I'm a curious person as it is and your kind is an exotic and completely new thing to me. I might just wanna do research on you and that's just don't settle well with me."

He shares his worries and watch as the other just smiles at him.

Casper huff when he got no response from the other and turn to stare back up at the space around him.

"I found my space carrier by the way," August says but the other just ignores him and kept on looking at the space, his mate was just cute as ever even in anger and it's just makes him smile. "I took them over to your lab, I took apart my carrier and took them back too. You know what this means?"

zero response from Casper.

"It means the gifts I have packed for you are finally ready to be gifted to you and you can examine my carrier and research on it as much as you want. It's my kins technology so you will be very satisfied to learn about something completely new to you."

zero response from Casper.

"Our technology is more advanced than any human kind, of course you're more advanced than any human but love, don't you wanna know how fast it can travel?"

Casper blinks twice and pucker up his lips more into a pout. He's curious but trying not to give in to his curious desire to ask the man more about the tech.

"My carrier travels faster than the speed of light, and it's the standard designed I kept for myself."

Casper turn sharply towards him and August hold his tongue from wanting to whine at the painful looking movement.

"Standard you say, I'll see when we get back." Casper comments with his eyebrows raised. Not a good sign.

Casper is stubborn, August knows that and so he stood up, grab the camera he brought along with him and started to click away, taking pictures of space around them and of his mate of course.

Just maybe his rut has a played with his mates foul mood too, which can't be help.

Which brings the thought.... Casper is his destined mate and if his rut is coming and if it's already affecting his mate, that means his mate is getting himself ready to spend his rut with him. The possibility makes him breathless and blushing pink. Maybe Casper is not aware of his own body yet. Maybe he is just being delusional but he just started noticing things just now.

August is sure that Casper wasn't this curvy when they first met, or when he first hold his mate in his arms. Casper's body is lean as ever but his hips seem to have gotten it's curves now, paired with his narrow waist. Which looks delectable for his gaze.

"Stop staring." Casper slaps the man right on his face as he stands up and took the camera from the others hand.

August just pouts and let his mate do his thing. But just sitting on the mat got him bored so he stood up too and went to hug his mate from behind. Casper just hums and let himself be hugged, seemingly having calm down from his foul moodiness.

It was peaceful. Just the two of them standing on the moon, surrounded by the space and the millions of stars and planets. With August hugging his mate and Casper just melting back in his warm embrace.

"Love let's get you back home." August suggests but Casper was already leaning back on him with droopy eyes blinking softly.

"Okay," Casper whispers and sighs when August host him up into his arms. It feels nice being carried like a baby.

"You like being carried?" August smiles seeing his mate smiling cutely with his eyes closed in his arms.

" 's nice." Casper nods in content. It's comfy anyway and warm.

August kissed Casper on the head as he did the space jump, making sure that his mate is comfortable in his arms and don't feel the effects of teleporting.

He just wishes that he always has his mate by his side forever since now that he has him finally after ages of scearching even for someone compatible with him.

[on the news the other night]: