Stolen Moon

Casper hums a tune as he mixes the solution with water in an old mug. He took it to his balcony and sat down with it, dipping the hoop and blowing on it, holding it by its thin handle and watching the bubbles flowing away into the air. It's good to experience some things in the old ways. As simple as blowing up bubbles feels relaxing and enjoyable.

It's been a week since the moon disappeared from its place and sent the earthlings into chaotic panic.

The moon visit Rebecca was gushing about was withheld obviously and she seemed to be very sad about it. Veronica informed him.

And Casper had been skipping his university classes because doesn't feel like going when his mate could go into his rut any moment now. August had been stress cooking and yes scenting. He would scent when they wake up, touching his skin anytime they are near, rubbing his inner wrist on Casper's neck and everywhere he is allowed too, even rubbing his face aggressively on his neck until it's red. But there wasn't pain involved or any discomfort. Being scented just feels nice and when it's intense, Casper can actually feel high enough to be all pliant and submissive under the other. Maybe it's a mate thing, but it's feels euphoric and Casper actually found himself loving the attention he is getting from his mate. August had become bolder with his affections and Casper can't seem to get enough of it. It was just so nice to have a mate.

"The sexual tension of you two is suffocating so I'm going on a vacation." Grandma Wu had said during one breakfast before she disappeared in the evening. August had smiled secretively during the whole dinner but Casper saw him staring at him with that look in his eyes anyway.

"Hey love," August came behind him and pull him back into his arms. Casper hums and lean back into others chest but still continues on blowing bubbles into the air.

"I think it will start this evening." August says and he do need to explain for the other to know. Casper shuddered against him with a shaky breath and it's enough for him to know he is not the only one anticipating the period of rut.

"How many days will it last?" Casper asks, smiling as he holds up the hop for the other to blow.

"Two or maybe three days at max." August answered than blows a few bubbles before kissing his mate's neck, nipping at the cold flawless skin and satisfying himself with the hickey he form on the skin. Casper just stood there in his arms, willing and gasping but not completely submissive since he likes to get what he wants, which August gives in to with no complaints.

They didn't get much food that night, they were busy with each other on the bedroom to even think about eating anything. A bit snacking with a lots of water afterwards, and for a another two days they spent cope up with each other.

That mated during August's rut, and Casper wouldn't want it any other way.

He woke up to their house bell ringing constantly. It's a wonder how his now official mate is able to sleep through it.

"Coming!" Casper yells out as he pull on a shirt and pants before skipping down the stairs towards the front door where the intercom is.

"Who is it?" Casper questions, yawning as he leans his head head on the cold wall.

"We are the agents from the government."

"Uh-huh, what do you want?" Casper asks, already expecting them by his door anyway.

"We received a report that you might be linked to the moon disappearing phenomena." One of the said, Casper can see two men in suit under his security camera and more behind them. How boring.

"I'm assuming Rebecca gave you this information," Casper says and watch as the man exchange a subtle look but kept quite, "I hope you know who you're talking to right now, I'm not a patient man you see." he can see the two men turn uncomfortable hearing his words.

"If you have no link to the phenomena and are innocent, would be patient enough to come with us to our headquarter for a few inquiry?"

"No," Casper snaps, "I'm tired right now, busy and has a partner to take care off. So if you don't have solid proof or any evidence about me connected to the phenomena, you can kindly go away. Good day." he says and walks away from the door towards the kitchen.

"When did you came?" Casper ask, surprised to see his maid Lily preparing something for them to eat.

"Early this morning," Lily replies, eyes taking in his disheveled appearance. Little bruises littering his neck, lips swollen red and hair greasy.

And a very red visible bite mark, low on his neck towards the left side.

"You mated with him," Lily states with a bright smile, "Congratulations Casper, I'm happy that you find your source of unlimited happiness." she says and came up to give him a long warm loving hug.

"Thank you," Casper smiles and kisses the maid on her cheek, Lily had been there for him since he was a kid so getting accepted from her is a lot.

"Can you set the meal?" Casper requests as he let go of the hug and steps towards the stairs, "I'll go wake August up and wash up before eating."

"You stink of sex so take a bath!" Lily yells out which had the man giggling.

Casper intended to give his care but when August woke up he went fussing over him and took care of him instead. Nothing exactly changed, their relationship dynamic still stayed the same. They just become more grossly affectionate and touch starve for each other, like Lily observed about them for a day and informed them.

Casper had burst out laughing when Lily told him about it while they were out in the backyard, he finds it pretty funny.

"So you two kept it going for three nights like rabbits." Veronica states, raising her eyebrows at the other.

"Now that you put it like that... yes. I guess we did." Casper admits, pink dusting his cheeks bit smiles happily at the women.

Their usual hanging out routine didn't change, but now it includes all four of them all the time.

One one was able to find out about Casper's system set up in the moon. It bored him after two weeks so he just decided to bring the moon back onto its axis, he just need push a button to sent a command to activate the formula in the machine to make itself erode away.

With the moon back in its place, earthlings were relief with it while scientist were curious to know more about the cause of this strange phenomena. Even if they managed to find Casper's invention, they would only find bits of it and nothing but ashes.

Grandma suggested that they should hold a BBQ congratulations party on getting mated for the two. It was just an excuse for her to drink and eat meat to her content and indulge others in it.

It was fun, so Casper didn't complain and just went along with his grandma. It's just them and three women he love and cherish anyway. Small event and private, just how he likes it.

"So you did stole the moon and put it back huh." August chuckles, "Such a mate, how considerate." he says and kisses his mate on his neck.

Casper just hums and stare up at the moon in the sky among the stars finally visible after some weeks of its disappearing phenomena. He was happy and wish to stay happy with his mate by his side. August makes him the happiest so Casper hugs the man who makes him smile and sighs in content.

He has a feeling that there's more to come in the future but for now, he was with his mate and happy. That's what matter to him in this moment. nothing else.

"Love, I love you." Casper whispered, as if it's something sacred, nervous since it his first time saying it so loud out for the other to hear.

August hummed, warping his arms around Casper and pulling him to sit on his lap,

"I love you too, to the moon and back. You are the bright star I have the honour of witnessing and the pleasure of having you love me."