"Mirai" The Ruler of the ChaosDragon Clan & "Shi"The Ruler of ShadowDragon Clan

Last night That flame.There's something not right with my skills it's like giving a signal to someone And Why am i too much Overpowered In this World Any Way Im getting hungry

'Hey Irina-san Are you feeling a bit hungry?'

'No why***Blushes*'

'I guess you're hungry...ok Get on my back because i dont want you or me to die with uncool cause of death'

Anyway Something's strange...It feels Like It's like somebody's watching us I got to prepare my self already

'Irina-san have you ever seen my pet? On the game?'

'No...But I've heard your pet was a dragon or A Mythical Creature like Kraken Or Dark Golem'

'Well it's Called One of the Mythical Pet In the Game their Species were called "Chaotic Dragon" And I Named her "Mirai"...I'll call her now!!!"Come The Ruler of Chaos Dragon Clan Mirai!!!"'

'Wait the chaos Dragon clan ruler?' A Black Spell Sign Appear's at the Summoning Location...After a Few Second's A Giant Creature Appears

'Long time no see Mirai!!!'

Shuu-san Pet was A Ruler of ChaosDragon Clan??

'Master Why did you summon me?'

It talks!!!

'Umm you see Me And Irina was hungry And The Nearest Village was still 500km'

'So Master want's to give me a ride for them?'

'Yeah that's right you got me Mirai'

'I refuse it's You wanted me to Carry you with a Mysterious Girl with you..'

'But that's Mirai Please Please...You know Last time i saw you...You're Dragon Form Was A Bit Scarier And Now You Became so cute So Please give us a ride!'

'If master insist fine I'll give you two a ride but...You have to allow me to walk in my human form and Never Goes to sleep again'

'Ok fine I've Allowed you To Walk with your Human Form'..What does he mean by Human Form?

'Hop in' 'Mirai Hold My Hand So I'm sure you're not going to fall'*Blush*'Fine...I'll hold you're hands until we Reach the Nearest town'

'So he's the hero what our Great Gods Talking about he's just a joke..I'm sure he's not the one who created it..But We're going to assassinate him With his Companions'


*Meanwhile at The Sky*This is the first time i have ride mirai's Back At the Game She Only Use her Human Form to fight And Keep's Following With Mirai And The Other Five I guess I'll just summon them when the time come's And When If i We're able to face the Rebellious God's Like on the Event's Looks Like i'll need the other Five Help To Face their Cardinal General's Especially When i Face Drakath again I'm Going to need Ordinal's Help'Master I'm going to land from here now And I'll transform into my Human form Ok?'

'Ok go Ahead Mirai' It's really like somebody is following us

'Mirai Go Use your Skill to sense if somebody is watching us If There's someone just keep it shut Got it?'What does shuu-san Means i dont understand what are they talking about?

'Ok Master We're here I'll transform now'

'Irina-san Just keep close to me Make sure you're prepared for something ok?Mirai Do it'

"Transform" Mirai Has Transform into her Human Form...'Mirai You're Stat's Has Grown Higher Than the last time I Summon you'

'Master did you forget that If you killed A Monster The Xp you Receive we'll get divided by Six'

'Mirai-chan You're so pretty And Cute It Made Me Envy you'

'Thank you..By the Way Can I Call you Irina-san too?' 'of course Mirai-chan'

'Irina-san you dont need to Envy on her Look You're also have a pretty Face you know'

*Blushes*'Saying that doesnt make's me happy you know' 'It's ok I just said what's Real...Anyway I'm really hungry Let's Eat but before that Let's Sell this Monster Head to the Market'..'Shuu-san When did you Collected those Monster Head's With you're Destructive Class!Wait dont tell me you Change you're Class?!'..'Irina-san In the Game Master Was Crowned To be The Strongest Player Right?..And He's The only one Who Completed Every Last Event On the Game By Alone And Solo All thos Reward's?'..'I guess so?..I dont really know cause i just heard it on the rumor's'..'Well i guess there's something Missing on The Rumor's..My Master Has Collect All Legendary,Epic,Special,Uncommon And Common Class Not to mention the Only Mythic Type Class The ShadowChaos Champion'..'For real?it's impossible'..'it might be impossible to anyone but unlike my master If it's a Game There's nothing impossible to my master...where is master?'

'Damn it It's still the same price just like on the game..wait a minute where's Irina and Mirai?'this is bad I guess i have no other choice"Avatar Power Aura Scanner Activate!"

Where are they?Irina-san Mirai Where Are you?Found them Wait Irina-san And Mirai is With An Army of BlackAura's'i got to hurry!!'just so you wait Mirai Irina-san!!!

'You two We're with that Good Lucking kid Right?If you are then we got a Question to asked you two if you dont answer this We'll kill the both of you..Who's that kid With you two?'Are they Here to Assassinate Shuu-san?

'Shuu-sama Was my Master And He's From the Other Where He was Hailed to be The ShadowReaper the Ruler of the Other World..If you here to Assassinate my Master I suggest you to give up because you're chance of winning and surviving Againts my master was "-98.9%"'..'Miss Hotty Please Don't be little us...If what you say's are true then we got to kill the both of you after all!!'

"Come And Obey my Orders "Kage no honō"!!' 'Hey Miss hotty that's A Very dangerous Aura You're realising right now!!'

'You dare to defy me You Lowly Creatures!!!...Burn You Fiflthy Human's"Eclipse FlameBurst"!!!!

'Those flame's It's The"Eclipse FlameBurst"As I Remember on Her Characteristic Setting's I Putted That On her Characteristic"If someone's Tries to Assassinate me or Talk Lowly on me She'll Use her Two Strongest Skill"The Skill's on the choice was "Eclipse FlameBurst And Eclipse LaserBurst"Their Destructive power's on the cutscene Can Destroy A Three Wide Town's I got to Protect everyone on this Three Town's "(Class Changed:Holy Paladin to RoyalCyromancer)

(Msg:Class Changing Success)

"Divine Frost Barrier"'Cast A Protection To Everyone HighMagic Caster'..'Understood!!'

"Holy Barrier"..'It's Useless againts my Flame's That can Burn Down The Whole Country..Irina-san Please Cover Yourself on my Wings too make sure you're not going to damage by my flame's'....Mirai-chan Avatar Power Aura was strong Those number was The Avatar Power of 200 Million...'Burn them to ashes my Servant Kage no hono'...Mirai's Flame Has Improved And Her Avatar Power Since last time i summon her her Power was 90 Million And Now It jump to 200 Million i got no choice i can't move anyway i got to call him now"The Ruler of The Shadow DragonClan I'm Calling you Come Shi"The ShadowSummong Sign Has Appeared and Summon A Giant Dragon :Master Do you want me to stop Big Sis Mirai On Rampaging...Can you do it?Your power level Was just 150 Million And Mirai Power level Was 200 Million...I can do it Master I'll Stop Big Sis Mirai On Rampaging She Can Still Remember her Family Face's Right? I got to go now Master before Big Sis Mirai Burnt up Anyone....Ahh fine Do it I can't even move yet

"Come And Fight with me Sagittarius"

'I'll burn Every Last One of you'..Mirai-chan What Happened To Her..(Big Sis Mirai Is Rampaging)huh?who is it?(I'm Shi..I'm Big Sis Mirai Little Bro And it's one of my abilities to snuck to someone's thought and talk to them in their mind...Anyway I'm going to warp you to master)Wait what??!!.."Shadow Warping"

"Shadow Burst" 'Who are you???!!!Are you a human who wanted to defy me?? Then burn!!"Eclipse FlameBurst"'...Big sis Mirai was easy to beat and easy to predict once she started go on rampaging That's why even your Avatar Power is 200 Million i can beat you Big Sis Mirai"Shadow FlameBurst!!!"

*Meanwhile at Shuu's Location*Why do i have to suffer like this And You Even brought her to me You stupid Shadow Dragon Shi!..*Blushes*'Shuu-san Can you Move A Bit Because you're hugging me so hard'...'Oh I almost forgot anyway I'm sorry about that Irina-san I'm a real idiot'I forgot that this spell can Be Harder to destroy And I can actually move while casting this spell I've became an idiot now'I'm Sorry For being late Irina-san I guess I got to end this battle right here right now...Just wait here for a bit Irina-san"Frost Warp"

"Eclipse FlameBurst!!!"

"Shadow FlameBurst!!!"

'I guess it's wrong to use your Powerful skill's Right here Don't you think Mirai And Shi'

'Master Are you Ok?Are you Hurt?'

'Master I'm sorry I've got Carried away And Fight Big Sis Mirai'

'Shi is that you it's been a long time since wr last met!!'...'Big sis You're hugging me So Hard it hurt's'.....'Oh I'm sorry my bad'

Finally They Stopped And that Assassins As i Remember those Assassin's Belong's to The God of Flame "Almac"One of the Great God of flame and A Rebellious God

*At the Territory of Rebellious God's*'Lord Almac It's A Very Bad New's The ShadowReaper has Two Companion's Also Belong's to the OtherWorld And They're the Ruler's of Chaos Dragon And Shadow Dragon They're Name Is "Mirai" And "Shi"!!!'

*Laughs*'Looks Like i can't hold myself Anymore Jin Prepare The Legion's And Wait until i return if i wasn't able to return Go Make a Move to Conquer the Country of Humans Understood?'

'Lord Almac I understand you're Order And Shall Proceed for your Plan's My Lord'Lord Almac Was The 2nd of the Strongest Among The God's of Flame And One of the 75 Great Surviving Rebellious God's The Avatar Power of 4 Billion Will never be defeated by the Hero of Zeus Prediction "The ShadowReaper"..

*Meanwhile at Earth*Year 2142 5th day of November

Brother Shuu's Birthday will be on The 30th Day of November....Brother Shuu I'll do my best On this Novel I'm Writting'Hey Brother Shuu if you're listening right now I'll tell you something just Yesterday The Very Last Novel I Writw Before you die Has Became the Best Selling Novel of the Year and I'll try to write the Novel about A Game you Always Hangup with Just like you Request on me Thirteen Month's Ago*Cries*You Know Brother Shuu I Really miss you I wished That day you We're sick and so you We're able to still live but You die because of me Being late'*Cries even More*

*Sneeze*What the hell why do i feel sad right now'Master Are you Ok You Might Caught a cold Last night because you Stay Awake until morning and Watched Irina-san till Morning'

'No I'm ok just need to get some air'Shuu Stood up and Walk For a few Meters Away on his Friends And Looks up on the Sky*Cries*I guess Shuna Was blaming herself because of my death again I Always Cry without reason just like that Accident When I Was Seven

*Car Tires Screeching*As i Remember I got Hitten By A Car When I saved her and That's the very first time i got injury on my leg and I suddenly cry when she come closer to me crying while apologizing and Keep saying (It's my fault why Brother Shuu Has to Suffer!!)Her Word's at that day's was a bit Weird...Shuna Please stip Blaming Yourself 'Ok I guess i got to sleep now Shi And Mirai Take's A Night watch for today'...'Both:Understood Master'