The Power That Even Surpasses Thunder God Zeus

*Three Days Later*

Three days Have pass since the Town Incident And Right now I'm Really disappointed to this 3 Imperial Heroes who showed up After the Incident and Take us to the Imperial Capital

'Iri-chan do you wanted to go on a date with me Later?'Arita Kichi The Thunder Hero Anyway why does he receives the name of Thunder Hero,Kimamura Ryouta The Frost Hero This guy Looks more heroic than the other two for me and Last The one and only Women to the 3 Imperial Heroes Hikarikage Yami The Shadow Hero And I call her a Little Stalker And A bit shy when we just met after Two days of walking She keep stalking me when I'm Haunting,Cutting Woods Also if i didn't use my Frost Barrier maybe she already seen my lower part of my body and that's A Very Bad thing that could happen It started at that morning..

'Shuu-san Wake up!!..There's some mysterious Three Warriors here!!

'What?!'...'Oh He's Awake Ok Now Let's Introduce our self together'

'My name is Arita Kichi Known As the Thunder Hero Nice to meet you ShadowReaper!!'

'It's so Pleasure to meet you Lord ShadowReaper My name is Kimamura Ryouta Known As The Frost Hero And I'm the Commander of The 3 Imperial Heroes'

'Nice to meet you ShadowReaper I am Hikarikage Yami The Shadow Hero'

'And We're here to because The Emperor Has Given us A Command to Find you And Escort you to the Imperial Capital...So what do you say Lord ShadowReaper?'Well it's Kinda Hard to Refuse it but what if it's a trap well i can defeat anyone in this country even how many they are but fine i'll just use my Shadow ChaosChampion Class to destroy the country

'I accept you're Invitation but If it's a Trap I'll make sure To eliminate every single Human live's in this country with one move Got it?'

'We'll Make sure it's not a trap now Follow us And We'll make sure to protect you guys on the trip'...'3 Heroes:Let's go!!!'

'Arita Please stop Teasing Irina And Yami-san Please stop Staring Shu-I mean LordShadowReaper'What ShadowReaper?'Oh i almost forget Lord ShadowReaper My Majesty Demand's to a talk with you If you may Agree?'We'll i can't refuse I'm already here The take me to you're Majesty Then'...'Yes And I Would Glady to Escort you to My Majesty'Well this guy Seem's A Bit Weird 'Irina-san I'll just go and talk to the emperor And Mirai,Shi behave yourself while I'm gone Ok?'...'Both:At your Command Master!!'

'Um can i ask you're name?'...'Oh how Badly of mine Where's my mannersu I completely Forgotten to Introduce my Self My name is Kaminari Jake The Great General of The Imperial'...Wow General Jake was a bit Look Stronger In the game Than in world's General Jake'Oh It's Very Nice to meet you General Jake'

The General Jake Escort's Shuu (ShadowReaper) To The Emperor of The Human Country

'This is Where My Majesty Await's you inside in this room'*Opens The Door*Wow so Many Books And Where is the Emperor I guess he's running a bit late well then Let's just sit and Wait for that shameful emperor to come..Shuu Sat on a Very Large Sofa In a Large Library Room*After Three Minutes*

Damned What the heck was the Emperor Doing?Are they Just Pranking me?*Door Opens*'I'm really sorry for the Wait Lord ShadowReaper The Majesty Has Arrived!'

Finally that Emperor Has Arrived

'It's a Pleasure to meet you Lord ShadowReaper..My name is Arthur Pendragon" I'm the 115th Emperor of the Empire'...Wow Arthur Was a bit younger here in this world than in the game he was way too old at the game'The Pleasure is Mine My Name Is ShadowReaper(Anyway why do i have to call myself in this name well The Name ShadowRanger was a bit corny I'll notify everyone later)So what is you're reason of summoning me here'...'Actually we wanted you're help to Strike down The 75 Surviving Rebellious God's And To Stop the War And Bring Peace to the Planet'.Wait what?!

*A Very Strong And Godly Aura Suddenly Appears!!*

'This Aura It cannot be The 2nd Strongest God of Flames Almac!!'

Almac?Did he mean the Weakest Among The Surviving Rebellious God's And Rivals The 4th Strongest Thunder God Zeus,Well as far as i know Almac Avatar power was 4 Billion And Mine Was 7 Billion Well This could be Atleast fun

'Jake Summon All Soldiers in the Capital And Also Summon The 3 Imperial Heroes'

'Wait a second Before you do that Make sure the Armies And Heroes you're going to Call was Strong enough to beat Almac But even How many Avatar Power it wouldnt reach the Power of 50 Million Just let me handle this alone Arthur'

'I understood Lord ShadowReaper if that was your desire then i shall command everyone to enter the battle field and help everyone on the evacuation'

'That's Right Arthur also Jake Tell Irina-san That I'm just going to Fight some Insect And Also Tell Mirai And Shi That I order them to Protect Irina And The Other People in the Capital And Warp them to somewhere far away to the capital Because the capital will be surely one hell after we fight each other'

'Lord ShadowHero Are you sure you don't need you're Companion's Help?'

'Jake who do you think i am?i am the Shadow Reaper right trust me i can defeat every rebellious god on my own And I'm sure that this God Come's Here Alone So Hurry up And Tell them Already Jake Run Faster!!!!'

I Guess i got no choice to change my Equipments Here

'Lord Mirai,Lord Shi Lord ShadowReaper has given me an order to give you his command'

'What is it then?'

'Lord ShadowReaper said We Must Gather Everyone on the Capital to one Place And Take them Somwhere Far because Lord ShadowReaper said the whole capital will be The Gate's of Hell once the battle begin's'

'Ok Big Sis Let's start our Mission!'

'Just what Master wanted us to do Let's do this Shi!!'

'Wait a minute you dont need to worry about the people we already gather them to one place'

'Just like what Mr.Shi instructed us To overheard their conversation and React from what command will he gave for the both of you!!....Now Yami your turn Let's warp them to that place!!'

'Of course!!"Shadow Warping!!!"'

'We're here'

'I almost forgot Lord ShadowReaper Said "I'lljust going to fight an insect so please get to the safe place Irina-san"That's what Lord ShadowReaper said"

'Big sis Miria I have detected a Very Large Place where we can be safe and far away from the capital'

'Ok let's star Shi!!!'

'Of course Big Sis Mirai!!!'

"Both:Ultimate Shadow Warping!!!"


*Foot steps in The Distant*

'Well well well Look Who's Here To face me As The 2nd Strongest Flame God.Dont tell me you're the ShadowReaper that Everyone was Talking about So you're the one they said that surpasses my Fire Power ah After burning the Whole Forest of Beginners And What's More Was That Black Flames Has Almost touch the sky right?Wow I Became famous by just burning A Forest That would be the shameful thing that happened to me

'Yeah what if i am The ShadowReaper What will you do?'

'Of course it's to kill you...Burn Up ShadowReaper!!!'*Pulled Out the Sword*

Shuu redirect's Almac Fireball to the east by swing his sword*Strong Explosion at the east*

'So that's it I thought you we're strong but you're disappointing me'

'You bastard You dare to underestimate me so much now Instead of turning back now I Decided to kill you or be killed by you right here right now!!!!'Wow now i Regret pissing him

'Do you think i'm scared go ahead kill me Almac The flame God!!!'

'Don't regret it when i burn you alive kid"FlamePheonix"Now burn up Kid!'*Redirect's Almac's FlamePhenoix To the West* *A Very Strong Explosion From the West* 'You just made me Disappoints you more now Its my turn"Frost Spike's"

'What are you somekind of idiot this frost spike's of you'rs are nothing againts my flame"HellFlame's Barrier"Let's see if it can still attack me Without melting'...This useless god Are so high about on his self well i'm sure After this he's going to get serious And If i go serious on using RoyalCyromancer Coldness will destroy not just The Capital but the whole Country I got no choice but to use Lycan Class"Class Changing:Royal Cyromancer to Lycan(Msg:Class Changing Complete!!)"

"Inferno Mode"'You Really Pissed Me off ShadowReaper!!!!!....Now I'm Really going to burn you into ashes!!!"Come And Served Me Kuro!!!!"'*A BlackFlame Suddenly Appears*

He's Avatar Power of 900 Million Suddenly Grown into 3 Billion This God Was the Worst Enemy i have ever Face but This one Will Be Fun i won't let it go to waste'I'm glad you Finally Show you True Power FlameGod Almac Now i shall respond with my Full Force"The Ruler of Chaos Come and Obey my Order's Krathus!!!"You should be Greatful that i use my Full force againt's you FlameGod Almac'That's The Bigggest lie i have ever said I can't use my full force here 100% when i use that The Whole 30 Countries would be Destroyed

'Here I come Almac"MultipleBloodLaser"Dodge it if you Can Almac!!*A Blood Suddenly Appears Beside's to Shuu And Suddenly Reshape into Gun's* 'Penentrate his Body'

"Dark FlameBurst!!"*A Massive Dark Sign Suddenly Appears outside the Capital*

'Make sure you're not going to be toasted ShadowReaper'....Damn it I never thought he would do that what should i do now?(Master I Suggest you to use The Lycan Final Skill "The BloodSpike Meteor Shower)But that's...Damn it If i didnt do that I'll die for sure I have no choice*Laugh*"Krathus BloodUrge Release"

*Shuu Swing His Massive Sword Hard And Wiped Out the Magical Flame*

'Impossible by just swinging His Sword My Flame was Like A Paper that was Cutted on Pieces'

"BloodSpike MeteorShow!!"

I see so he's power was even greater than mine Right now He's Power Has Raised on 7 Billion He's the Real Deal for us but I'm the Weakest among us Rebellious God's He's still Long Way to beat us(I guess that's Wrong My Master hasn't use his full force yet)If what you're saying was real and I guess you're that dragon Called Shi...He's the Only Outside World Creature that Surpasses Zeus The ThunderGod

*Huge Explosion From the Capital*What the heck It Destroyed The Whole Capital'Now what should i Do?...'Looks Like That's it!..My Mana has Run out And My Hp has Only 3% left I guess this is it'...'You Bastard you're Still Alive?Well that's to be expected you Manage to Protect yourself that's why you lost your remaining mana'...What are you Going to do now ShadowReaper?'...'I dont know maybe I should make my Power go Higher'...'We'll That's a nice idea because You knew That There's Still 49 God's Has The Same or Even Stronger than you're Power.Right?'...'Well I guess i'll use my lycan Class Ability Called"Eternal Absorption"To you And If i do that My Avatar Power Would Raise to 10 Or 12 Billion If i Absorb your Avatar And That mean's No respawning right?'...'of course there's no Way something like Revival Would work on some Dead God...if you wanted to absorb me then You should Probably do it now Because after 1 Minute's My Mana And Hp will restore to It's Maximum So I'm Grateful that i met Someone's strong Like you So Here's My Advice Never Go Challenge Bilhort The Stronger Water God I'm Sure you will not going to win againt's Him if you wanted to beat him start absorbing me now!!'....*Laugh*'As you Wish FlameGod Almac"Lycan:Eternal Absortion"

*A Weird Tentacle's Appear's And Ate Almac the FlameGod*'Thank you ShadowReaper!!'

(Msg:New 2 Class Obtained:Royal PerfectPyromancer And Evolver)

New 2 Class?Royal PerfectPyromancer looks like i Obtain from Almac And Where the heck did i Obtain this Evolver?

(Msg:Level Up 5966 - 6009 And Avatar Power Raise from 7,000,000,00 to 17,000,000,00)

My Level Raised Up?My Hero Power raise by ten*Happy*Yes Finally

'I level Up!!!!!'

'Almac:Just like That I Became disappointed Because the Outsider Creature Has Surpassed Zeus And This Idiot one'