The Wrath of The Legion And The Strongest Blood God 1


Why is this happening? , I can't see what's Happening nor feel my body.

But i can hear of someone's Scream and Cry And I can Hear A Heavy Explosion.

I wonder why is this happening?.

>5 Months Earlier<

*At the Capital*

After The Battle between the Shadow Reaper and The Second Strongest Flame God. A Very Strong Forces from The Second Strongest Flame God Has Arrived to take a revenge On The One Known ShadowReaper!.

A 5 Million Burning Swords,A 5 Million Burning Hammer And Axes And 6 Million Burning Bows. A Burning Hatred from The Legion of Almac Has Came to Cut ShadowReaper's Head.

'*Laugh*Looks Like the Insects has Arrived to take a revenge for their Insect King!!*Laughs eve More*!' ShadowReaper pridefully said but his enemies didn't know The ShadowReaper was already trembling in fear.

'Don't Be too foolish ShadowReaper We're Not just a 21 Million Legions of Lord Almac, The Strongest Blood God Has Come to Avenge his Older Brother With his 15 Million Legions!!' The Great Flame General Said.

This is bad,Looks like I got to use my Trump Card Now So It won't even become worser than this.

Meanwhile not knowing The ShadowReaper Has Summoned His 5 Companions And His Secret Legion of 51 Million of DeadSouls from The Underworld.

(Information:The ShadowReaper Was The Strongest Person Has Ever Lived In the Space.He's Also The Ruler of UnderWorld.The ShadowReaper Was Feared By The God's)

'Looks Like you Leave me No Choice you're Now Dead you Bunch of Bastards!!!

-I The Ruler of the UnderWorld , I The ShadowReaper has Command you , Come And Follow my Commands My UndeadLegions I offer you this Souls to Satisfied Your Hunger My Undead Legion!!!-

The Gate of the UnderWorld Has Opened from the Surface Where the ShadowReaper is at.The Undead Legion Has Awoken On the UnderWorld And Heed Their Master's Wish And Rise They're Weapons at their Master's Enemy And Run Straight through the Gate of the Underworld That Connects on The Surface.

-The Ruler of Twilight Dragon , The Guardian of The Space And The Ruler of Undead Dragon Getsumen,Miku And Kim Come To the Surface And Heed My Command My Servants!!-

The ShadowReaper has Summoned His Three Companions And Also Summoned Shi And Mirai from A Far Distance Location where they We're Protecting Arthur And the People of the capital.

'Now Let The Party Begin *Laugh*' Pridefully Said by The ShadowReaper.

'Well we came for Battle anyway them,Then Charge!!,Kill the ShadowReaper and His Legions!!!' The Strongest Blood God Kaijin Has Ordered his Legion and The Legion of his Older Brother.

'Master , Shall I Command the Southern Undead?!' Mirai Ask.

'Master I'll Lead the Eastern Region!' Humbly Said by Shi.

'Getsumen Will take the Western Undead Lord ShadowReaper!!' Happily Said by Getsumen.

'I'll lead the Central Undead to War With my Weapon My Lord!!' Honorably Said by Kim.

'My Dear Master I'll Lead the Strongest Region the Central and Guard you Here My Dear Master!!' Lovely Said by Miku.

'As you Wish my Legions Take their Souls And Feed them to our Hungry Legion My Dear Legions, Now Show them The Power of The UnderWorld!!!' ShadowReaper Said with an Angry Reaction.

The Honorable War has Began.The Wrath of Two Legions Has Rise Their Weapons to kill the Legions of ShadowReaper.

As Expected, The Undead Legion Has the UpperHand , The Two Legions May Have Big Numbers But Numbers will never win A War Againts a Pure Power of Their Opponent.

Meanwhile at the Location of Miku And the Central Undead Guarding ShadowReaper ,While Taking a Rest ,Not knowing the Gods And the Rebellious God's Are Watching the War.

Oh man I've Done it now,There's No turning back now. 'My Dear Master Can I Speak with you Just for a Few Minutes!' Miku Ask 'of course Miku!' ShadoeReaper Said.

Miku Was Glad to hear that And Suddenly Hugged ShadowReaper And 'Master I'm Very sorry to disappoint you!,But now I'll do my best to restrict my Power!' Miku Apologize to ShadowReaper While Crying.

In the Past While ShadowReaper was Playing the Game,Only Miku's Was the Only One he can't control Even Changing her Characteristic She Became even more Unstoppable Monster,So ShadowReaper Has Decided to never use her Again in any kind of Tournament or Dungeon Hunt.

ShadowReaper Pat Miku's Head And'Just forget about it,I'm At fault ,I've Already Noticed that You're becoming even more Unstoppable while changing your Personality but i still kept changing it so No need to apologize,Anyway i need to rest for now And Back in just 12 Hours!' ShadowReaper Said.

'Understood Master,I'll do my Best to Protect my Lovely Husband!' Miku Proudfully Said.

What the heck!!,Oh D*mn I have forgotten i Put on her Characteristic Last time that "The ShadowRanger And The Miku the Guardian of Space Are Married Couple" D*mn it Now i don't know what to do I guess I'll just take a rest now or whatever i already told her that well D*mn.

ShadowReaper is Now Regretting putting those Romantic thing on Miku's Characteristic And Background Story.As ShadowReaper Sleep His Legion has Grown Even Stronger Before,So The Strongest Blood God hasn't have any choice but to send his 14 Great Blood Generals And the 16 Great Incinerator.

As The Great Generals of Almac the Flame God and The Great 14 Generals of Kaijin the Blood God Has Entered The Battlefield.The Undead Number Growth Suddenly Lowered down As They Burn those Undead Warriors And Use their Fallen Comrade Blood to Defeat their Enemies.

As Time Goes on The 4 Companions of The Underword Shi,Mirai,Getsumen And Kim Rushes toward throught those Generals And Fight Them.

*Meanwhile At The Location of The King*

The King And The People of Capital Was Calmly Waiting till the Battle of the Two Gods Ending,Not knewing it has already ended and A War Between The Legion of Almac The Flame God And The Strongest Blood God Kaijin Has Just Started.

The Remaining Imperial Heroes Has Arrived And Ask The King a Permission to Give A Hand on ShadowReaper.And The King Has Gave them A Permission To Charge toward The Battle between The UnderWorld and The Flame God.

The Imperial Heroes Was Called 4 Because of Their Same Abilities And Same BattleSence.

The Imperial Heroes Has 4 Thunder Heroes,5 Frost Heroes,3 Flame Heroes And 2 Dark Heroes.

As the 15 Heroes Has Arrived to their Capital,The Heroes Was Shocked After Seeing The War Between the Underworld And The Two Childhood Brother God.

'Just on time we need your Help,Because rightnow My Dear Master Is on Rest Would You Heroes Help us?!'Miku Ask the Heroes if they may Help them On war.

'Of course I can't ignore The Most Beautiful women i have ever seen in my Life'

(All:of course)

'After All we owe ShadowReaper So much!'

'Ok Lads Forward!!!'

The 15 Or The 4 Imperial Heroes of the Country has Rise their Weapons to fight alongside with The Undead Legion of The ShadowReaper.

The 4 Imperial Heroes Has Finally Shown They're Abilities on War,Meanwhile Kaijin Noticed the Arrival of the 4 Imperial Heroes And Respond With his "Blood Calvaries".

Blood Calvaries Was a Spell of the HolyBlood.It Summon A Four Hundred Calvaries In Every 10 Minutes.The Spell Weakness was to Break the BloodStatue where The Blood Calvaries Come Out.

But the Thing is The Blood Statue Location was at The 45 Meters Away From Kaijin and There's Still A Huge Army Infront of it.

Not Knowing One of the Imperial Heroes has sent a message and A Request for aid To King Arthur.

The Capital Knights,Calvaries And Archers All of then Voluntered As Lancelot has Been Left behind To Guard all The Citizens.

*At the BattleField*

The Two Sides Are Conquering Each other At the Same time While The Generals And The 4 Great Companions of the Shadow Reaper was Holding they're Ground,While the Generals Are Unleashing their full power While the 4 Companions wasn't Using their Full power at all and Maintain their Powers In 0.9%.

While The Flame And Blood Dragon Has Arrived on the Battle Field And Casting Their Magical Spell.The Undead Legions We're Almost Conquered but Not Knowing the Underworld Real Power Was Still Hasn't Go Through The Battlefield.

Knowing by The 5 Guardians of The Underworld Krito,Kra,Kishi,Ket And Kratus Has Command the Twilight UndeadDragons to Join the BattleField.

While The 15 UndeadTwilight Dragons Arrival,Kaijin Felt An Enormous Aura inside the Underworld That Was About to come out After he Saw the Twilight Dragons He Suddenly Tremble And Soak in wet Because of Fear.

Knowing that The Twilight Dragons Are Considered As the Strongest Monster On The Space And They're The One Who Guards It By the Lead of their Twilight Clan Leader Miku.

The Remaining Numbers Warriors Inside the UnderWorld Was Still Uncountable And The Twilight Dragons Number Are still on the power of Ten Thousands.

And The RealBattle was Just about to start Because the Strongest General of the Blood And Flame Has Entered the Battlefield And Minimize the Numbers of the Undead on South in an Instant.

Meanwhile The Rebellious Gods Are Enjoying And Not Knowing the Gods Has the both on their eyes on the War And The Rebellious Gods.Preparing to Launch Until the Rebellious God's Entered The Battle To End the Problem Once And For All.