CH. 3 Gift

Ding [System Connect] Ding

[System Complete]

Haruka slowly opens her eyes and helps herself to stand. She looks around her, there is nothing but tree and grass. "System," said Haruka.

[Yes Host]

"Show me my Status"

[Yes Host]


Name: Haruka

Age: 21

Race: Human

Bloodline: None

Class: Geisha (Perfect), Chef(Mastery), Singer(Mastery), Musician(Mastery), Teacher(Mastery)

Cultivation: None

Skill: Cooking, Singing, Cleaning, Dancing, Sewing

Chakra: 0

Magic Power: 0

Spiritual Power: 0

Health: 100

Attack: 50

Defense: 40

Speed: 30

Intelligence: 100

Wisdom: 90

Luck: 70

Willpower: 40

Killing Intent: 30

System Shop

System points: 0

Inventory: Beginner Pack, God Gift

Haruka was not surprised to see how useless she is right now. She never had a fight before, so now in this new world, there will be killing, fighting, and war. She knew that she must be prepared. Haruka was looking at her status, but notice that there are things in her inventory.

"System, open the Beginner Pack and God Gift."

[Yes Host]

Ding [Congratulation Host] Ding

[You Received: 3500 System Points, Health Potion x 2, Life Talisman x 2, Cultivation Pill (Advance: 5 Tier) x 3, Lottery Ticket x 4]

Ding [Congratulation Host] Ding

[You Received: Immortal Body, Cultivation Technique x 4, Class Mastery, Divine Ghost Zither, God Letter]

Haruka didn't understand what God or Beginner Pack gives her. 'This is more about cultivation novel than Nurato.' thought Haruka.

"System, open God Letter"

[Yes Host]


{God Letter}

Hello, Haruka

It seems that you have arrived safely. Now, I will be telling you that I have given you four things as a gift. There are Immortal Body, Cultivation Technique, Class Mastery, and Divine Ghost Zither as a gift. You are probably thinking that you were sent to the wrong world. There an explanation about this, since you never fight before and so your body is weak. From your Status right now is useless. Five years old could beat you. I have decided that if you cultivate, this will strengthen your body. Have fun and Good luck.



After reading the letter, Haruka understands that by cultivating, it will strengthen your body. This will make her stronger.

"System, Use Lottery Ticket"

[Yes Host]

Ding [Congratulation Host] Ding

[You Received: Enchantment, 8000 System Points, Heavenly Scarlet Cultivation Pill x 1(Sacred: Middle) and a Complete Book Set Uzumaki Sealing Technique.]

Haruka was instantly excited after hearing that she got an Uzumaki Sealing Technique. She remembers that from First Hokage till Fourth Hokage, they all have an understanding in seals. Looking through her inventory, she noticed that there are two different pills.

"System what are these two pills?"

[Those are cultivation pill, they help in improving cultivation.]

Hearing System explanation, she realized that she gained nothing from listening to System.

"System tell me the difference between this two pill and the ranks of pills and cultivation."

[The first pills is a normal cultivation pill which promoted cultivator by supply Qi energy through their body. The second pills are called the Heavenly Scarlet Cultivation Pills, it is a Sacred: Middle-rank pills which will promote Host to at least Grandmaster or King Stage.

{Ranks Pill}

Normal - 1st Tier to 10th Tier

Advanced - 1st Tier to 10th Tier

Perfect - Low, Middle, High, Peak

Spirits - Low, Middle, High

Earth - Low, Middle, High

Sky - Low, Middle, High

Sacred - Low, Middle, High

Divine - Low, Middle, High

Saint - Low, Middle, High

Heaven - Low, Middle, High

Celestial - Low, Middle, High


{Cultivation Stage}

Golden Core: Start forming between Grandmaster and King Stage

Nascent Soul: Start forming between Peak Tyrant and Ancestor

Immortal Soul: Start forming in Half-Immortal

Heaven Body: Start forming in Half-Heaven

God Body and Soul: Start forming in Half-God

Mortal Cultivation Rank: (Low, Mid, High, Peak)


















Transcending Mortal Stage 1 to 10



Heavenly Saint


Immortal Rank Cultivation:

Ascending Immortal Stage 1 to 10

Earthly Immortal

Heavenly Immortal

Godly Immortal


This is all the Cultivation ranks that have been recorded.]

Haruka knew that Cultivation has many ranks, but not this much.

"System, tells me what is the use of things I have in my inventory," said Haruka try to forget about the Cultivation Rank.

[Yes Host]

[1. Immortal Body: A passive skills which protect the user against every stats condition like fear, poison, illusion, and etc.

2. Health Potion: Restore Health and Heals Injures.

3. Life Talisman: Protect, Safe, or Revive the user.

4. Cultivation Technique: There are three Cultivation Technique given. First {Dance of Life & Death}, {Seven Sound of Sin}, {Celestial Sacred Cultivating Technique} and {Heavenly Twelve Golden Sign}.

5. Class Mastery: Instant Mastery on Class that was chosen.

6. Uzumaki Sealing Technique: All Uzumaki Sealing Technique

7. Enchantment: The user is capable of enchanting things with using magic.

8. Divine Ghost Zither: This Zither is made from a thousand ghost that was fused with the Eight Divine Silver String. The user can use thousand of ghost that has fused with the Eight Divine Silver String. The user can also use it to heal or illusion. This Zither is also capable of sending attack from just playing the Zither. (Owner: Haruka)]

Haruka now knows what Overpowered mean. Everything that she had received is basically Overpowered for some weak like her. "System open the System Shop."


[Yes Host]

{System Shop}







Cultivation Technique


[System Points: 11500]


There are many categories for Haruka, but Bloodline caught her attention. "System open Bloodline," said Haruka

[Yes Host]


1. Scorch - 2000

2. Ice - 3000

3. Lava - 2000

4. Boil - 2000

5. Dust - 7000

6. Storm - 2000

7. Dark - 2000

8. Crystal - 6000

9. Uzumaki - 7000

10. Uchiha - 8000

11. Swift - 7000

12. Rinnegan - 10000

13. Mokuton - 8000

After looking through the list, Haruka decided to buy Lava, Boil, and Dust Style, leaving her with only 500 System Points. However, she uses 400 System Points to buy Chakra Control Manual (Perfect). Haruka has only 100 System Point left.

Ding [Purchase Complete] Ding

[Do you want to receive them now?]

"Yes," said Haruka, suddenly she feels warm as a light start to gather around and disappear. There was also a book on her hand.

"System, what do you think I should start Cultivation?" asked Haruka. She didn't know what should be done first.

[Yes Host]

[System suggest Host finds a place and stay. Then use the Heavenly Scarlet Pill and start Cultivated with the {Celestial Sacred Technique}. This will improve both Host strength, Spiritual Power, and Qi. This will make Host at least High Jounin or Low Kage after cultivation.]

Haruka did as what System has suggested and went to a cave. She then used the Heavenly Scarlet Pills and start Cultivating. After a few minutes Haruka felt as if she was about to explode, she could feel a huge amount of energy that rushed through her blood and body. She felt as if her blood is evaporating, her bones turning to dust, and her body crumble. Haruka follows the cultivation technique, guiding the huge amount of Qi through her body. She was losing hope and was surrounded by darkness. Suddenly she feels warm as in the darkness there is a small golden ball in front of her. Haruka was tired, but still lifted her arm and grab the ball. The ball shines and filled the darkness with bright light. Haruka feels tired and rested.