CH. 4 Hanzo Part 1



Haruka was laying down inside the cave. "Ugh." Haruka wakes up finding her body stiff. Each time she moves her muscle fill like they are going to break. "System" called Haruka.

[Yes Host]

"What happen?"

[After Cultivation, Host fainted]

"Oh. Check my Status."

[Yes Host]


Name: Haruka

Age: 21

Race: Human,

Bloodline: Ancient Magma Release, Corrosion Release, Atom Release

Class: Geisha (Mastered), Chef(Mastered), Singer(Mastered), Musician(Mastered), Teacher(Mastered)

Cultivation: King - Mid Stage

Cultivation Technique: Celestial Sacred Technique

Skill: Cooking(Mastered), Singing(Mastered), Cleaning(Mastered), Dancing(Mastered), Sewing(Mastered), Enchantment

Special Ability: Immortal Body, Class Mastery

Attributes: Fire, Lightning, Earth, Water, Wind, Yin, Yang

Chakra: 100,000 (Low Kage)

Magic Power: 100,000

Spiritual Power: 100,000

Health: 1500

Attack: 800

Defense: 780

Speed: 770

Intelligence: 1200

Wisdom: 1000

Luck: 100

Willpower: 300

Killing Intent: 500

System Shop

System points: 100

Inventory: Health Potion, Life Talisman, Divine Ghost Zither, Chakra Control Manual, Uzumaki Sealing Technique

"System what is wrong with the Bloodline?" asked Haruka as she noticed that it was not any that she purchases.

[During Cultivation Host Bloodline has evolved. Ancient Magma is evolved from Lava Release. The user can control and create lava and magma. Corrosion Release is evolved from Boil Release. The user can control and create acid, poison, or mist. The user also can change it from liquid to gas or from gas to liquid. Lastly Atom Release, Host can control atom and molecule. It is evolved from Dust Release.]

After hearing System explanation Haruka was happy since this helps her to become stronger. After remembering the other three cultivation Technique. Haruka drinks one Health Potion and went back to training. She decided to train the {Seven Sound of Sin}.

{Seven Sound of Sin} has seven categories which consisted of Greed, Pride, Sloth, Wraith, Envy, Lust, Gluttony. In each category, it also consisted of seven stages and there is a side effect. In total there is forty-nine stage to master {Seven Sound of Sin}. Haruka knew that this is going to be difficult, but she still decided to train this instead of {Heavenly Twelve Golden Sign} or {Dance of Life and Death}.

Haruka picks Gluttony to train first. The reason she chooses to train Gluttony because in each category there is a side effect. For example, Wraith side effect is that the user may have a high possibility of berserk and so her training start.

Time Skip ~ 1 months

It has been one month since Haruka reincarnated here and she was doing quite good. Haruka has master Gluttony and is now learning Lust and Envy. She found out that to cancel the side effect, one must mastered all the seven sound. Haruka has mastered Chakra Control by doing all kind of exercise, her Chakra level is at High Kage. She also discovered that there is Mission. Haruka has been doing a lot of mission from easy to hard and bought Shadow Clone Jutsu. Shadow CLone Jutsu helps Haruka a lot in her training. Haruka also now that she is somewhere near Amekagure. She is basically reincarnated in during the Second Shinobi World War.

Time Skip ~ 4 months

Haruka has mastered both Envy and Lust and has started training Greed and Sloth. She also starts training {Dance of Life and Death} and mastering her Bloodlines. Haruka also has mastered her attributes and. Haruka has also brought Summoning Magic and Bone Magic from the system. Her cultivation also has improved from Low King to High King.

During her training, Haruka was assigned by the System on one mission.

"Ding" [Mission]

[Save Yahiko from Death & Kill Hanzo]

[Mission Reward: 1 Cultivation Technique, 35000 points, and Salamander Summoning Contract]

"WHAT!" shouted Haruka. She knew how strong Hanzo is, he is called Hanzo of the Salamander. He beat all three Sanin and Mifune. Haruka starting to doubt that the System does not help her but killing her. It has only been four months and she was assigned to kill Hanzo.

After making her decision, Haruka changed into her battle kimono. She bought it from the system. The kimono was made from silver crystal spider thread, which had a high defense against Four Element. The kimono was made in white, there is also an image of a red flower that has a purple mist coming out of the flower.

It took Haruka several days to reach the battlefield and she is finally here. Haruka walked to the cliff and heard an explosion. She knew the battle has already started. Haruka runs toward the explosion and found Nagato with Kanon and Yahiko beside him. Haruka knew that Nagato was going to summon Gedō Mazō. Haruka turned and found that there is a group of Anbu preparing to fight Nagato.

"GO!" waved the Anbu Captain, then many hundred Anbu rushed toward Nagato. He was preparing to Summon Gedō Mazō, suddenly saw a woman in front of him. "Ancient Magma Style: Scorching Lava Wave!" and spits out waves of lava from her mouth in which burn and melt all the Anbu. Haruka turn and ask "Are you ok?". Nagato was confused as he never met her before but still nod his head.

Suddenly a scythe came directly to Haruka, but she was faster and dodge. "Who are you?" asked Hanzo and pulled back his scythe. "Me? I am the one who is killing you, Hanzo-chan!" shouted Haruka while glaring at Hanzo for interrupt her time with Nagato.

"Kill me? Hahaha!" Hanzo laughs echo through the battlefield and turned to Haruka and seriously says "Die." as the signal all his ninja that station around the area. Thousand of ninja rushed from every side and completely surrounded Nagato, Yahiko, Kanon, and Haruka. She knew that escaping is impossible the only way is to kill Hanzo.

Haruka looked around and saw that Nagato was hugging his two friends. She decided that their safety comes first. "Bone Magic: Bone Coffin" and Nagato, Kanon and Yahiko have suddenly been put in a coffin that was made from bone. "Knock, Knock" "Let me out!" scream Nagato and he saw Haruka walk toward him. Haruka smiled at Nagato then takes a scroll out from the storage and sealed the three coffin inside the scroll and placed it into the storage.

At the cliff

Hanzo was looking from afar and saw that his ninja is closing into her. He was quite surprised that the woman would seal Nagato and his friend inside the scroll. 'She must be an Uzumaki' thought Hanzo. He thought that the woman would be in despair as there is no way out, however, what he saw completely surprised him. 'She smile' Hanzo saw the look on Haruka face, there was no trace of fear on her face except a smile.

At the Battlefield

Haruka can finally go free as there is no distraction. "Ancient Magma Style: Melting Lava Field" and Haruka direct her power to the ground, causing the temperature in the ground to rise. All the ninja that was coming closed to her start feeling hot. They start complaining "Why is it so hot!" "Hot!" but that didn't stop them from running. Suddenly the ground starts changing into lava. "Argh! Help!" "Help!" ninjas and Anbus are trapped and start burning and the ground keeps changing into lava. Instantly thousand of ninja has completely reduced to ashes. Hanzo was shocked and look at Haruka as she made her way toward him.

"Hanzo-chan, you are so nice letting me warm up," said Haruka. Hanzo was on guard as Haruka walk toward him. Both rushed toward each other and start fighting. Hanzo naturally has more experience than Haruka, she was pushed back. Haruka knew that she could not win against Hanzo in close combat, "Corrosion Style: Acid Needle" and send green needle toward Hanzo. Hanzo saw that there was something coming toward him and dodged.

Haruka was preparing on sending another attack, but suddenly "Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Ibuse" and smoke spread everywhere. Haruka knew that her worry had appeared. The smoke clears and there was a huge salamander with Hanzo on top of it. However, she also prepares something to encounter Ibuse. "Summoning Magic: Skeleton Giant" and suddenly a huge skeleton appear as Haruka was on top of it.

Hanzo was surprised seeing such summon, "What a rare summon you got!" said Hanzo. "My name is Haruka. Remember this name as you will lose," said Haruka. Hearing what Haruka had says, Hanzo laugh. "Then let see who is the one that still stands!" shouted Hanzo.