CH. 5 Hanzo Part 2

After Haruka has summoned Giant Skeleton, Ibuse rushed in and hit it. The Giant Skeleton was pushed back, "Corrosion Style: Boiling Mist Dragon" Haruka sucked in air and blow out a huge wave of boiling hot air that forms a huge dragon. The mist dragon rushed toward Ibuse, it was so fast that both Hanzo and Ibuse was caught in it. The air was so hot that Ibuse skin starts to burn as well as Hanzo. "Arrgghhh!" Haruka knew that this moment is when Hanzo has let his guard down, she jumped down from the Giant Skeleton. "Ancient Magma Style: Great Eruption Pillar" and punch her fist down to the ground.

Ibuse and Hanzo have finally calmed down from the burn, but suddenly he saw that there is red light coming from the ground. "IBUSE RUN!" shouted Hanzo as he jumped away. Ibuse was alert, but suddenly hot lava pillar rushed from the ground and completely cover it. Hanzo looked at where the scene in front of him, there was nothing the ground even evaporated. For the first time, he was in despair.

"Oh, look who crying," said Haruka smiling. Hanzo turns to the voice and finds that Haruka was still on the Giant Skeleton. Haruka found that Hanzo was not responding, so she jumped down an walk toward him. Haruka dodged feeling killing intent and she found that her kimono was slightly cut. Haruka looks at Hanzo who now hold his scythe. "DIE!" and he jumped swing his scythe at Haruka, he was expecting her to dodged so he prepares his blade. However things didn't go as he plan, Haruka waves her hand and the Giant Skeleton move it has and hit Hanzo away.

"BOOOM" Hanzo was laying on the ground and he saw that Haruka was walking to him. He tries to move, but he couldn't. "What wrong Hanzo-chan?" smiled Haruka and knew that he couldn't move. "End me." Haruka was going to talk to him but was interrupted. She looked at the direction of the voice. "End me." said Hanzo and look at Haruka, he continues "You are the first that beat and probably the last. This fight I enjoy it.". Haruka was surprised and then she smiles. "Ancient Magma Style: Fire Secret Technique: Holy Fire Funeral". Hanzo was surrounded by white fire that comes out from the ground. The white fire combines and created huge white pillars which shoot up to the sky. Haruka respects Hanzo, so she used a huge amount of power on this. The pillar was so powerful that the other hidden village around Amekagure could feel the heat. Hidden Grass feels the heat from the pillars, while Konoha, Iwa, and Suna felt the heat a little.

At Konoha ~ Hokage Office

In front of the mirror was Hiruzen Sarutobi, he was looking at the pillar. 'Who could it be? To create such power?' thought Hiruzen. "Anbu." and suddenly three men were in front of his desk. "Yes Hokage-sama". "Find out what that pillar is, who did it and what happens," commanded Hiruzen. The Anbus nod and disappear.

At Iwakagure ~ Tsuchikage Office

Onoki was floating and staring at the pillar. 'Who is it? Hanzo? No, it not him.' Onoki was in deep thought and commanded his Anbu to find out.

At Sunakagure ~ Kazekage Office

Rasa was in thinking the same as the others Kage about the pillar. He commanded his Anbu to find out as well.

At the Battlefield

Haruka was looking at the pillar of flame. She picked up Hanzo scythe and opens her storage getting the scroll. Haruka opens the scroll and lets out one of the coffins, which is Nagato. "Unseal," said Haruka and the coffins opens. Nagato jumped out of the coffin and screamed at her, "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING YOU ARE DOING!". Haruka didn't answer but smiled at him, before throwing Hanzo scythe and say "It's over." Nagato caught the scythe and immediately know that it belongs to who. "Is it really over?" asked Nagato. "Yes" answered Haruka. Nagato was happy and looked at the source of heat he feels. "NANI!" Nagato screamed again seeing the pillar and turned to Haruka to find a Giant Skeleton. He was shocked that he leaves his mouth open wide.

Haruka laughed at his expression, "Come on let's find a place to rest. We got your friend to safety." said Haruka and jumped on the Giant Skeleton. Nagato remembers and follows Haruka. They arrive at a cave in the forest. Haruka unseals Nagato two friend from the scroll and coffin. Nagato went and hug their cold body. She walked toward Konan and Yahiko body and found that Konan was still alive. She told Nagato and give him a health potion. Nagato feeds the potion to Konan, after a minute she wakes up. "You are alive!" cried Nagato and hug Konan. "Don't cry Nagato. Where Yahiko?" asked Konan and remember that she was the reason that Yahiko dies. Both Nagato and Konan cry, Haruka was standing and looking at Yahiko body. Suddenly she remembers the Life Talisman. Haruka opens her storage and holds the Life Talisman.

Haruka walked toward Yahiko and placed a Life Talisman on him. A bright light shines out of the Life Talisman. The injuries on Yahiko start healing, Nagato and Konan was amazed and thought they are seeing a miracle. The light stop shining, but Yahiko was still not moving. Nagato and Konan knew that there is no miracle, but they just hope that a miracle would happen. Haruka was looking at Yahiko and noticed that he is moving and smile. As Nagato and Konan were in sorrow, they heard a voice "Where am I?". Both turned and saw that Yahiko was sitting and talking. "There really is a miracle!" both Nagato and Konan screamed and hugged Yahiko.

"Ding"[Mission Complete]"Ding"

[You have received: 1 Cultivation Technique, Salamander Summoning Contract, 35000 points]

Haruka smiled at the reward and was preparing to leave. "Wait! Where are you going?" asked Nagato. "Going back," answered Haruka. "Who is she?" asked Yahiko. Nagato starts telling them about how Haruka beats Hanzo and helped them. Haruka was trying to leave but was caught by Nagato as he holds her hand. Yahiko and Konan didn't believe what Nagato has said, so he told them to walk outside. Yahiko and Konan walked outside and found that there is a huge Giant Skeleton. Both were shocked and leave their mouth open wide. Nagato laughed at there expression, "You were also like that." said Haruka which caused Nagato to stop laughing.

Haruka cancels the summon and the Giant Skeleton was gone. After she cancels the summon, Haruka was preparing to leave, but now she was stopped by Konan. "Who are you?" Haruka laughed. "A normal Geisha," answered Haruka and she walked away from them. 'A normal Geisha' Nagato, Konan, and Yahiko were confused. Suddenly Nagato run to Haruka "Wait!". Haruka was getting annoyed by him. "What is it?" asked Haruka. "Teach me." Haruka was surprised, "Teach me how to be strong like you." asked Nagato. After hearing Nagato, Haruto laughs and smile at him. She looked at Nagato and his friend, "You guys are already strong." said Haruka and walked away. Leaving Nagato, Konan, and Yahiko look at each other and wanted to ask what Haruka mean, however, she was gone.