CH. 9 Konoha Part 1

Haruka was now on her way to Konoha and along to the way she learns the {Medical Emperor Techniques} and purchased Shunpo, Fishman Karate, Healing Magic and Medical Ninjutsu. It has been a week since he left the island and now she can see the high village wall, "System buy me a pure Uzukami Bloodline that is related to Mito Uzumaki and also adjusts my change to 30."

[Yes Host]


[Host has purchased an Uzumaki Bloodline]

After hearing the system voice, Haruka hair starts changing from black to scarlet red. Her Chakra also increase tremendously, from 75,000,000 to 90,000,000. Haruka also discovered that she has a Chakra Chain. She continued walking toward the gate until she meets two ninjas which stop her.

"Stop," said a ninja and he walked toward Haruka. "Can we see your identification?". Haruka smiled at them and Shunpo away into the village. The ninjas were surprised "Quick! Go and tell Hokage!" shouted another ninja. Since she has come to Konoha she shunpo to Ichiraku Ramen and used Space Magic. She entered the space to change her clothing. She was now wearing a Blue Kimono with rain pattern and a fan with the pattern of a flower.

She entered the shop and sit on the empty seat. "Boss one pork ramen with no garlic," said Haruka which caught everyone attention because of her beauty. She has a delicate face, beautiful green eye, red lips, and pure white snow skin. Teuchi prepared and served the ramen to Haruka. "Thank you," said Haruka and smiled at Teuchi, which caused him to blush. Her voice was clear and soft, but there is power in it. Haruka starts eating and she knew that many were watching her. She slowly tastes the ramen and it was delicious. Haruka now knows why Minato, Kushina, and Naruto came to this shop. As she was eating other customer and Teuchi was watching her action, it was beautiful. However, everything was interrupted with a loud shout.

"Old man I want two pork ramen." shouted a young red hair woman and follow by a yellow-blond spiky hair man. This caused Teuchi to continued cooking and served the ramen to the red-haired woman and yellow hair man and went back to look at Haruka. After a few minutes, the red-haired woman was slightly annoyed as everyone attention was on Haruka even her friend. She decided and went forward "Hello, My name is Kushina Uzumaki." said the red hair woman. "Hello, My name is Haruka Uzumaki," said Haruka and smiled at Kushina.

Kushina was shocked as she heard the woman introduced herself, everyone in the shop was also surprised. "Are you really an Uzumaki?" asked Kushina as her voice shake. "Yes" answered Haruka and was hugged by Kushina immediately. As soon as Kushina hugged Haruka, she starts crying, Haruka decided to hug her back.

Kushina has finally calmed down and they left Ichikaru, she starts asking Haruka about everything in Uzukagure. Haruka answered the question that Kushina asked. "So, Haruka onee-chan. What are you doing after this?" Kushina looked at Haruka as they both are sitting inside a dango shop. "Well, I might travel around the elemental nation and visit the different village," answered Haruka and sipped the tea. After getting the answer from Haruka, Kushina frowned and pouted. "What's wrong?" Haruka looked at Kushina. "Haruka onee-chan, can you stay in Konoha with me, please. I don't want to be alone," said Kushina and hugged Haruka. Minato frowned after hearing that Kushina was going to be alone. Haruka caught sight of Minato reaction.

"Who said you are alone. You still got your boyfriend," said Haruka and pointed at Minato. Kushina and Minato blushed and look away. "Onee-chan!" Kushina was blushing hard. Everyone in the shop and Haruka was laughing. Minato decided to change the topic, "Kushina it is time for our training." said Minato. Kushina looks at the time, "Oh it is, onee-chan let's go." said Kushina. "Go where? I haven't finished my tea" asked Haruka but was dragged away by Kushina.

Kushina dragged Haruka to Third Training Ground. Kushina and Minato start training by fighting each other. Haruka was watching and eating her dango. After a minute both Kushina and Minato took a rest, suddenly Minato throws his kunai into the tree. "Ouch!" shouted a man. "What did you do that for, Minato!" shouted the white-haired man. "Jiraiya-sensei please next time don't try to sneak up," said Minato and Kushina laughed. Jiraiya walked toward Minato and Kushina and hit them in the head. Haruka smile at what the three are doing.

Kushina was anger at Jiraya and looked at Haruka. "Onee-chan, that pervert old man hit me!" said Kushina and went to Haruka. "Onee-chan you must help me," said Kushina and Minato nodded. Jiraiya was annoyed at Kushina and Minato, "Let's us fight then, I won't lose to you!" said Jiraiya. Instantly he jumped back and get into his fighting stance. Haruka knew that there is no way out, so she agrees.

"Are you ready?" asked Jiraiya. Hayka didn't answer, "Corrosion Style: Hidden Mist" and breath out a thick mist that cover the entire field. 'This is Kiri Jutsu!' thought Jiraiya. "Wind Style: Great Through" and Jiraya blew the mist away. Haruka knew that Jiraiya was going to blow away her mist. Using the moment that the mist is being blown away she kicked in the rib Jiraya which send him to crush into the tree.

"Ouch!" shouted Jiraya as he gets up from the ground. "You are stronger than I thought. Let's get serious!" said Jiraiya. "Hair Needle Senbon" Jiraya hair starts to grow and send out needles of white hair toward Haruka. "Corrosion Style: Acid Mist Wall" and Haruka breath out a layered of acid mist that forms a wall around her and melts the hair needle. Without waiting for Jiraya to use another jutsu, Haruka rushed in and used "Corrosion Style: Boiling Bullet" and Haruka spits out huge boiling bullet toward Jiraya, which hit him. "Argh!" screamed Jiraya as his skin burns. Haruka using this moment "Hyakumaigawara Seiken" and punched Jiraya directly and again send him crashing down many trees.

Kushina and Minato were shocked at Haruka strength. Jiraiya was laying on the ground, 'She is so strong! I have to use that!' thought Jiraya and stands up. He bit his thumb and slam it on the ground " Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Gamabunta!" and smoke spread everywhere. Minato knew what his sensei was doing and take Kushina away to safety. "So you finally decided to summon Gamabunta." smile Haruka. "Let's have a little reunion!" and she slammed her hand down the ground. "Ibuse!" and smoke spread as well.

At Hokage Tower, Hiruzen was facing the toughest enemy of a Kage, paperwork. He was tired as this was all he been doing for a week and there is also a matter of a woman who sneaks into the village. Hiruzen turned to the window and frowned again. He saw a huge toad figure in the smoke. 'What is Jiraya doing!' though Hiruzen. However, he noticed that it was not only a figure of a toad but it was also a something else. "ANBU!" shouted Hiruzen and four masked ninjas appear. "Let's go!" Hiruzen and the four Anbu disappear.

At Jiraya Side

Jiraiya was now on top of Gamabunta, "Jiraya why did you call me?" asked Gamabunta. "Boss there is someone very strong for you to fight!" said Jiraya thinking about how Haruka would lose. "Yeah I think it is a tough opponent," said Gamabunta. Jiraiya was surprised and noticed that there was a huge smoke in front. 'What she also has a summon!' Jiraiya is now in a bad mood. Slowly the winds blow the smoke away, then Jiraya tremble. "Ibuse!" shouted Jiraya as he remembers clearly about the fight between him and Hanzo.

At Haruka Side

"Haruka, why did you call me!" asked Ibuse as he was resting. "Ibuse, I just want you to meet an old friend," said Haruka and pointed at Jiraiya and Gamabunta. Ibuse looks at the direction that Haruka has pointed and see Jiraiya, "Yes a good reunion." said Ibuse.

Haruka and Ibuse were having a conversation but was interrupted. "YOU! HOW DID YOU HAVE A SALAMANDER SUMMON!" shouted Jiraya. "If you win, then I will tell," said Haruka. "Gamabunta deal with Ibuse as I will deal with her," said Jiraiya and summon the two great sage toad, Shima, and Fukasaku. "What is it Jiraya?" asked Shima and hit him in the head. Jiraiya explained to the two great sage toad and they agree to help him.

Haruka was watching Jiraya entering Sage Mode. "System buy me a poison upgrade pill x10 and water sage mode."


[Host has purchased Water Sage Mode (Stage 1) and Poison upgrade pill x10]

[System point left: 1,624,000]

"Ibuse open your mouth," said Haruka and throw in 10 poison upgrade pill. After a few minutes, Ibuse strength and poison increased. Haruka noticed that Jiraya has entered Sage Mode. Jiraiya looked at Haruka, "You will lose.", Haruka looked at Jiraiya and smile, she releases half of all her chakra. Instantly Jiraya and the two sage toad flinched. "No, you will lose!" said Haruka.