CH. 10 Konoha Part 2

Hiruzen and the Anbu are traveling their way through the forest. Suddenly an intense massive wave of Chakra spread around the forest. Hiruzen and the Anbu flinched. 'Strong!' there was only one word to describe. They speed up and try to reach Jiraiya as fast as they can.

Jiraiya, Fukasaku, and Shima stare at Haruka intensely as her body was covered with thick layered of chakra. "Strong!" said Fuksaku and Shima nod. Jiraiya stares at Haruka as she keeps smiling and suddenly disappears. "Jiraiya-boy be careful!" shouted Shima, but it was too late. Haruka has appeared in front of Jiraiya. "Fish-man Karate: Hyakumaigawara Seiken" and punched Jiraiya into the stomach which sends him crushed into the tree along with Shima and Fukasaku on his shoulder. "Corrosion Style: Burning Water Serpent" and Haruka shoot out a huge Water Serpent with the body of hot water toward Jiraiya. "Earth Release: Earth-Style Wall" and a huge wall of rock come out from the ground and protect Jiraiya from the host boiling Serpent. However, the Serpent was too strong and break the wall and burns Jiraiya. "Argh!" screamed Jiraiya.

He stands up as his body has been burned. "Fukasaku-san! Shima-san!" shouted Jiraiya and he holds his hand together. "Toad Oil Bullet!" and Jiraiya spits out oil from his mouth. "Fire Release: Flame Bullet" Shima shoot out a stream of fire and "Wind Release: Great Breakthrough" Fukasaku shoot out a huge stream of wind that combines with Shima fire release and Jiraiya oil. The attack combines creating a huge strong fire stream toward Haruka. "Water Style: Great Waterfall Technique" and Haruka release a large volume of water with strong and fast movement like a vortex. Two strong techniques clashed against each other, causing a huge explosion which sends both sides back.

Jiraiya was standing away from the huge hole created by the clashed of both attacks. "Jiraiya! Move!" and he looks up and saw Gamabunta was falling down on him. Jiraiya dodged, "What are you doing?" asked Jiraiya. Gamabunta pointed at Ibuse. "That guy is so strong," said Gamabunta clearly tired from the fight.

Haruka was looking at Jiraiya as he shouted at Gamabunta, while Shima and Fukasaku were trying to calm the two down. "System gets a strong weapon," said Haruka.

"Ding"[There are many weapon Host could use.]

[System recommend five weapons]

[1. Spear of Ten Commandments from Ezra Knightwalker - 100,000 (Mastered)]

[2. Ichizan Hissatsu: Murasame from Akane - 100,000 (Mastered)]

[3. Fan of Endless Night - 100,000 (Mastered)]

[4. Scarlet Thorn - 100,000 (Mastered)]

[5. Silver Moon Scythe - 100,000 (Mastered)]

Haruka looks at the weapon and decide. "System buy all five weapons, three types of Haki and Requip Magic with Mastered, and upgrade my Water Sage Mode into Stage 2.," said Haruka


[Host has purchased all five weapons, Three types of Haki (Mastered), Requip Magic (Mastered), and upgraded Water Sage Mode to Stage.]

[System points left: 857,000]

"Haruka, they are coming," said Ibuse. "Who?" "Those Anbu and the Hokage," answered Ibuse looking at the forest. Haruka used Observation Haki and saw that five ninjas are rushing there way through the forest. "Hahahaha! laughed Haruka which caught Jiraiya attention. "What are you laughing about?" said Jiraiya angrily. "Well, I don't think that one of the sannin would be trying to delayed to wait for back-up," said Haruka and smiled at Jiraiya who was shocked. "Anyway let's continue our fun!" said Haruka and jumped on to Ibuse. "Corrosion Style: Secret Techniques - Acid Hail of Death!" shouted Haruka. Mist starts to spread and rain of melting acid start pouring down. Jiraiya, Shima, Fukasaku, and Gamabunta start running around as the rain of melting acid change into a sharp hail and turned back into hot acid. The ground and trees start melting. "Earth Release: Earth Dome" and suddenly a huge dome covered Gamabunta, Fukasaku, Shima, and Jiraiya. However, the earth dome also starts to melt.

Haruka was now watching with Ibuse, "Ibuse use your poison gas." said Haruka. Ibuse release a huge poison mist from its mouth. The surrounding tree starts to wither and suddenly "Fire Release: Fire Dragon Flame Bullet". A huge Dragon Flame Bullet was sent toward Haruk and Abuse. "Dodge!" and both Ibuse and Haruka jumped away causing the jutsu to cancel. A man in his fifty came in front of Haruka with a bo-staff.

"Hiruzen" whispered Haruka as the man in front of her is known as God of Shinobi. "To be able to cancel my jutsu, the title of God of Shinobi really fits you, Hiruzen Sarutobi," said Haruka smiling at him. "Who are you?" asked Hiruzen as he releases his killing intent. "Oh, such a strong intent, but not enough." and Haruka also releases her killing intent which was much stronger than Hiruzen. Both Haruka and Hiruzen stared at each other. The atmosphere was very intense.

"Onee-chan!" shouted Kushina as she runs to Haruka. "Oh, old man you are here." looking at Hiruzen. "Kushina get away from that woman! She is dangerous!" shouted Hiruzen as he saw Kushina was hugging Haruka. "What are you saying, old man! She is my onee-chan!" shouted Kushina as she stares angrily at Hiruzen. Suddenly the fight between Kushina and Hiruzen begins as they start shouting at each other. "Hahahahaha!" Haruka laugh. "What are you laughing about!" shouted both Kushina and Hiruzen. "Kushina-chan let's stop fighting now," said Haruka which calmed Kushina down, but she still pouted. "Hello, Sarutobi-san, my name is Haruka Uzumaki. Niece of Mito Uzumaki," said Haruka as the information surprised the whole area. Jiraiya, the toads, Anbus, Hiruzen, Minato, and Kushina was shocked and scream "MITO-SAMA'S NIECE!". "Yes, My name is Haruka Uzumaki the niece of Mito Uzumaki and an aunt of Kushina," said Haruka and smile.

At the Hokage office, there was Fukasaku, Jiraiya, Hiruzen, Minato, Kushina and Haruka. "What proof do you have that you are Mito-sama niece?" asked Hiruzen. Haruka opens her scroll and took out another scroll that was label as Uzumaki Family Tree. She dripped a bit of her blood and the scroll open. She gives it to Hiruzen. Hiruzen starts looking at the scroll and realizes that it is really true, Haruka was Mito little sister daughter. Hiruzen gives the scroll back to Haruka and she stored it back into the seal. "Haruka-san I have a question?" asked Jiraiya. "If you are really Mito-sama niece, then you are Tsunade aunt right?". "Yes," said Haruka. "Why do you look younger than me? What is your real age?" asked Jiraiya and he was punched into the wall. "NEVER ASK A WOMAN AGE!" said Haruka and smile as she releases a huge amount of killing intent that even Hiruzen was scared. They immediately dropped the age topic. "So what are you doing here in Konoha?" asked Hiruzen trying to change the topic. "Oh, I am here to visit my niece, Kushina and Tsunade," said Haruka. "Is there something wrong?" asked Haruka. "No. I just wanted to know," answered Hiruzen. After an hour of talking Hiruzen and Haruka become a friend as they are at the same age, except that Haruka looks young. The two becomes friend quickly, Hiruzen even invited Haruka to have dinner with them at his house. However Haruka wanted to rest, so Hiruzen arranges someone to take her to Uzumaki House. Haruka went to the Uzumaki House and went to her room to rest.