CH. 12 Madara Part 2

"Madara" Haruka was looking at a very old man, his hair was white. "What do you want, Madara?" asked Haruka as she moves back. "Hahahaha" laughed Madara and look at Haruka. He releases all of his killing intent. The wall starts to crack and the ground shake. However, Haruka was standing still, "So you want to dance, huh?". Haruka releases the same amount of killing intent toward him. Black and White Zetsu start to kneel down due to the pressure.

"HAHAHAHA!" laughed Madara and retracted his killing intent. Haruka also retracted her killing intent. "I want you to join me," said Madara looking seriously at Haruka. "Join me to create a new world." "A peaceful world," said Madara and clenched his fist. Haruka knows about the Madara plan as well as Zetsu plan.


[Join Madara plan and save Rin.]

[Reward: Ghost Gathering Flag, 100,000 points]


[Prevent Zetsu from Reviving Kaguya]

[Reward: 2 Cultivation Technique, Demon Creation and Magic, Hundred Demon Parade Scroll, Ghost Emperor, 1,000,000 points]

'System what is Ghost Emperor?'

[Ghost Emperor is a ghost which has a store or cultivated into an emperor cultivation stage. Ghost Emperor can be used to help Host fight. Ghost Emperor also can evolve into Ancient Ghost.]

"So, Haruka what do you think?" asked Madara looking at Haruka. "What do I get in return?" asked Haruka. "Hahahaha!" Madara laughs again and signals Zetsu. After a few minute Zetsu came back with a box. Haruka opens the box and found all Jutsu, Technique, Methods, and Information about Uchiha. "Are you serious Madara?" Haruka closes the box. 'System scan if the information in the box is real.'

[Yes Host]

[It is real, Host]

Madara nod, "I want you to help me look over a boy. He will be my next successor and the one who will continue this plan." said Madara. "Join us, Haruka." Madara reached out his hand. "Fine, I will join you." sighed Haruka and reach and shake Madara's hand. "Good, then your first mission is to protect that Obito, just doesn't let him die," said Madara. "Of course," said Haruka and walked out with Black Zetsu.

Haruka was walking with Black Zetsu and reached the outside. "I know you want to revive Kaguya," whispered Haruka and Shunpo away leaving Black Zetsu shocked. 'How did she know!?' thought Black Zetsu and walk back inside.

Haruka went back to the Uzumaki Mansion. She entered and saw that Hiruzen and Jiraiya were waiting for her. "What are you doing here?" asked Haruka as she walks toward them. "You are back." Jiraiya look at Hiruzen and nod. "Haruka, we want to know how did you have Salamander Summon," said Hiruzen. Haruka starts telling them about how she defeat Hanzo and obtain the summoning scroll. However, she leaves out about Nagato and her bloodline. "Oh, Jiraiya do you where Tsunade is?" asked Haruka. "She has left the village about a month already," said Jiraiya. They chatted for about an hour before Jiraiya and Hiruzen leave.

Haruka used her Observation Haki and scan around her, finding of three to four Anbu was station around her house. "Mei," said Haruka and suddenly a woman appears from the shadow. "Go out and find Sakumo ash and take it back to the island, do not get caught," said Haruka as she was sipping her tea. "Yes, Master." and she suddenly disappears into the shadow. "Shadow Clone Jutsu" and her clone appeared. "Stay here and do the daily work," said Haruka to her clone. She then uses "Space Magic: Gate" and entered the portal. She arrived at her basement on the island. Haruka headed to her desk and took out her first demon scroll. "Come out" and the word in the scroll start to move. Suddenly the word starts to burn and disappear as twenty fireballs appear. "Go out and find information about Tsunade." and the fireball flies out of the island. "Master it is time," said Ishida Eizan. Haruka nod and follow him from the basement to the top.

There was a huge altar with five pillars and on each pillar, there is a Lich. Haruka walks on to the altar and sits in the middle. Ibuse came to the altar with the corpse of samurai and ninja, there is also Hunter-nin and Bandits that was tied. He lays them around each pillar with Ishida help. Haruka looks up and saw that the full moon has risen up to the sky. The moonlight shines brightly at her and the altar. "Begin" commanded Haruka, she took the cultivation pill and start to cultivate. Five Lich start to use their magic and chant. Slowly blood from the corpse starts to flows along with the pattern on the stone altar and turning the altar completely red. The blood flows around Haruka and starts to surround her. Haruka could feel the yin energy entering her.

Hunter-nin and bandits that was tied with a rope start to struggle as they see the scene in front of them. As they were struggling, yang energy starts to flows out causing them to be tired. The hunter-nin and bandits slowly fall to the ground and they start to feel heavy and tired. Haruka guides the yin energy around her body, she then senses the yang energy was coming to her. Haruka accepted the yin and Yang energy as it follows through her body. She could feel that her golden core and nascent soul was absorbing the energy. Her body was also absorbing the energy. Her hair grows longer, her beauty was enhanced, her bone, blood, and muscle strengthened.

Haruka was now covered in a red cocoon with black script around it. Suddenly dark aura covered the cocoon and the dark aura starts spreading across the islands and to the elemental nation. Ishida was touched by the energy and his body start to strengthen, even the Lich strength increase. Ibuse poison and strength increase. The dark energy that was spread to the elemental nation was weak, but it causes an effect on the hidden villages. Normal people start to feel afraid at the dark aura, while the ninja shiver at the sudden burst of energy.

The scarlet cocoon with black script starts to breaks. White aura starts to flow out of the cocoon and spread into the air. Haruka slowly walks out and stand under the moonlight as her scarlet hair and her nine golden tail was flowing as the wind blow toward her. "Master" Ishida walk toward Haruka. "Requip" and her body glows and she was now wearing a dark blue kimono with silver moon and golden field pattern.

"System Status"




Lady of the Night - All stat buff x5 at night,

Spirit Guide - Ghost, spirit, and soul are friendly

Name: Haruka

Age: 21

Race: Human, Fox Demon, Vampire

Bloodline: Ancient Magma Release, Corrosion Release, Atom Release, Heavenly Golden Demon Fox, Ancestral Pure Vampire Queen, Uzumaki Clan

Class: Geisha (Mastered), Chef (Mastered), Singer (Mastered), Musician (Mastered), Teacher (Mastered), Necromancer (Mastered), Master of Death (Mastered), Master Enchanter (Mastered), Sorcerer (Mastered), Seal Master (Mastered), Sword Saint (Mastered)

Cultivation: Sacred - Mid Stage

Cultivation Technique: Celestial Sacred Technique, Seven Sound of Sin (7/7), Dance of Life and Death, Thirteen Wicked Poisonous Hand, Demonic Art: Death Manipulation, Medical Emperor Technique,

Skill: Cooking (Mastered), Singing (Mastered), Cleaning (Mastered), Dancing (Mastered), Sewing (Mastered), Enchantment (Mastered), Sealing (Mastered), Ghost Magic (Mastered), Soul Magic (Mastered), Bone Magic (Mastered), Spirit Magic (Mastered), Dark Magic (Mastered), Black Art(Beginner), Death Magic (Mastered), Shadow Magic (Mastered), Summoning Magic (Mastered), Death Aura, Fear Manipulation, Death Command, Death Wisdom, Yin-Yang Eyes, Nightmare, Undead Control, Undead Creation, Rite of Darkness, Curse Creation, Space Magic (Mastered), Puppet Art(Mastered), Poison Magic (Mastered), Life Magic (Mastered), Sword Magic (Mastered), Swordsmanship (Mastered), Sword Qi (Mastered), Blood Magic, Ice Magic, Time Magic (Mastered), Holy Magic (Mastered), Requip Magic (Mastered), Gravity Magic (Mastered), Shunpo, Fishman Karate, Healing Magic, Medical Ninjutsu, Divination

Special Ability: Immortal Body, Class Mastery, God of Death Blessing, Goddess of Life Blessing,

Demon Fox Form: First Form - Hanyou Kitsune, Second Form - Kyuubi, Haki (Mastered), Water Sage Mode (Stage 2), Will of Sword, Sword Intent (Mastered), Perfect Resurrection

Attributes: Fire, Lightning, Earth, Water, Wind, Yin, Yang, Yin-Yang

Chakra: 105,00,000

Magic Power: 95,000,000

Spiritual Power: 95,000,000

Health: 39,543,930

Attack: 52,965,108

Defense: 42,783,035

Speed: 41,348,842

Intelligence: 75,000,000

Wisdom: 90,000,000

Luck: 500 (Max)

Willpower: 85,000,00

Killing Intent: 90,000,000


Lich - Eric (Fire), Wave (Water), Jake (Earth), John (Lightning), Elisa (Wind)

Elder Lich - Kaito (Ice), Drake (Lava), Flare (Uchiha)

Flying Shark x30

Demonic Fox and Holy Fox

Mei Chitose - ghoul

Ishida Eizan - Demon Swordmaster

System Shop

System points: 22,000

Inventory: Health Potion, Life Talisman, Divine Ghost Zither, Chakra Control Manual, Uzumaki Sealing Technique, Complete Demonic Art Set, Secret Fox Technique Scroll, Spear of Ten Commandment, Scarlet Thorn, Ichizan Hissatsu: Murasame, Fan of Endless Night, Silver Moon Scythe, Fox Summoning Scroll

Haruka smiles at her status and walks down from the altar with Ishida, five Lich, and Ibuse to the house to rest.